-// #[cfg(test)]
-// mod tests {
-// use crate::{
-// aggregates::community_aggregates::CommunityAggregates,
-// comment::{Comment, CommentForm},
-// community::{Community, CommunityFollower, CommunityFollowerForm, CommunityForm},
-// post::{Post, PostForm},
-// tests::establish_unpooled_connection,
-// user::{UserForm, User_},
-// Crud,
-// Followable,
-// ListingType,
-// SortType,
-// };
-// #[test]
-// fn test_crud() {
-// let conn = establish_unpooled_connection();
-// let new_user = UserForm {
-// name: "thommy_community_agg".into(),
-// preferred_username: None,
-// password_encrypted: "nope".into(),
-// email: None,
-// matrix_user_id: None,
-// avatar: None,
-// banner: None,
-// admin: false,
-// banned: Some(false),
-// published: None,
-// updated: None,
-// show_nsfw: false,
-// theme: "browser".into(),
-// default_sort_type: SortType::Hot as i16,
-// default_listing_type: ListingType::Subscribed as i16,
-// lang: "browser".into(),
-// show_avatars: true,
-// send_notifications_to_email: false,
-// actor_id: None,
-// bio: None,
-// local: true,
-// private_key: None,
-// public_key: None,
-// last_refreshed_at: None,
-// };
-// let inserted_user = User_::create(&conn, &new_user).unwrap();
-// let another_user = UserForm {
-// name: "jerry_community_agg".into(),
-// preferred_username: None,
-// password_encrypted: "nope".into(),
-// email: None,
-// matrix_user_id: None,
-// avatar: None,
-// banner: None,
-// admin: false,
-// banned: Some(false),
-// published: None,
-// updated: None,
-// show_nsfw: false,
-// theme: "browser".into(),
-// default_sort_type: SortType::Hot as i16,
-// default_listing_type: ListingType::Subscribed as i16,
-// lang: "browser".into(),
-// show_avatars: true,
-// send_notifications_to_email: false,
-// actor_id: None,
-// bio: None,
-// local: true,
-// private_key: None,
-// public_key: None,
-// last_refreshed_at: None,
-// };
-// let another_inserted_user = User_::create(&conn, &another_user).unwrap();
-// let new_community = CommunityForm {
-// name: "TIL_community_agg".into(),
-// creator_id: inserted_user.id,
-// title: "nada".to_owned(),
-// description: None,
-// category_id: 1,
-// nsfw: false,
-// removed: None,
-// deleted: None,
-// updated: None,
-// actor_id: None,
-// local: true,
-// private_key: None,
-// public_key: None,
-// last_refreshed_at: None,
-// published: None,
-// icon: None,
-// banner: None,
-// };
-// let inserted_community = Community::create(&conn, &new_community).unwrap();
-// let another_community = CommunityForm {
-// name: "TIL_community_agg_2".into(),
-// creator_id: inserted_user.id,
-// title: "nada".to_owned(),
-// description: None,
-// category_id: 1,
-// nsfw: false,
-// removed: None,
-// deleted: None,
-// updated: None,
-// actor_id: None,
-// local: true,
-// private_key: None,
-// public_key: None,
-// last_refreshed_at: None,
-// published: None,
-// icon: None,
-// banner: None,
-// };
-// let another_inserted_community = Community::create(&conn, &another_community).unwrap();
-// let first_user_follow = CommunityFollowerForm {
-// community_id: inserted_community.id,
-// user_id: inserted_user.id,
-// pending: false,
-// };
-// CommunityFollower::follow(&conn, &first_user_follow).unwrap();
-// let second_user_follow = CommunityFollowerForm {
-// community_id: inserted_community.id,
-// user_id: another_inserted_user.id,
-// pending: false,
-// };
-// CommunityFollower::follow(&conn, &second_user_follow).unwrap();
-// let another_community_follow = CommunityFollowerForm {
-// community_id: another_inserted_community.id,
-// user_id: inserted_user.id,
-// pending: false,
-// };
-// CommunityFollower::follow(&conn, &another_community_follow).unwrap();
-// let new_post = PostForm {
-// name: "A test post".into(),
-// url: None,
-// body: None,
-// creator_id: inserted_user.id,
-// community_id: inserted_community.id,
-// removed: None,
-// deleted: None,
-// locked: None,
-// stickied: None,
-// nsfw: false,
-// updated: None,
-// embed_title: None,
-// embed_description: None,
-// embed_html: None,
-// thumbnail_url: None,
-// ap_id: None,
-// local: true,
-// published: None,
-// };
-// let inserted_post = Post::create(&conn, &new_post).unwrap();
-// let comment_form = CommentForm {
-// content: "A test comment".into(),
-// creator_id: inserted_user.id,
-// post_id: inserted_post.id,
-// removed: None,
-// deleted: None,
-// read: None,
-// parent_id: None,
-// published: None,
-// updated: None,
-// ap_id: None,
-// local: true,
-// };
-// let inserted_comment = Comment::create(&conn, &comment_form).unwrap();
-// let child_comment_form = CommentForm {
-// content: "A test comment".into(),
-// creator_id: inserted_user.id,
-// post_id: inserted_post.id,
-// removed: None,
-// deleted: None,
-// read: None,
-// parent_id: Some(inserted_comment.id),
-// published: None,
-// updated: None,
-// ap_id: None,
-// local: true,
-// };
-// let _inserted_child_comment = Comment::create(&conn, &child_comment_form).unwrap();
-// let community_aggregates_before_delete =
-// CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_community.id).unwrap();
-// assert_eq!(2, community_aggregates_before_delete.subscribers);
-// assert_eq!(1, community_aggregates_before_delete.posts);
-// assert_eq!(2, community_aggregates_before_delete.comments);
-// // Test the other community
-// let another_community_aggs =
-// CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, another_inserted_community.id).unwrap();
-// assert_eq!(1, another_community_aggs.subscribers);
-// assert_eq!(0, another_community_aggs.posts);
-// assert_eq!(0, another_community_aggs.comments);
-// // Unfollow test
-// CommunityFollower::unfollow(&conn, &second_user_follow).unwrap();
-// let after_unfollow = CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_community.id).unwrap();
-// assert_eq!(1, after_unfollow.subscribers);
-// // Follow again just for the later tests
-// CommunityFollower::follow(&conn, &second_user_follow).unwrap();
-// let after_follow_again = CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_community.id).unwrap();
-// assert_eq!(2, after_follow_again.subscribers);
-// // Remove a parent comment (the comment count should also be 0)
-// Post::delete(&conn, inserted_post.id).unwrap();
-// let after_parent_post_delete = CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_community.id).unwrap();
-// assert_eq!(0, after_parent_post_delete.comments);
-// assert_eq!(0, after_parent_post_delete.posts);
-// // Remove the 2nd user
-// User_::delete(&conn, another_inserted_user.id).unwrap();
-// let after_user_delete = CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_community.id).unwrap();
-// assert_eq!(1, after_user_delete.subscribers);
-// // This should delete all the associated rows, and fire triggers
-// let user_num_deleted = User_::delete(&conn, inserted_user.id).unwrap();
-// assert_eq!(1, user_num_deleted);
-// // Should be none found, since the creator was deleted
-// let after_delete = CommunityAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_community.id);
-// assert!(after_delete.is_err());
-// }
-// }
+mod tests {
+ use crate::{
+ aggregates::post_aggregates::PostAggregates,
+ comment::{Comment, CommentForm},
+ community::{Community, CommunityForm},
+ post::{Post, PostForm, PostLike, PostLikeForm},
+ tests::establish_unpooled_connection,
+ user::{UserForm, User_},
+ Crud,
+ Likeable,
+ ListingType,
+ SortType,
+ };
+ #[test]
+ fn test_crud() {
+ let conn = establish_unpooled_connection();
+ let new_user = UserForm {
+ name: "thommy_community_agg".into(),
+ preferred_username: None,
+ password_encrypted: "nope".into(),
+ email: None,
+ matrix_user_id: None,
+ avatar: None,
+ banner: None,
+ admin: false,
+ banned: Some(false),
+ published: None,
+ updated: None,
+ show_nsfw: false,
+ theme: "browser".into(),
+ default_sort_type: SortType::Hot as i16,
+ default_listing_type: ListingType::Subscribed as i16,
+ lang: "browser".into(),
+ show_avatars: true,
+ send_notifications_to_email: false,
+ actor_id: None,
+ bio: None,
+ local: true,
+ private_key: None,
+ public_key: None,
+ last_refreshed_at: None,
+ };
+ let inserted_user = User_::create(&conn, &new_user).unwrap();
+ let another_user = UserForm {
+ name: "jerry_community_agg".into(),
+ preferred_username: None,
+ password_encrypted: "nope".into(),
+ email: None,
+ matrix_user_id: None,
+ avatar: None,
+ banner: None,
+ admin: false,
+ banned: Some(false),
+ published: None,
+ updated: None,
+ show_nsfw: false,
+ theme: "browser".into(),
+ default_sort_type: SortType::Hot as i16,
+ default_listing_type: ListingType::Subscribed as i16,
+ lang: "browser".into(),
+ show_avatars: true,
+ send_notifications_to_email: false,
+ actor_id: None,
+ bio: None,
+ local: true,
+ private_key: None,
+ public_key: None,
+ last_refreshed_at: None,
+ };
+ let another_inserted_user = User_::create(&conn, &another_user).unwrap();
+ let new_community = CommunityForm {
+ name: "TIL_community_agg".into(),
+ creator_id: inserted_user.id,
+ title: "nada".to_owned(),
+ description: None,
+ category_id: 1,
+ nsfw: false,
+ removed: None,
+ deleted: None,
+ updated: None,
+ actor_id: None,
+ local: true,
+ private_key: None,
+ public_key: None,
+ last_refreshed_at: None,
+ published: None,
+ icon: None,
+ banner: None,
+ };
+ let inserted_community = Community::create(&conn, &new_community).unwrap();
+ let new_post = PostForm {
+ name: "A test post".into(),
+ url: None,
+ body: None,
+ creator_id: inserted_user.id,
+ community_id: inserted_community.id,
+ removed: None,
+ deleted: None,
+ locked: None,
+ stickied: None,
+ nsfw: false,
+ updated: None,
+ embed_title: None,
+ embed_description: None,
+ embed_html: None,
+ thumbnail_url: None,
+ ap_id: None,
+ local: true,
+ published: None,
+ };
+ let inserted_post = Post::create(&conn, &new_post).unwrap();
+ let comment_form = CommentForm {
+ content: "A test comment".into(),
+ creator_id: inserted_user.id,
+ post_id: inserted_post.id,
+ removed: None,
+ deleted: None,
+ read: None,
+ parent_id: None,
+ published: None,
+ updated: None,
+ ap_id: None,
+ local: true,
+ };
+ let inserted_comment = Comment::create(&conn, &comment_form).unwrap();
+ let child_comment_form = CommentForm {
+ content: "A test comment".into(),
+ creator_id: inserted_user.id,
+ post_id: inserted_post.id,
+ removed: None,
+ deleted: None,
+ read: None,
+ parent_id: Some(inserted_comment.id),
+ published: None,
+ updated: None,
+ ap_id: None,
+ local: true,
+ };
+ let _inserted_child_comment = Comment::create(&conn, &child_comment_form).unwrap();
+ let post_like = PostLikeForm {
+ post_id: inserted_post.id,
+ user_id: inserted_user.id,
+ score: 1,
+ };
+ PostLike::like(&conn, &post_like).unwrap();
+ let post_aggs_before_delete = PostAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_post.id).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(2, post_aggs_before_delete.comments);
+ assert_eq!(1, post_aggs_before_delete.score);
+ assert_eq!(1, post_aggs_before_delete.upvotes);
+ assert_eq!(0, post_aggs_before_delete.downvotes);
+ // Add a post dislike from the other user
+ let post_dislike = PostLikeForm {
+ post_id: inserted_post.id,
+ user_id: another_inserted_user.id,
+ score: -1,
+ };
+ PostLike::like(&conn, &post_dislike).unwrap();
+ let post_aggs_after_dislike = PostAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_post.id).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(2, post_aggs_after_dislike.comments);
+ assert_eq!(0, post_aggs_after_dislike.score);
+ assert_eq!(1, post_aggs_after_dislike.upvotes);
+ assert_eq!(1, post_aggs_after_dislike.downvotes);
+ // Remove the parent comment
+ Comment::delete(&conn, inserted_comment.id).unwrap();
+ let after_comment_delete = PostAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_post.id).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, after_comment_delete.comments);
+ assert_eq!(0, after_comment_delete.score);
+ assert_eq!(1, after_comment_delete.upvotes);
+ assert_eq!(1, after_comment_delete.downvotes);
+ // Remove the first post like
+ PostLike::remove(&conn, inserted_user.id, inserted_post.id).unwrap();
+ let after_like_remove = PostAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_post.id).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, after_like_remove.comments);
+ assert_eq!(-1, after_like_remove.score);
+ assert_eq!(0, after_like_remove.upvotes);
+ assert_eq!(1, after_like_remove.downvotes);
+ // This should delete all the associated rows, and fire triggers
+ User_::delete(&conn, another_inserted_user.id).unwrap();
+ let user_num_deleted = User_::delete(&conn, inserted_user.id).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(1, user_num_deleted);
+ // Should be none found, since the creator was deleted
+ let after_delete = PostAggregates::read(&conn, inserted_post.id);
+ assert!(after_delete.is_err());
+ }