* Trying to fix arm builds.
* Adding comment
- name: prepare repo
- image: rust:1-slim
+ # Not sure why, but rust ARM64 builds are failing on drone for rust:1.54 and later:
+ # https://discourse.drone.io/t/arm-build-stalls-out-on-cloud-drone-io-ram-issue/9701
+ image: rust:1.51-slim
user: root
- chown 1000:1000 . -R
- git fetch --tags
- name: cargo test
- image: rust:1-slim
+ image: rust:1.51-slim
LEMMY_DATABASE_URL: postgres://lemmy:password@database:5432/lemmy
LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION: ../../config/config.hjson
# Using Debian here because there seems to be no official Alpine-based Rust docker image for ARM.
- name: cargo build
- image: rust:1-slim
+ image: rust:1.51-slim
- apt-get update
- apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends libssl-dev pkg-config libpq-dev