--- /dev/null
-import markdown_it_emoji from "markdown-it-emoji/bare";
+ import { communitySearch, personSearch } from "@utils/app";
+ import { isBrowser } from "@utils/browser";
+ import { debounce, groupBy } from "@utils/helpers";
+ import { CommunityTribute, PersonTribute } from "@utils/types";
+ import { Picker } from "emoji-mart";
+ import emojiShortName from "emoji-short-name";
+ import { CustomEmojiView } from "lemmy-js-client";
+ import { default as MarkdownIt } from "markdown-it";
+ import markdown_it_container from "markdown-it-container";
- const emojiDefs = Array.from(customEmojisLookup.entries()).reduce(
- (main, [key, value]) => ({ ...main, [key]: value }),
- {}
- );
++// import markdown_it_emoji from "markdown-it-emoji/bare";
+ import markdown_it_footnote from "markdown-it-footnote";
+ import markdown_it_html5_embed from "markdown-it-html5-embed";
+ import markdown_it_sub from "markdown-it-sub";
+ import markdown_it_sup from "markdown-it-sup";
+ import Renderer from "markdown-it/lib/renderer";
+ import Token from "markdown-it/lib/token";
+ export let Tribute: any;
+ export let md: MarkdownIt = new MarkdownIt();
+ export let mdNoImages: MarkdownIt = new MarkdownIt();
+ export const customEmojis: EmojiMartCategory[] = [];
+ export let customEmojisLookup: Map<string, CustomEmojiView> = new Map<
+ string,
+ CustomEmojiView
+ >();
+ if (isBrowser()) {
+ Tribute = require("tributejs");
+ }
+ export function mdToHtml(text: string) {
+ return { __html: md.render(text) };
+ }
+ export function mdToHtmlNoImages(text: string) {
+ return { __html: mdNoImages.render(text) };
+ }
+ export function mdToHtmlInline(text: string) {
+ return { __html: md.renderInline(text) };
+ }
+ const spoilerConfig = {
+ validate: (params: string) => {
+ return params.trim().match(/^spoiler\s+(.*)$/);
+ },
+ render: (tokens: any, idx: any) => {
+ var m = tokens[idx].info.trim().match(/^spoiler\s+(.*)$/);
+ if (tokens[idx].nesting === 1) {
+ // opening tag
+ return `<details><summary> ${md.utils.escapeHtml(m[1])} </summary>\n`;
+ } else {
+ // closing tag
+ return "</details>\n";
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ const html5EmbedConfig = {
+ html5embed: {
+ useImageSyntax: true, // Enables video/audio embed with ![]() syntax (default)
+ attributes: {
+ audio: 'controls preload="metadata"',
+ video: 'width="100%" max-height="100%" controls loop preload="metadata"',
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ export function setupMarkdown() {
+ const markdownItConfig: MarkdownIt.Options = {
+ html: false,
+ linkify: true,
+ typographer: true,
+ };
- .use(markdown_it_container, "spoiler", spoilerConfig)
- .use(markdown_it_emoji, {
- defs: emojiDefs,
- });
++ // const emojiDefs = Array.from(customEmojisLookup.entries()).reduce(
++ // (main, [key, value]) => ({ ...main, [key]: value }),
++ // {}
++ // );
+ md = new MarkdownIt(markdownItConfig)
+ .use(markdown_it_sub)
+ .use(markdown_it_sup)
+ .use(markdown_it_footnote)
+ .use(markdown_it_html5_embed, html5EmbedConfig)
- .use(markdown_it_emoji, {
- defs: emojiDefs,
- })
++ .use(markdown_it_container, "spoiler", spoilerConfig);
++ // .use(markdown_it_emoji, {
++ // defs: emojiDefs,
++ // });
+ mdNoImages = new MarkdownIt(markdownItConfig)
+ .use(markdown_it_sub)
+ .use(markdown_it_sup)
+ .use(markdown_it_footnote)
+ .use(markdown_it_html5_embed, html5EmbedConfig)
+ .use(markdown_it_container, "spoiler", spoilerConfig)
++ // .use(markdown_it_emoji, {
++ // defs: emojiDefs,
++ // })
+ .disable("image");
+ const defaultRenderer = md.renderer.rules.image;
+ md.renderer.rules.image = function (
+ tokens: Token[],
+ idx: number,
+ options: MarkdownIt.Options,
+ env: any,
+ self: Renderer
+ ) {
+ //Provide custom renderer for our emojis to allow us to add a css class and force size dimensions on them.
+ const item = tokens[idx] as any;
+ const title = item.attrs.length >= 3 ? item.attrs[2][1] : "";
+ const src: string = item.attrs[0][1];
+ const isCustomEmoji = customEmojisLookup.get(title) != undefined;
+ if (!isCustomEmoji) {
+ return defaultRenderer?.(tokens, idx, options, env, self) ?? "";
+ }
+ const alt_text = item.content;
+ return `<img class="icon icon-emoji" src="${src}" title="${title}" alt="${alt_text}"/>`;
+ };
+ md.renderer.rules.table_open = function () {
+ return '<table class="table">';
+ };
+ }
+ export function setupEmojiDataModel(custom_emoji_views: CustomEmojiView[]) {
+ const groupedEmojis = groupBy(
+ custom_emoji_views,
+ x => x.custom_emoji.category
+ );
+ for (const [category, emojis] of Object.entries(groupedEmojis)) {
+ customEmojis.push({
+ id: category,
+ name: category,
+ emojis: emojis.map(emoji => ({
+ id: emoji.custom_emoji.shortcode,
+ name: emoji.custom_emoji.shortcode,
+ keywords: emoji.keywords.map(x => x.keyword),
+ skins: [{ src: emoji.custom_emoji.image_url }],
+ })),
+ });
+ }
+ customEmojisLookup = new Map(
+ custom_emoji_views.map(view => [view.custom_emoji.shortcode, view])
+ );
+ }
+ export function updateEmojiDataModel(custom_emoji_view: CustomEmojiView) {
+ const emoji: EmojiMartCustomEmoji = {
+ id: custom_emoji_view.custom_emoji.shortcode,
+ name: custom_emoji_view.custom_emoji.shortcode,
+ keywords: custom_emoji_view.keywords.map(x => x.keyword),
+ skins: [{ src: custom_emoji_view.custom_emoji.image_url }],
+ };
+ const categoryIndex = customEmojis.findIndex(
+ x => x.id == custom_emoji_view.custom_emoji.category
+ );
+ if (categoryIndex == -1) {
+ customEmojis.push({
+ id: custom_emoji_view.custom_emoji.category,
+ name: custom_emoji_view.custom_emoji.category,
+ emojis: [emoji],
+ });
+ } else {
+ const emojiIndex = customEmojis[categoryIndex].emojis.findIndex(
+ x => x.id == custom_emoji_view.custom_emoji.shortcode
+ );
+ if (emojiIndex == -1) {
+ customEmojis[categoryIndex].emojis.push(emoji);
+ } else {
+ customEmojis[categoryIndex].emojis[emojiIndex] = emoji;
+ }
+ }
+ customEmojisLookup.set(
+ custom_emoji_view.custom_emoji.shortcode,
+ custom_emoji_view
+ );
+ }
+ export function removeFromEmojiDataModel(id: number) {
+ let view: CustomEmojiView | undefined;
+ for (const item of customEmojisLookup.values()) {
+ if (item.custom_emoji.id === id) {
+ view = item;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!view) return;
+ const categoryIndex = customEmojis.findIndex(
+ x => x.id == view?.custom_emoji.category
+ );
+ const emojiIndex = customEmojis[categoryIndex].emojis.findIndex(
+ x => x.id == view?.custom_emoji.shortcode
+ );
+ customEmojis[categoryIndex].emojis = customEmojis[
+ categoryIndex
+ ].emojis.splice(emojiIndex, 1);
+ customEmojisLookup.delete(view?.custom_emoji.shortcode);
+ }
+ export function getEmojiMart(
+ onEmojiSelect: (e: any) => void,
+ customPickerOptions: any = {}
+ ) {
+ const pickerOptions = {
+ ...customPickerOptions,
+ onEmojiSelect: onEmojiSelect,
+ custom: customEmojis,
+ };
+ return new Picker(pickerOptions);
+ }
+ export function setupTribute() {
+ return new Tribute({
+ noMatchTemplate: function () {
+ return "";
+ },
+ collection: [
+ // Emojis
+ {
+ trigger: ":",
+ menuItemTemplate: (item: any) => {
+ const shortName = `:${item.original.key}:`;
+ return `${item.original.val} ${shortName}`;
+ },
+ selectTemplate: (item: any) => {
+ const customEmoji = customEmojisLookup.get(
+ item.original.key
+ )?.custom_emoji;
+ if (customEmoji == undefined) return `${item.original.val}`;
+ else
+ return `![${customEmoji.alt_text}](${customEmoji.image_url} "${customEmoji.shortcode}")`;
+ },
+ values: Object.entries(emojiShortName)
+ .map(e => {
+ return { key: e[1], val: e[0] };
+ })
+ .concat(
+ Array.from(customEmojisLookup.entries()).map(k => ({
+ key: k[0],
+ val: `<img class="icon icon-emoji" src="${k[1].custom_emoji.image_url}" title="${k[1].custom_emoji.shortcode}" alt="${k[1].custom_emoji.alt_text}" />`,
+ }))
+ ),
+ allowSpaces: false,
+ autocompleteMode: true,
+ // TODO
+ // menuItemLimit: mentionDropdownFetchLimit,
+ menuShowMinLength: 2,
+ },
+ // Persons
+ {
+ trigger: "@",
+ selectTemplate: (item: any) => {
+ const it: PersonTribute = item.original;
+ return `[${it.key}](${it.view.person.actor_id})`;
+ },
+ values: debounce(async (text: string, cb: any) => {
+ cb(await personSearch(text));
+ }),
+ allowSpaces: false,
+ autocompleteMode: true,
+ // TODO
+ // menuItemLimit: mentionDropdownFetchLimit,
+ menuShowMinLength: 2,
+ },
+ // Communities
+ {
+ trigger: "!",
+ selectTemplate: (item: any) => {
+ const it: CommunityTribute = item.original;
+ return `[${it.key}](${it.view.community.actor_id})`;
+ },
+ values: debounce(async (text: string, cb: any) => {
+ cb(await communitySearch(text));
+ }),
+ allowSpaces: false,
+ autocompleteMode: true,
+ // TODO
+ // menuItemLimit: mentionDropdownFetchLimit,
+ menuShowMinLength: 2,
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ interface EmojiMartCategory {
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+ emojis: EmojiMartCustomEmoji[];
+ }
+ interface EmojiMartCustomEmoji {
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+ keywords: string[];
+ skins: EmojiMartSkin[];
+ }
+ interface EmojiMartSkin {
+ src: string;
+ }