--- /dev/null
+-- functions and triggers
+drop trigger refresh_user on user_;
+drop function refresh_user();
+drop trigger refresh_post on post;
+drop function refresh_post();
+drop trigger refresh_post_like on post_like;
+drop function refresh_post_like();
+drop trigger refresh_community on community;
+drop function refresh_community();
+drop trigger refresh_community_follower on community_follower;
+drop function refresh_community_follower();
+drop trigger refresh_community_user_ban on community_user_ban;
+drop function refresh_community_user_ban();
+drop trigger refresh_comment on comment;
+drop function refresh_comment();
+drop trigger refresh_comment_like on comment_like;
+drop function refresh_comment_like();
+-- post
+-- Recreate the view
+drop view post_view;
+create view post_view as
+with all_post as
+ select
+ p.*,
+ (select u.banned from user_ u where p.creator_id = u.id) as banned,
+ (select cb.id::bool from community_user_ban cb where p.creator_id = cb.user_id and p.community_id = cb.community_id) as banned_from_community,
+ (select name from user_ where p.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_name,
+ (select avatar from user_ where p.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_avatar,
+ (select name from community where p.community_id = community.id) as community_name,
+ (select removed from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_removed,
+ (select deleted from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_deleted,
+ (select nsfw from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_nsfw,
+ (select count(*) from comment where comment.post_id = p.id) as number_of_comments,
+ coalesce(sum(pl.score), 0) as score,
+ count (case when pl.score = 1 then 1 else null end) as upvotes,
+ count (case when pl.score = -1 then 1 else null end) as downvotes,
+ hot_rank(coalesce(sum(pl.score) , 0), p.published) as hot_rank
+ from post p
+ left join post_like pl on p.id = pl.post_id
+ group by p.id
+u.id as user_id,
+coalesce(pl.score, 0) as my_vote,
+(select cf.id::bool from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and cf.community_id = ap.community_id) as subscribed,
+(select pr.id::bool from post_read pr where u.id = pr.user_id and pr.post_id = ap.id) as read,
+(select ps.id::bool from post_saved ps where u.id = ps.user_id and ps.post_id = ap.id) as saved
+from user_ u
+cross join all_post ap
+left join post_like pl on u.id = pl.user_id and ap.id = pl.post_id
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as my_vote,
+null as subscribed,
+null as read,
+null as saved
+from all_post ap
+drop view post_mview;
+drop materialized view post_aggregates_mview;
+drop view post_aggregates_view;
+-- user
+drop materialized view user_mview;
+drop view user_view;
+create view user_view as
+select id,
+(select count(*) from post p where p.creator_id = u.id) as number_of_posts,
+(select coalesce(sum(score), 0) from post p, post_like pl where u.id = p.creator_id and p.id = pl.post_id) as post_score,
+(select count(*) from comment c where c.creator_id = u.id) as number_of_comments,
+(select coalesce(sum(score), 0) from comment c, comment_like cl where u.id = c.creator_id and c.id = cl.comment_id) as comment_score
+from user_ u;
+-- community
+drop view community_mview;
+drop materialized view community_aggregates_mview;
+drop view community_view;
+drop view community_aggregates_view;
+create view community_view as
+with all_community as
+ select *,
+ (select name from user_ u where c.creator_id = u.id) as creator_name,
+ (select avatar from user_ u where c.creator_id = u.id) as creator_avatar,
+ (select name from category ct where c.category_id = ct.id) as category_name,
+ (select count(*) from community_follower cf where cf.community_id = c.id) as number_of_subscribers,
+ (select count(*) from post p where p.community_id = c.id) as number_of_posts,
+ (select count(*) from comment co, post p where c.id = p.community_id and p.id = co.post_id) as number_of_comments,
+ hot_rank((select count(*) from community_follower cf where cf.community_id = c.id), c.published) as hot_rank
+ from community c
+u.id as user_id,
+(select cf.id::boolean from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and ac.id = cf.community_id) as subscribed
+from user_ u
+cross join all_community ac
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as subscribed
+from all_community ac
+-- reply and comment view
+drop view reply_view;
+drop view user_mention_view;
+drop view comment_view;
+drop view comment_mview;
+drop materialized view comment_aggregates_mview;
+drop view comment_aggregates_view;
+create view comment_view as
+with all_comment as
+ select
+ c.*,
+ (select community_id from post p where p.id = c.post_id),
+ (select u.banned from user_ u where c.creator_id = u.id) as banned,
+ (select cb.id::bool from community_user_ban cb, post p where c.creator_id = cb.user_id and p.id = c.post_id and p.community_id = cb.community_id) as banned_from_community,
+ (select name from user_ where c.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_name,
+ (select avatar from user_ where c.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_avatar,
+ coalesce(sum(cl.score), 0) as score,
+ count (case when cl.score = 1 then 1 else null end) as upvotes,
+ count (case when cl.score = -1 then 1 else null end) as downvotes
+ from comment c
+ left join comment_like cl on c.id = cl.comment_id
+ group by c.id
+u.id as user_id,
+coalesce(cl.score, 0) as my_vote,
+(select cs.id::bool from comment_saved cs where u.id = cs.user_id and cs.comment_id = ac.id) as saved
+from user_ u
+cross join all_comment ac
+left join comment_like cl on u.id = cl.user_id and ac.id = cl.comment_id
+union all
+ ac.*,
+ null as user_id,
+ null as my_vote,
+ null as saved
+from all_comment ac
+create view reply_view as
+with closereply as (
+ select
+ c2.id,
+ c2.creator_id as sender_id,
+ c.creator_id as recipient_id
+ from comment c
+ inner join comment c2 on c.id = c2.parent_id
+ where c2.creator_id != c.creator_id
+ -- Do union where post is null
+ union
+ select
+ c.id,
+ c.creator_id as sender_id,
+ p.creator_id as recipient_id
+ from comment c, post p
+ where c.post_id = p.id and c.parent_id is null and c.creator_id != p.creator_id
+select cv.*,
+from comment_view cv, closereply
+where closereply.id = cv.id
+-- user mention
+create view user_mention_view as
+ c.id,
+ um.id as user_mention_id,
+ c.creator_id,
+ c.post_id,
+ c.parent_id,
+ c.content,
+ c.removed,
+ um.read,
+ c.published,
+ c.updated,
+ c.deleted,
+ c.community_id,
+ c.banned,
+ c.banned_from_community,
+ c.creator_name,
+ c.creator_avatar,
+ c.score,
+ c.upvotes,
+ c.downvotes,
+ c.user_id,
+ c.my_vote,
+ c.saved,
+ um.recipient_id
+from user_mention um, comment_view c
+where um.comment_id = c.id;
--- /dev/null
+-- post
+create view post_aggregates_view as
+(select u.banned from user_ u where p.creator_id = u.id) as banned,
+(select cb.id::bool from community_user_ban cb where p.creator_id = cb.user_id and p.community_id = cb.community_id) as banned_from_community,
+(select name from user_ where p.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_name,
+(select avatar from user_ where p.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_avatar,
+(select name from community where p.community_id = community.id) as community_name,
+(select removed from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_removed,
+(select deleted from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_deleted,
+(select nsfw from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_nsfw,
+(select count(*) from comment where comment.post_id = p.id) as number_of_comments,
+coalesce(sum(pl.score), 0) as score,
+count (case when pl.score = 1 then 1 else null end) as upvotes,
+count (case when pl.score = -1 then 1 else null end) as downvotes,
+hot_rank(coalesce(sum(pl.score) , 0), p.published) as hot_rank
+from post p
+left join post_like pl on p.id = pl.post_id
+group by p.id;
+create materialized view post_aggregates_mview as select * from post_aggregates_view;
+create unique index idx_post_aggregates_mview_id on post_aggregates_mview (id);
+drop view post_view;
+create view post_view as
+with all_post as (
+ select
+ pa.*
+ from post_aggregates_view pa
+u.id as user_id,
+coalesce(pl.score, 0) as my_vote,
+(select cf.id::bool from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and cf.community_id = ap.community_id) as subscribed,
+(select pr.id::bool from post_read pr where u.id = pr.user_id and pr.post_id = ap.id) as read,
+(select ps.id::bool from post_saved ps where u.id = ps.user_id and ps.post_id = ap.id) as saved
+from user_ u
+cross join all_post ap
+left join post_like pl on u.id = pl.user_id and ap.id = pl.post_id
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as my_vote,
+null as subscribed,
+null as read,
+null as saved
+from all_post ap
+create view post_mview as
+with all_post as (
+ select
+ pa.*
+ from post_aggregates_mview pa
+u.id as user_id,
+coalesce(pl.score, 0) as my_vote,
+(select cf.id::bool from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and cf.community_id = ap.community_id) as subscribed,
+(select pr.id::bool from post_read pr where u.id = pr.user_id and pr.post_id = ap.id) as read,
+(select ps.id::bool from post_saved ps where u.id = ps.user_id and ps.post_id = ap.id) as saved
+from user_ u
+cross join all_post ap
+left join post_like pl on u.id = pl.user_id and ap.id = pl.post_id
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as my_vote,
+null as subscribed,
+null as read,
+null as saved
+from all_post ap
+-- user_view
+drop view user_view;
+create view user_view as
+(select count(*) from post p where p.creator_id = u.id) as number_of_posts,
+(select coalesce(sum(score), 0) from post p, post_like pl where u.id = p.creator_id and p.id = pl.post_id) as post_score,
+(select count(*) from comment c where c.creator_id = u.id) as number_of_comments,
+(select coalesce(sum(score), 0) from comment c, comment_like cl where u.id = c.creator_id and c.id = cl.comment_id) as comment_score
+from user_ u;
+create materialized view user_mview as select * from user_view;
+create unique index idx_user_mview_id on user_mview (id);
+-- community
+create view community_aggregates_view as
+select c.*,
+(select name from user_ u where c.creator_id = u.id) as creator_name,
+(select avatar from user_ u where c.creator_id = u.id) as creator_avatar,
+(select name from category ct where c.category_id = ct.id) as category_name,
+(select count(*) from community_follower cf where cf.community_id = c.id) as number_of_subscribers,
+(select count(*) from post p where p.community_id = c.id) as number_of_posts,
+(select count(*) from comment co, post p where c.id = p.community_id and p.id = co.post_id) as number_of_comments,
+hot_rank((select count(*) from community_follower cf where cf.community_id = c.id), c.published) as hot_rank
+from community c;
+create materialized view community_aggregates_mview as select * from community_aggregates_view;
+create unique index idx_community_aggregates_mview_id on community_aggregates_mview (id);
+drop view community_view;
+create view community_view as
+with all_community as
+ select
+ ca.*
+ from community_aggregates_view ca
+u.id as user_id,
+(select cf.id::boolean from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and ac.id = cf.community_id) as subscribed
+from user_ u
+cross join all_community ac
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as subscribed
+from all_community ac
+create view community_mview as
+with all_community as
+ select
+ ca.*
+ from community_aggregates_mview ca
+u.id as user_id,
+(select cf.id::boolean from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and ac.id = cf.community_id) as subscribed
+from user_ u
+cross join all_community ac
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as subscribed
+from all_community ac
+-- reply and comment view
+create view comment_aggregates_view as
+(select community_id from post p where p.id = c.post_id),
+(select u.banned from user_ u where c.creator_id = u.id) as banned,
+(select cb.id::bool from community_user_ban cb, post p where c.creator_id = cb.user_id and p.id = c.post_id and p.community_id = cb.community_id) as banned_from_community,
+(select name from user_ where c.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_name,
+(select avatar from user_ where c.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_avatar,
+coalesce(sum(cl.score), 0) as score,
+count (case when cl.score = 1 then 1 else null end) as upvotes,
+count (case when cl.score = -1 then 1 else null end) as downvotes
+from comment c
+left join comment_like cl on c.id = cl.comment_id
+group by c.id;
+create materialized view comment_aggregates_mview as select * from comment_aggregates_view;
+create unique index idx_comment_aggregates_mview_id on comment_aggregates_mview (id);
+drop view reply_view;
+drop view user_mention_view;
+drop view comment_view;
+create view comment_view as
+with all_comment as
+ select
+ ca.*
+ from comment_aggregates_view ca
+u.id as user_id,
+coalesce(cl.score, 0) as my_vote,
+(select cs.id::bool from comment_saved cs where u.id = cs.user_id and cs.comment_id = ac.id) as saved
+from user_ u
+cross join all_comment ac
+left join comment_like cl on u.id = cl.user_id and ac.id = cl.comment_id
+union all
+ ac.*,
+ null as user_id,
+ null as my_vote,
+ null as saved
+from all_comment ac
+create view comment_mview as
+with all_comment as
+ select
+ ca.*
+ from comment_aggregates_mview ca
+u.id as user_id,
+coalesce(cl.score, 0) as my_vote,
+(select cs.id::bool from comment_saved cs where u.id = cs.user_id and cs.comment_id = ac.id) as saved
+from user_ u
+cross join all_comment ac
+left join comment_like cl on u.id = cl.user_id and ac.id = cl.comment_id
+union all
+ ac.*,
+ null as user_id,
+ null as my_vote,
+ null as saved
+from all_comment ac
+create view reply_view as
+with closereply as (
+ select
+ c2.id,
+ c2.creator_id as sender_id,
+ c.creator_id as recipient_id
+ from comment c
+ inner join comment c2 on c.id = c2.parent_id
+ where c2.creator_id != c.creator_id
+ -- Do union where post is null
+ union
+ select
+ c.id,
+ c.creator_id as sender_id,
+ p.creator_id as recipient_id
+ from comment c, post p
+ where c.post_id = p.id and c.parent_id is null and c.creator_id != p.creator_id
+select cv.*,
+from comment_view cv, closereply
+where closereply.id = cv.id
+-- user mention
+create view user_mention_view as
+ c.id,
+ um.id as user_mention_id,
+ c.creator_id,
+ c.post_id,
+ c.parent_id,
+ c.content,
+ c.removed,
+ um.read,
+ c.published,
+ c.updated,
+ c.deleted,
+ c.community_id,
+ c.banned,
+ c.banned_from_community,
+ c.creator_name,
+ c.creator_avatar,
+ c.score,
+ c.upvotes,
+ c.downvotes,
+ c.user_id,
+ c.my_vote,
+ c.saved,
+ um.recipient_id
+from user_mention um, comment_view c
+where um.comment_id = c.id;
+-- user
+create or replace function refresh_user()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently user_mview;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently comment_aggregates_mview; -- cause of bans
+ refresh materialized view concurrently post_aggregates_mview;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_user
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on user_
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_user();
+-- post
+create or replace function refresh_post()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently post_aggregates_mview;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently user_mview;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_post
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on post
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_post();
+-- post_like
+create or replace function refresh_post_like()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently post_aggregates_mview;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently user_mview;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_post_like
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on post_like
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_post_like();
+-- community
+create or replace function refresh_community()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently post_aggregates_mview;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently community_aggregates_mview;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently user_mview;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_community
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on community
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_community();
+-- community_follower
+create or replace function refresh_community_follower()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently community_aggregates_mview;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently post_aggregates_mview;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_community_follower
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on community_follower
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_community_follower();
+-- community_user_ban
+create or replace function refresh_community_user_ban()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently comment_aggregates_mview;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently post_aggregates_mview;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_community_user_ban
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on community_user_ban
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_community_user_ban();
+-- comment
+create or replace function refresh_comment()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently post_aggregates_mview;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently comment_aggregates_mview;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently community_aggregates_mview;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently user_mview;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_comment
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on comment
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_comment();
+-- comment_like
+create or replace function refresh_comment_like()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently comment_aggregates_mview;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently user_mview;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_comment_like
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on comment_like
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_comment_like();
--- /dev/null
+-- functions and triggers
+drop trigger refresh_user on user_;
+drop function refresh_user();
+drop trigger refresh_post on post;
+drop function refresh_post();
+drop trigger refresh_post_like on post_like;
+drop function refresh_post_like();
+drop trigger refresh_community on community;
+drop function refresh_community();
+drop trigger refresh_community_follower on community_follower;
+drop function refresh_community_follower();
+drop trigger refresh_comment on comment;
+drop function refresh_comment();
+drop trigger refresh_comment_like on comment_like;
+drop function refresh_comment_like();
+-- post
+-- Recreate the view
+drop materialized view post_view;
+create view post_view as
+with all_post as
+ select
+ p.*,
+ (select u.banned from user_ u where p.creator_id = u.id) as banned,
+ (select cb.id::bool from community_user_ban cb where p.creator_id = cb.user_id and p.community_id = cb.community_id) as banned_from_community,
+ (select name from user_ where p.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_name,
+ (select avatar from user_ where p.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_avatar,
+ (select name from community where p.community_id = community.id) as community_name,
+ (select removed from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_removed,
+ (select deleted from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_deleted,
+ (select nsfw from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_nsfw,
+ (select count(*) from comment where comment.post_id = p.id) as number_of_comments,
+ coalesce(sum(pl.score), 0) as score,
+ count (case when pl.score = 1 then 1 else null end) as upvotes,
+ count (case when pl.score = -1 then 1 else null end) as downvotes,
+ hot_rank(coalesce(sum(pl.score) , 0), p.published) as hot_rank
+ from post p
+ left join post_like pl on p.id = pl.post_id
+ group by p.id
+u.id as user_id,
+coalesce(pl.score, 0) as my_vote,
+(select cf.id::bool from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and cf.community_id = ap.community_id) as subscribed,
+(select pr.id::bool from post_read pr where u.id = pr.user_id and pr.post_id = ap.id) as read,
+(select ps.id::bool from post_saved ps where u.id = ps.user_id and ps.post_id = ap.id) as saved
+from user_ u
+cross join all_post ap
+left join post_like pl on u.id = pl.user_id and ap.id = pl.post_id
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as my_vote,
+null as subscribed,
+null as read,
+null as saved
+from all_post ap
+drop materialized view user_view;
+create view user_view as
+select id,
+(select count(*) from post p where p.creator_id = u.id) as number_of_posts,
+(select coalesce(sum(score), 0) from post p, post_like pl where u.id = p.creator_id and p.id = pl.post_id) as post_score,
+(select count(*) from comment c where c.creator_id = u.id) as number_of_comments,
+(select coalesce(sum(score), 0) from comment c, comment_like cl where u.id = c.creator_id and c.id = cl.comment_id) as comment_score
+from user_ u;
+-- community
+drop materialized view community_view;
+create view community_view as
+with all_community as
+ select *,
+ (select name from user_ u where c.creator_id = u.id) as creator_name,
+ (select avatar from user_ u where c.creator_id = u.id) as creator_avatar,
+ (select name from category ct where c.category_id = ct.id) as category_name,
+ (select count(*) from community_follower cf where cf.community_id = c.id) as number_of_subscribers,
+ (select count(*) from post p where p.community_id = c.id) as number_of_posts,
+ (select count(*) from comment co, post p where c.id = p.community_id and p.id = co.post_id) as number_of_comments,
+ hot_rank((select count(*) from community_follower cf where cf.community_id = c.id), c.published) as hot_rank
+ from community c
+u.id as user_id,
+(select cf.id::boolean from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and ac.id = cf.community_id) as subscribed
+from user_ u
+cross join all_community ac
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as subscribed
+from all_community ac
+-- reply and comment view
+drop view reply_view;
+drop view user_mention_view;
+drop materialized view comment_view;
+create view comment_view as
+with all_comment as
+ select
+ c.*,
+ (select community_id from post p where p.id = c.post_id),
+ (select u.banned from user_ u where c.creator_id = u.id) as banned,
+ (select cb.id::bool from community_user_ban cb, post p where c.creator_id = cb.user_id and p.id = c.post_id and p.community_id = cb.community_id) as banned_from_community,
+ (select name from user_ where c.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_name,
+ (select avatar from user_ where c.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_avatar,
+ coalesce(sum(cl.score), 0) as score,
+ count (case when cl.score = 1 then 1 else null end) as upvotes,
+ count (case when cl.score = -1 then 1 else null end) as downvotes
+ from comment c
+ left join comment_like cl on c.id = cl.comment_id
+ group by c.id
+u.id as user_id,
+coalesce(cl.score, 0) as my_vote,
+(select cs.id::bool from comment_saved cs where u.id = cs.user_id and cs.comment_id = ac.id) as saved
+from user_ u
+cross join all_comment ac
+left join comment_like cl on u.id = cl.user_id and ac.id = cl.comment_id
+union all
+ ac.*,
+ null as user_id,
+ null as my_vote,
+ null as saved
+from all_comment ac
+create view reply_view as
+with closereply as (
+ select
+ c2.id,
+ c2.creator_id as sender_id,
+ c.creator_id as recipient_id
+ from comment c
+ inner join comment c2 on c.id = c2.parent_id
+ where c2.creator_id != c.creator_id
+ -- Do union where post is null
+ union
+ select
+ c.id,
+ c.creator_id as sender_id,
+ p.creator_id as recipient_id
+ from comment c, post p
+ where c.post_id = p.id and c.parent_id is null and c.creator_id != p.creator_id
+select cv.*,
+from comment_view cv, closereply
+where closereply.id = cv.id
+-- user mention
+create view user_mention_view as
+ c.id,
+ um.id as user_mention_id,
+ c.creator_id,
+ c.post_id,
+ c.parent_id,
+ c.content,
+ c.removed,
+ um.read,
+ c.published,
+ c.updated,
+ c.deleted,
+ c.community_id,
+ c.banned,
+ c.banned_from_community,
+ c.creator_name,
+ c.creator_avatar,
+ c.score,
+ c.upvotes,
+ c.downvotes,
+ c.user_id,
+ c.my_vote,
+ c.saved,
+ um.recipient_id
+from user_mention um, comment_view c
+where um.comment_id = c.id;
--- /dev/null
+-- post
+drop view post_view;
+create materialized view post_view as
+with all_post as
+ select
+ p.*,
+ (select u.banned from user_ u where p.creator_id = u.id) as banned,
+ (select cb.id::bool from community_user_ban cb where p.creator_id = cb.user_id and p.community_id = cb.community_id) as banned_from_community,
+ (select name from user_ where p.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_name,
+ (select avatar from user_ where p.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_avatar,
+ (select name from community where p.community_id = community.id) as community_name,
+ (select removed from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_removed,
+ (select deleted from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_deleted,
+ (select nsfw from community c where p.community_id = c.id) as community_nsfw,
+ (select count(*) from comment where comment.post_id = p.id) as number_of_comments,
+ coalesce(sum(pl.score), 0) as score,
+ count (case when pl.score = 1 then 1 else null end) as upvotes,
+ count (case when pl.score = -1 then 1 else null end) as downvotes,
+ hot_rank(coalesce(sum(pl.score) , 0), p.published) as hot_rank
+ from post p
+ left join post_like pl on p.id = pl.post_id
+ group by p.id
+u.id as user_id,
+coalesce(pl.score, 0) as my_vote,
+(select cf.id::bool from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and cf.community_id = ap.community_id) as subscribed,
+(select pr.id::bool from post_read pr where u.id = pr.user_id and pr.post_id = ap.id) as read,
+(select ps.id::bool from post_saved ps where u.id = ps.user_id and ps.post_id = ap.id) as saved
+from user_ u
+cross join all_post ap
+left join post_like pl on u.id = pl.user_id and ap.id = pl.post_id
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as my_vote,
+null as subscribed,
+null as read,
+null as saved
+from all_post ap
+with data
+create unique index idx_post_view_unique on post_view (id, user_id);
+create index idx_post_view_user_id on post_view (user_id);
+create index idx_post_view_hot_rank_published on post_view (hot_rank desc, published desc);
+create index idx_post_view_published on post_view (published desc);
+create index idx_post_view_score on post_view (score desc);
+-- user_view
+drop view user_view;
+create materialized view user_view as
+select id,
+(select count(*) from post p where p.creator_id = u.id) as number_of_posts,
+(select coalesce(sum(score), 0) from post p, post_like pl where u.id = p.creator_id and p.id = pl.post_id) as post_score,
+(select count(*) from comment c where c.creator_id = u.id) as number_of_comments,
+(select coalesce(sum(score), 0) from comment c, comment_like cl where u.id = c.creator_id and c.id = cl.comment_id) as comment_score
+from user_ u;
+create unique index idx_user_view_unique on user_view (id);
+create index idx_user_view_comment_published on user_view (comment_score desc, published desc);
+create index idx_user_view_admin on user_view (admin);
+create index idx_user_view_banned on user_view (banned);
+-- community
+drop view community_view;
+create materialized view community_view as
+with all_community as
+ select *,
+ (select name from user_ u where c.creator_id = u.id) as creator_name,
+ (select avatar from user_ u where c.creator_id = u.id) as creator_avatar,
+ (select name from category ct where c.category_id = ct.id) as category_name,
+ (select count(*) from community_follower cf where cf.community_id = c.id) as number_of_subscribers,
+ (select count(*) from post p where p.community_id = c.id) as number_of_posts,
+ (select count(*) from comment co, post p where c.id = p.community_id and p.id = co.post_id) as number_of_comments,
+ hot_rank((select count(*) from community_follower cf where cf.community_id = c.id), c.published) as hot_rank
+ from community c
+u.id as user_id,
+(select cf.id::boolean from community_follower cf where u.id = cf.user_id and ac.id = cf.community_id) as subscribed
+from user_ u
+cross join all_community ac
+union all
+null as user_id,
+null as subscribed
+from all_community ac
+create unique index idx_community_view_unique on community_view (id, user_id);
+create index idx_community_view_user_id on community_view (user_id);
+create index idx_community_view_hot_rank_subscribed on community_view (hot_rank desc, number_of_subscribers desc);
+-- reply and comment view
+drop view reply_view;
+drop view user_mention_view;
+drop view comment_view;
+create materialized view comment_view as
+with all_comment as
+ select
+ c.*,
+ (select community_id from post p where p.id = c.post_id),
+ (select u.banned from user_ u where c.creator_id = u.id) as banned,
+ (select cb.id::bool from community_user_ban cb, post p where c.creator_id = cb.user_id and p.id = c.post_id and p.community_id = cb.community_id) as banned_from_community,
+ (select name from user_ where c.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_name,
+ (select avatar from user_ where c.creator_id = user_.id) as creator_avatar,
+ coalesce(sum(cl.score), 0) as score,
+ count (case when cl.score = 1 then 1 else null end) as upvotes,
+ count (case when cl.score = -1 then 1 else null end) as downvotes
+ from comment c
+ left join comment_like cl on c.id = cl.comment_id
+ group by c.id
+u.id as user_id,
+coalesce(cl.score, 0) as my_vote,
+(select cs.id::bool from comment_saved cs where u.id = cs.user_id and cs.comment_id = ac.id) as saved
+from user_ u
+cross join all_comment ac
+left join comment_like cl on u.id = cl.user_id and ac.id = cl.comment_id
+union all
+ ac.*,
+ null as user_id,
+ null as my_vote,
+ null as saved
+from all_comment ac
+create unique index idx_comment_view_unique on comment_view (id, user_id);
+create index idx_comment_view_user_id on comment_view (user_id);
+create index idx_comment_view_creator_id on comment_view (creator_id);
+create index idx_comment_view_post_id on comment_view (post_id);
+create index idx_comment_view_score on comment_view (score desc);
+create view reply_view as
+with closereply as (
+ select
+ c2.id,
+ c2.creator_id as sender_id,
+ c.creator_id as recipient_id
+ from comment c
+ inner join comment c2 on c.id = c2.parent_id
+ where c2.creator_id != c.creator_id
+ -- Do union where post is null
+ union
+ select
+ c.id,
+ c.creator_id as sender_id,
+ p.creator_id as recipient_id
+ from comment c, post p
+ where c.post_id = p.id and c.parent_id is null and c.creator_id != p.creator_id
+select cv.*,
+from comment_view cv, closereply
+where closereply.id = cv.id
+-- user mention
+create view user_mention_view as
+ c.id,
+ um.id as user_mention_id,
+ c.creator_id,
+ c.post_id,
+ c.parent_id,
+ c.content,
+ c.removed,
+ um.read,
+ c.published,
+ c.updated,
+ c.deleted,
+ c.community_id,
+ c.banned,
+ c.banned_from_community,
+ c.creator_name,
+ c.creator_avatar,
+ c.score,
+ c.upvotes,
+ c.downvotes,
+ c.user_id,
+ c.my_vote,
+ c.saved,
+ um.recipient_id
+from user_mention um, comment_view c
+where um.comment_id = c.id;
+-- user
+create or replace function refresh_user()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently comment_view; -- cause of bans
+ refresh materialized view concurrently post_view;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_user
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on user_
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_user();
+-- post
+create or replace function refresh_post()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently post_view;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_post
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on post
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_post();
+-- post_like
+create or replace function refresh_post_like()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently post_view;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_post_like
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on post_like
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_post_like();
+-- community
+create or replace function refresh_community()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently post_view;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently community_view;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_community
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on community
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_community();
+-- community_follower
+create or replace function refresh_community_follower()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently community_view;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently post_view;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_community_follower
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on community_follower
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_community_follower();
+-- comment
+create or replace function refresh_comment()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently post_view;
+ refresh materialized view concurrently comment_view;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_comment
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on comment
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_comment();
+-- comment_like
+create or replace function refresh_comment_like()
+returns trigger language plpgsql
+as $$
+ refresh materialized view concurrently comment_view;
+ return null;
+end $$;
+create trigger refresh_comment_like
+after insert or update or delete or truncate
+on comment_like
+for each statement
+execute procedure refresh_comment_like();
## now loop through the above array
# Do the views first
-echo "explain (analyze, format json) select * from user_view" > explain.sql
+echo "explain (analyze, format json) select * from user_mview" > explain.sql
psql -qAt -U lemmy -f explain.sql > user_view.json
-echo "explain (analyze, format json) select * from post_view where user_id is null order by hot_rank desc" > explain.sql
+echo "explain (analyze, format json) select * from post_mview where user_id is null order by hot_rank desc, published desc" > explain.sql
psql -qAt -U lemmy -f explain.sql > post_view.json
-echo "explain (analyze, format json) select * from post" > explain.sql
-psql -qAt -U lemmy -f explain.sql > post.json
-echo "explain (analyze, format json) select * from comment_view where user_id is null" > explain.sql
+echo "explain (analyze, format json) select * from comment_mview where user_id is null" > explain.sql
psql -qAt -U lemmy -f explain.sql > comment_view.json
-echo "explain (analyze, format json) select * from community_view where user_id is null order by hot_rank desc" > explain.sql
+echo "explain (analyze, format json) select * from community_mview where user_id is null order by hot_rank desc" > explain.sql
psql -qAt -U lemmy -f explain.sql > community_view.json
echo "explain (analyze, format json) select * from site_view limit 1" > explain.sql
+table! {
+ comment_mview (id) {
+ id -> Int4,
+ creator_id -> Int4,
+ post_id -> Int4,
+ parent_id -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ content -> Text,
+ removed -> Bool,
+ read -> Bool,
+ published -> Timestamp,
+ updated -> Nullable<Timestamp>,
+ deleted -> Bool,
+ community_id -> Int4,
+ banned -> Bool,
+ banned_from_community -> Bool,
+ creator_name -> Varchar,
+ creator_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
+ score -> BigInt,
+ upvotes -> BigInt,
+ downvotes -> BigInt,
+ user_id -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ my_vote -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ saved -> Nullable<Bool>,
+ }
Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, QueryableByName, Clone,
pub struct CommentQueryBuilder<'a> {
conn: &'a PgConnection,
- query: super::comment_view::comment_view::BoxedQuery<'a, Pg>,
+ query: super::comment_view::comment_mview::BoxedQuery<'a, Pg>,
sort: &'a SortType,
for_post_id: Option<i32>,
for_creator_id: Option<i32>,
impl<'a> CommentQueryBuilder<'a> {
pub fn create(conn: &'a PgConnection) -> Self {
- use super::comment_view::comment_view::dsl::*;
+ use super::comment_view::comment_mview::dsl::*;
- let query = comment_view.into_boxed();
+ let query = comment_mview.into_boxed();
CommentQueryBuilder {
pub fn list(self) -> Result<Vec<CommentView>, Error> {
- use super::comment_view::comment_view::dsl::*;
+ use super::comment_view::comment_mview::dsl::*;
let mut query = self.query;
-use super::community_view::community_view::BoxedQuery;
+use super::community_view::community_mview::BoxedQuery;
use super::*;
use diesel::pg::Pg;
+table! {
+ community_mview (id) {
+ id -> Int4,
+ name -> Varchar,
+ title -> Varchar,
+ description -> Nullable<Text>,
+ category_id -> Int4,
+ creator_id -> Int4,
+ removed -> Bool,
+ published -> Timestamp,
+ updated -> Nullable<Timestamp>,
+ deleted -> Bool,
+ nsfw -> Bool,
+ creator_name -> Varchar,
+ creator_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
+ category_name -> Varchar,
+ number_of_subscribers -> BigInt,
+ number_of_posts -> BigInt,
+ number_of_comments -> BigInt,
+ hot_rank -> Int4,
+ user_id -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ subscribed -> Nullable<Bool>,
+ }
table! {
community_moderator_view (id) {
id -> Int4,
impl<'a> CommunityQueryBuilder<'a> {
pub fn create(conn: &'a PgConnection) -> Self {
- use super::community_view::community_view::dsl::*;
+ use super::community_view::community_mview::dsl::*;
- let query = community_view.into_boxed();
+ let query = community_mview.into_boxed();
CommunityQueryBuilder {
pub fn list(self) -> Result<Vec<CommunityView>, Error> {
- use super::community_view::community_view::dsl::*;
+ use super::community_view::community_mview::dsl::*;
let mut query = self.query;
-use super::post_view::post_view::BoxedQuery;
+use super::post_view::post_mview::BoxedQuery;
use super::*;
use diesel::pg::Pg;
pub saved: Option<bool>,
+// The faked schema since diesel doesn't do views
+table! {
+ post_mview (id) {
+ id -> Int4,
+ name -> Varchar,
+ url -> Nullable<Text>,
+ body -> Nullable<Text>,
+ creator_id -> Int4,
+ community_id -> Int4,
+ removed -> Bool,
+ locked -> Bool,
+ published -> Timestamp,
+ updated -> Nullable<Timestamp>,
+ deleted -> Bool,
+ nsfw -> Bool,
+ banned -> Bool,
+ banned_from_community -> Bool,
+ stickied -> Bool,
+ creator_name -> Varchar,
+ creator_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
+ community_name -> Varchar,
+ community_removed -> Bool,
+ community_deleted -> Bool,
+ community_nsfw -> Bool,
+ number_of_comments -> BigInt,
+ score -> BigInt,
+ upvotes -> BigInt,
+ downvotes -> BigInt,
+ hot_rank -> Int4,
+ user_id -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ my_vote -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ subscribed -> Nullable<Bool>,
+ read -> Nullable<Bool>,
+ saved -> Nullable<Bool>,
+ }
pub struct PostQueryBuilder<'a> {
conn: &'a PgConnection,
query: BoxedQuery<'a, Pg>,
impl<'a> PostQueryBuilder<'a> {
pub fn create(conn: &'a PgConnection) -> Self {
- use super::post_view::post_view::dsl::*;
+ use super::post_view::post_mview::dsl::*;
- let query = post_view.into_boxed();
+ let query = post_mview.into_boxed();
PostQueryBuilder {
pub fn for_community_id<T: MaybeOptional<i32>>(mut self, for_community_id: T) -> Self {
- use super::post_view::post_view::dsl::*;
+ use super::post_view::post_mview::dsl::*;
if let Some(for_community_id) = for_community_id.get_optional() {
self.query = self.query.filter(community_id.eq(for_community_id));
self.query = self.query.then_order_by(stickied.desc());
pub fn search_term<T: MaybeOptional<String>>(mut self, search_term: T) -> Self {
- use super::post_view::post_view::dsl::*;
+ use super::post_view::post_mview::dsl::*;
if let Some(search_term) = search_term.get_optional() {
self.query = self.query.filter(name.ilike(fuzzy_search(&search_term)));
pub fn url_search<T: MaybeOptional<String>>(mut self, url_search: T) -> Self {
- use super::post_view::post_view::dsl::*;
+ use super::post_view::post_mview::dsl::*;
if let Some(url_search) = url_search.get_optional() {
self.query = self.query.filter(url.eq(url_search));
pub fn list(self) -> Result<Vec<PostView>, Error> {
- use super::post_view::post_view::dsl::*;
+ use super::post_view::post_mview::dsl::*;
let mut query = self.query;
-use super::user_view::user_view::BoxedQuery;
+use super::user_view::user_mview::BoxedQuery;
use super::*;
use diesel::pg::Pg;
+table! {
+ user_mview (id) {
+ id -> Int4,
+ name -> Varchar,
+ avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
+ email -> Nullable<Text>,
+ fedi_name -> Varchar,
+ admin -> Bool,
+ banned -> Bool,
+ show_avatars -> Bool,
+ send_notifications_to_email -> Bool,
+ published -> Timestamp,
+ number_of_posts -> BigInt,
+ post_score -> BigInt,
+ number_of_comments -> BigInt,
+ comment_score -> BigInt,
+ }
Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, QueryableByName, Clone,
impl<'a> UserQueryBuilder<'a> {
pub fn create(conn: &'a PgConnection) -> Self {
- use super::user_view::user_view::dsl::*;
+ use super::user_view::user_mview::dsl::*;
- let query = user_view.into_boxed();
+ let query = user_mview.into_boxed();
UserQueryBuilder {
pub fn search_term<T: MaybeOptional<String>>(mut self, search_term: T) -> Self {
- use super::user_view::user_view::dsl::*;
+ use super::user_view::user_mview::dsl::*;
if let Some(search_term) = search_term.get_optional() {
self.query = self.query.filter(name.ilike(fuzzy_search(&search_term)));
pub fn list(self) -> Result<Vec<UserView>, Error> {
- use super::user_view::user_view::dsl::*;
+ use super::user_view::user_mview::dsl::*;
let mut query = self.query;
pub fn admins(conn: &PgConnection) -> Result<Vec<Self>, Error> {
- use super::user_view::user_view::dsl::*;
- user_view.filter(admin.eq(true)).load::<Self>(conn)
+ use super::user_view::user_mview::dsl::*;
+ user_mview.filter(admin.eq(true)).load::<Self>(conn)
pub fn banned(conn: &PgConnection) -> Result<Vec<Self>, Error> {
- use super::user_view::user_view::dsl::*;
- user_view.filter(banned.eq(true)).load::<Self>(conn)
+ use super::user_view::user_mview::dsl::*;
+ user_mview.filter(banned.eq(true)).load::<Self>(conn)
ws::Message::Text(text) => {
let m = text.trim().to_owned();
- // println!("WEBSOCKET MESSAGE: {:?} from id: {}", &m, self.id);
+ println!("WEBSOCKET MESSAGE: {:?} from id: {}", &m, self.id);