use crate::apub::{get_apub_protocol_string, get_following_instances};
+use crate::db::community::Community;
use crate::db::post::Post;
use crate::db::user::User_;
+use crate::db::Crud;
use activitystreams::activity::Create;
use activitystreams::context;
use diesel::PgConnection;
pub fn post_create(post: &Post, creator: &User_, conn: &PgConnection) -> Result<(), Error> {
let page = post.as_page(conn)?;
+ let community = Community::read(conn, post.community_id)?;
let mut create = Create::new();
- // TODO: seems like the create activity needs its own id (and be fetchable there)
- .set_id(page.object_props.get_id().unwrap().to_string())?;
+ // TODO: seems like the create activity needs its own id (and be fetchable there)
+ .set_id(page.object_props.get_id().unwrap().to_string())?
+ // TODO: should to/cc go on the Create, or on the Post? or on both?
+ // TODO: handle privacy on the receiving side (at least ignore anything thats not public)
+ .set_to_xsd_any_uri("")?
+ .set_cc_xsd_any_uri(format!("{}/followers", community.actor_id))?;
let json = serde_json::to_string(&create)?;
for i in get_following_instances() {
+ // TODO: need to send this to the inbox of following users
let inbox = format!(