+ {/**
+ * If there is a URL, or if the post has a body and we were told not to
+ * show the body, show the MetadataCard/body toggle.
+ */}
+ {(post.url || (post.body && !this.props.showBody)) && (
+ <button
+ className="btn btn-sm btn-link link-dark link-opacity-75 link-opacity-100-hover py-0 align-baseline"
+ data-tippy-content={post.body && mdNoImages.render(post.body)}
+ data-tippy-allowHtml={true}
+ onClick={linkEvent(this, this.handleShowBody)}
+ >
+ <Icon
+ icon={!this.state.showBody ? "plus-square" : "minus-square"}
+ classes="icon-inline"
+ />
+ </button>
+ )}
{post.removed && (
<small className="ms-2 badge text-bg-secondary">
- showPreviewButton() {
- const post_view = this.postView;
- const body = post_view.post.body;
- return (
- <button
- className="btn btn-sm btn-animate text-muted py-0"
- data-tippy-content={body && mdNoImages.render(body)}
- data-tippy-allowHtml={true}
- onClick={linkEvent(this, this.handleShowBody)}
- >
- <Icon
- icon="book-open"
- classes={classNames("icon-inline me-1", {
- "text-success": this.state.showBody,
- })}
- />
- </button>
- );
- }
postActions() {
// Possible enhancement: Priority+ pattern instead of just hard coding which get hidden behind the show more button.
// Possible enhancement: Make each button a component.
- {/**
- * If there is a URL, or if the post has a body and we were told not to
- * show the body, show the MetadataCard/body toggle.
- */}
- {(post.url || (post.body && !this.props.showBody)) &&
- this.showPreviewButton()}
- {this.showBody && post_view.post.body && this.viewSourceButton}
+ {this.props.showBody && post_view.post.body && this.viewSourceButton}
<div className="dropdown">
+ // handleShowPreview(i: PostListing) {
+ // return null;
+ // }
get pointsTippy(): string {
const points = I18NextService.i18n.t("number_of_points", {
count: Number(this.postView.counts.score),