use actix_web::web::Data;
use lemmy_apub::{ApubLikeableType, ApubObjectType};
use lemmy_db::{
- comment_report::*,
- source::{comment::*, moderator::*, post::*, user::*},
+ source::{
+ comment::*,
+ comment_report::{CommentReport, CommentReportForm},
+ moderator::*,
+ post::*,
+ user::*,
+ },
+ comment_report_view::{CommentReportQueryBuilder, CommentReportView},
comment_view::{CommentQueryBuilder, CommentView},
let user_id =;
- is_mod_or_admin(context.pool(), user_id, report.community_id).await?;
+ is_mod_or_admin(context.pool(), user_id,;
let resolved = data.resolved;
let resolve_fun = move |conn: &'_ _| {
context.chat_server().do_send(SendModRoomMessage {
op: UserOperation::ResolveCommentReport,
response: res.clone(),
- community_id: report.community_id,
+ community_id:,
use lemmy_apub::{ApubLikeableType, ApubObjectType};
use lemmy_db::{
- post_report::*,
- source::{moderator::*, post::*},
+ source::{
+ moderator::*,
+ post::*,
+ post_report::{PostReport, PostReportForm},
+ },
community::{community_moderator_view::CommunityModeratorView, community_view::CommunityView},
+ post_report_view::{PostReportQueryBuilder, PostReportView},
post_view::{PostQueryBuilder, PostView},
let user_id =;
- is_mod_or_admin(context.pool(), user_id, report.community_id).await?;
+ is_mod_or_admin(context.pool(), user_id,;
let resolved = data.resolved;
let resolve_fun = move |conn: &'_ _| {
context.chat_server().do_send(SendModRoomMessage {
op: UserOperation::ResolvePostReport,
response: res.clone(),
- community_id: report.community_id,
+ community_id:,
use chrono::Duration;
use lemmy_apub::ApubObjectType;
use lemmy_db::{
- comment_report::CommentReportView,
- post_report::PostReportView,
+ comment_report_view::CommentReportView,
+ post_report_view::PostReportView,
private_message_view::{PrivateMessageQueryBuilder, PrivateMessageView},
+++ /dev/null
-use diesel::{dsl::*, pg::Pg, result::Error, *};
-use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
-use crate::{
- limit_and_offset,
- naive_now,
- schema::comment_report,
- source::comment::Comment,
- MaybeOptional,
- Reportable,
-table! {
- comment_report_view (id) {
- id -> Int4,
- creator_id -> Int4,
- comment_id -> Int4,
- original_comment_text -> Text,
- reason -> Text,
- resolved -> Bool,
- resolver_id -> Nullable<Int4>,
- published -> Timestamp,
- updated -> Nullable<Timestamp>,
- post_id -> Int4,
- current_comment_text -> Text,
- community_id -> Int4,
- creator_actor_id -> Text,
- creator_name -> Varchar,
- creator_preferred_username -> Nullable<Varchar>,
- creator_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
- creator_local -> Bool,
- comment_creator_id -> Int4,
- comment_creator_actor_id -> Text,
- comment_creator_name -> Varchar,
- comment_creator_preferred_username -> Nullable<Varchar>,
- comment_creator_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
- comment_creator_local -> Bool,
- resolver_actor_id -> Nullable<Text>,
- resolver_name -> Nullable<Varchar>,
- resolver_preferred_username -> Nullable<Varchar>,
- resolver_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
- resolver_local -> Nullable<Bool>,
- }
-#[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Associations, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize)]
-#[table_name = "comment_report"]
-pub struct CommentReport {
- pub id: i32,
- pub creator_id: i32,
- pub comment_id: i32,
- pub original_comment_text: String,
- pub reason: String,
- pub resolved: bool,
- pub resolver_id: Option<i32>,
- pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
- pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
-#[derive(Insertable, AsChangeset, Clone)]
-#[table_name = "comment_report"]
-pub struct CommentReportForm {
- pub creator_id: i32,
- pub comment_id: i32,
- pub original_comment_text: String,
- pub reason: String,
-impl Reportable<CommentReportForm> for CommentReport {
- /// creates a comment report and returns it
- ///
- /// * `conn` - the postgres connection
- /// * `comment_report_form` - the filled CommentReportForm to insert
- fn report(conn: &PgConnection, comment_report_form: &CommentReportForm) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- use crate::schema::comment_report::dsl::*;
- insert_into(comment_report)
- .values(comment_report_form)
- .get_result::<Self>(conn)
- }
- /// resolve a comment report
- ///
- /// * `conn` - the postgres connection
- /// * `report_id` - the id of the report to resolve
- /// * `by_resolver_id` - the id of the user resolving the report
- fn resolve(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32, by_resolver_id: i32) -> Result<usize, Error> {
- use crate::schema::comment_report::dsl::*;
- update(comment_report.find(report_id))
- .set((
- resolved.eq(true),
- resolver_id.eq(by_resolver_id),
- updated.eq(naive_now()),
- ))
- .execute(conn)
- }
- /// unresolve a comment report
- ///
- /// * `conn` - the postgres connection
- /// * `report_id` - the id of the report to unresolve
- /// * `by_resolver_id` - the id of the user unresolving the report
- fn unresolve(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32, by_resolver_id: i32) -> Result<usize, Error> {
- use crate::schema::comment_report::dsl::*;
- update(comment_report.find(report_id))
- .set((
- resolved.eq(false),
- resolver_id.eq(by_resolver_id),
- updated.eq(naive_now()),
- ))
- .execute(conn)
- }
-#[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
-#[table_name = "comment_report_view"]
-pub struct CommentReportView {
- pub id: i32,
- pub creator_id: i32,
- pub comment_id: i32,
- pub original_comment_text: String,
- pub reason: String,
- pub resolved: bool,
- pub resolver_id: Option<i32>,
- pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
- pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
- pub post_id: i32,
- pub current_comment_text: String,
- pub community_id: i32,
- pub creator_actor_id: String,
- pub creator_name: String,
- pub creator_preferred_username: Option<String>,
- pub creator_avatar: Option<String>,
- pub creator_local: bool,
- pub comment_creator_id: i32,
- pub comment_creator_actor_id: String,
- pub comment_creator_name: String,
- pub comment_creator_preferred_username: Option<String>,
- pub comment_creator_avatar: Option<String>,
- pub comment_creator_local: bool,
- pub resolver_actor_id: Option<String>,
- pub resolver_name: Option<String>,
- pub resolver_preferred_username: Option<String>,
- pub resolver_avatar: Option<String>,
- pub resolver_local: Option<bool>,
-pub struct CommentReportQueryBuilder<'a> {
- conn: &'a PgConnection,
- query: comment_report_view::BoxedQuery<'a, Pg>,
- for_community_ids: Option<Vec<i32>>,
- page: Option<i64>,
- limit: Option<i64>,
- resolved: Option<bool>,
-impl CommentReportView {
- /// returns the CommentReportView for the provided report_id
- ///
- /// * `report_id` - the report id to obtain
- pub fn read(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- use super::comment_report::comment_report_view::dsl::*;
- comment_report_view.find(report_id).first::<Self>(conn)
- }
- /// returns the current unresolved comment report count for the supplied community ids
- ///
- /// * `community_ids` - a Vec<i32> of community_ids to get a count for
- pub fn get_report_count(conn: &PgConnection, community_ids: &[i32]) -> Result<i64, Error> {
- use super::comment_report::comment_report_view::dsl::*;
- comment_report_view
- .filter(resolved.eq(false).and(community_id.eq_any(community_ids)))
- .select(count(id))
- .first::<i64>(conn)
- }
-impl<'a> CommentReportQueryBuilder<'a> {
- pub fn create(conn: &'a PgConnection) -> Self {
- use super::comment_report::comment_report_view::dsl::*;
- let query = comment_report_view.into_boxed();
- CommentReportQueryBuilder {
- conn,
- query,
- for_community_ids: None,
- page: None,
- limit: None,
- resolved: Some(false),
- }
- }
- pub fn community_ids<T: MaybeOptional<Vec<i32>>>(mut self, community_ids: T) -> Self {
- self.for_community_ids = community_ids.get_optional();
- self
- }
- pub fn page<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, page: T) -> Self {
- = page.get_optional();
- self
- }
- pub fn limit<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, limit: T) -> Self {
- self.limit = limit.get_optional();
- self
- }
- pub fn resolved<T: MaybeOptional<bool>>(mut self, resolved: T) -> Self {
- self.resolved = resolved.get_optional();
- self
- }
- pub fn list(self) -> Result<Vec<CommentReportView>, Error> {
- use super::comment_report::comment_report_view::dsl::*;
- let mut query = self.query;
- if let Some(comm_ids) = self.for_community_ids {
- query = query.filter(community_id.eq_any(comm_ids));
- }
- if let Some(resolved_flag) = self.resolved {
- query = query.filter(resolved.eq(resolved_flag));
- }
- let (limit, offset) = limit_and_offset(, self.limit);
- query
- .order_by(published.asc())
- .limit(limit)
- .offset(offset)
- .load::<CommentReportView>(self.conn)
- }
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{env, env::VarError};
-pub mod comment_report;
-pub mod post_report;
pub mod aggregates;
pub mod schema;
pub mod source;
+++ /dev/null
-use diesel::{dsl::*, pg::Pg, result::Error, *};
-use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
-use crate::{
- limit_and_offset,
- naive_now,
- schema::post_report,
- source::post::Post,
- MaybeOptional,
- Reportable,
-table! {
- post_report_view (id) {
- id -> Int4,
- creator_id -> Int4,
- post_id -> Int4,
- original_post_name -> Varchar,
- original_post_url -> Nullable<Text>,
- original_post_body -> Nullable<Text>,
- reason -> Text,
- resolved -> Bool,
- resolver_id -> Nullable<Int4>,
- published -> Timestamp,
- updated -> Nullable<Timestamp>,
- current_post_name -> Varchar,
- current_post_url -> Nullable<Text>,
- current_post_body -> Nullable<Text>,
- community_id -> Int4,
- creator_actor_id -> Text,
- creator_name -> Varchar,
- creator_preferred_username -> Nullable<Varchar>,
- creator_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
- creator_local -> Bool,
- post_creator_id -> Int4,
- post_creator_actor_id -> Text,
- post_creator_name -> Varchar,
- post_creator_preferred_username -> Nullable<Varchar>,
- post_creator_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
- post_creator_local -> Bool,
- resolver_actor_id -> Nullable<Text>,
- resolver_name -> Nullable<Varchar>,
- resolver_preferred_username -> Nullable<Varchar>,
- resolver_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
- resolver_local -> Nullable<Bool>,
- }
-#[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Associations, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
-#[table_name = "post_report"]
-pub struct PostReport {
- pub id: i32,
- pub creator_id: i32,
- pub post_id: i32,
- pub original_post_name: String,
- pub original_post_url: Option<String>,
- pub original_post_body: Option<String>,
- pub reason: String,
- pub resolved: bool,
- pub resolver_id: Option<i32>,
- pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
- pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
-#[derive(Insertable, AsChangeset, Clone)]
-#[table_name = "post_report"]
-pub struct PostReportForm {
- pub creator_id: i32,
- pub post_id: i32,
- pub original_post_name: String,
- pub original_post_url: Option<String>,
- pub original_post_body: Option<String>,
- pub reason: String,
-impl Reportable<PostReportForm> for PostReport {
- /// creates a post report and returns it
- ///
- /// * `conn` - the postgres connection
- /// * `post_report_form` - the filled CommentReportForm to insert
- fn report(conn: &PgConnection, post_report_form: &PostReportForm) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- use crate::schema::post_report::dsl::*;
- insert_into(post_report)
- .values(post_report_form)
- .get_result::<Self>(conn)
- }
- /// resolve a post report
- ///
- /// * `conn` - the postgres connection
- /// * `report_id` - the id of the report to resolve
- /// * `by_resolver_id` - the id of the user resolving the report
- fn resolve(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32, by_resolver_id: i32) -> Result<usize, Error> {
- use crate::schema::post_report::dsl::*;
- update(post_report.find(report_id))
- .set((
- resolved.eq(true),
- resolver_id.eq(by_resolver_id),
- updated.eq(naive_now()),
- ))
- .execute(conn)
- }
- /// resolve a post report
- ///
- /// * `conn` - the postgres connection
- /// * `report_id` - the id of the report to unresolve
- /// * `by_resolver_id` - the id of the user unresolving the report
- fn unresolve(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32, by_resolver_id: i32) -> Result<usize, Error> {
- use crate::schema::post_report::dsl::*;
- update(post_report.find(report_id))
- .set((
- resolved.eq(false),
- resolver_id.eq(by_resolver_id),
- updated.eq(naive_now()),
- ))
- .execute(conn)
- }
-#[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
-#[table_name = "post_report_view"]
-pub struct PostReportView {
- pub id: i32,
- pub creator_id: i32,
- pub post_id: i32,
- pub original_post_name: String,
- pub original_post_url: Option<String>,
- pub original_post_body: Option<String>,
- pub reason: String,
- pub resolved: bool,
- pub resolver_id: Option<i32>,
- pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
- pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
- pub current_post_name: String,
- pub current_post_url: Option<String>,
- pub current_post_body: Option<String>,
- pub community_id: i32,
- pub creator_actor_id: String,
- pub creator_name: String,
- pub creator_preferred_username: Option<String>,
- pub creator_avatar: Option<String>,
- pub creator_local: bool,
- pub post_creator_id: i32,
- pub post_creator_actor_id: String,
- pub post_creator_name: String,
- pub post_creator_preferred_username: Option<String>,
- pub post_creator_avatar: Option<String>,
- pub post_creator_local: bool,
- pub resolver_actor_id: Option<String>,
- pub resolver_name: Option<String>,
- pub resolver_preferred_username: Option<String>,
- pub resolver_avatar: Option<String>,
- pub resolver_local: Option<bool>,
-impl PostReportView {
- /// returns the PostReportView for the provided report_id
- ///
- /// * `report_id` - the report id to obtain
- pub fn read(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- use super::post_report::post_report_view::dsl::*;
- post_report_view.find(report_id).first::<Self>(conn)
- }
- /// returns the current unresolved post report count for the supplied community ids
- ///
- /// * `community_ids` - a Vec<i32> of community_ids to get a count for
- pub fn get_report_count(conn: &PgConnection, community_ids: &[i32]) -> Result<i64, Error> {
- use super::post_report::post_report_view::dsl::*;
- post_report_view
- .filter(resolved.eq(false).and(community_id.eq_any(community_ids)))
- .select(count(id))
- .first::<i64>(conn)
- }
-pub struct PostReportQueryBuilder<'a> {
- conn: &'a PgConnection,
- query: post_report_view::BoxedQuery<'a, Pg>,
- for_community_ids: Option<Vec<i32>>,
- page: Option<i64>,
- limit: Option<i64>,
- resolved: Option<bool>,
-impl<'a> PostReportQueryBuilder<'a> {
- pub fn create(conn: &'a PgConnection) -> Self {
- use super::post_report::post_report_view::dsl::*;
- let query = post_report_view.into_boxed();
- PostReportQueryBuilder {
- conn,
- query,
- for_community_ids: None,
- page: None,
- limit: None,
- resolved: Some(false),
- }
- }
- pub fn community_ids<T: MaybeOptional<Vec<i32>>>(mut self, community_ids: T) -> Self {
- self.for_community_ids = community_ids.get_optional();
- self
- }
- pub fn page<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, page: T) -> Self {
- = page.get_optional();
- self
- }
- pub fn limit<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, limit: T) -> Self {
- self.limit = limit.get_optional();
- self
- }
- pub fn resolved<T: MaybeOptional<bool>>(mut self, resolved: T) -> Self {
- self.resolved = resolved.get_optional();
- self
- }
- pub fn list(self) -> Result<Vec<PostReportView>, Error> {
- use super::post_report::post_report_view::dsl::*;
- let mut query = self.query;
- if let Some(comm_ids) = self.for_community_ids {
- query = query.filter(community_id.eq_any(comm_ids));
- }
- if let Some(resolved_flag) = self.resolved {
- query = query.filter(resolved.eq(resolved_flag));
- }
- let (limit, offset) = limit_and_offset(, self.limit);
- query
- .order_by(published.asc())
- .limit(limit)
- .offset(offset)
- .load::<PostReportView>(self.conn)
- }
+table! {
+ user_alias_2 (id) {
+ id -> Int4,
+ name -> Varchar,
+ preferred_username -> Nullable<Varchar>,
+ password_encrypted -> Text,
+ email -> Nullable<Text>,
+ avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
+ admin -> Bool,
+ banned -> Bool,
+ published -> Timestamp,
+ updated -> Nullable<Timestamp>,
+ show_nsfw -> Bool,
+ theme -> Varchar,
+ default_sort_type -> Int2,
+ default_listing_type -> Int2,
+ lang -> Varchar,
+ show_avatars -> Bool,
+ send_notifications_to_email -> Bool,
+ matrix_user_id -> Nullable<Text>,
+ actor_id -> Varchar,
+ bio -> Nullable<Text>,
+ local -> Bool,
+ private_key -> Nullable<Text>,
+ public_key -> Nullable<Text>,
+ last_refreshed_at -> Timestamp,
+ banner -> Nullable<Text>,
+ deleted -> Bool,
+ }
joinable!(comment_alias_1 -> user_alias_1 (creator_id));
joinable!(comment -> comment_alias_1 (parent_id));
joinable!(user_mention -> user_alias_1 (recipient_id));
+joinable!(post -> user_alias_1 (creator_id));
+joinable!(comment -> user_alias_1 (creator_id));
+joinable!(post_report -> user_alias_2 (resolver_id));
+joinable!(comment_report -> user_alias_2 (resolver_id));
joinable!(comment -> post (post_id));
joinable!(comment -> user_ (creator_id));
+ user_alias_2,
--- /dev/null
+use diesel::{dsl::*, result::Error, *};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use crate::{naive_now, schema::comment_report, source::comment::Comment, Reportable};
+#[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Associations, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
+#[table_name = "comment_report"]
+pub struct CommentReport {
+ pub id: i32,
+ pub creator_id: i32,
+ pub comment_id: i32,
+ pub original_comment_text: String,
+ pub reason: String,
+ pub resolved: bool,
+ pub resolver_id: Option<i32>,
+ pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
+ pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
+#[derive(Insertable, AsChangeset, Clone)]
+#[table_name = "comment_report"]
+pub struct CommentReportForm {
+ pub creator_id: i32,
+ pub comment_id: i32,
+ pub original_comment_text: String,
+ pub reason: String,
+impl Reportable<CommentReportForm> for CommentReport {
+ /// creates a comment report and returns it
+ ///
+ /// * `conn` - the postgres connection
+ /// * `comment_report_form` - the filled CommentReportForm to insert
+ fn report(conn: &PgConnection, comment_report_form: &CommentReportForm) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ use crate::schema::comment_report::dsl::*;
+ insert_into(comment_report)
+ .values(comment_report_form)
+ .get_result::<Self>(conn)
+ }
+ /// resolve a comment report
+ ///
+ /// * `conn` - the postgres connection
+ /// * `report_id` - the id of the report to resolve
+ /// * `by_resolver_id` - the id of the user resolving the report
+ fn resolve(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32, by_resolver_id: i32) -> Result<usize, Error> {
+ use crate::schema::comment_report::dsl::*;
+ update(comment_report.find(report_id))
+ .set((
+ resolved.eq(true),
+ resolver_id.eq(by_resolver_id),
+ updated.eq(naive_now()),
+ ))
+ .execute(conn)
+ }
+ /// unresolve a comment report
+ ///
+ /// * `conn` - the postgres connection
+ /// * `report_id` - the id of the report to unresolve
+ /// * `by_resolver_id` - the id of the user unresolving the report
+ fn unresolve(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32, by_resolver_id: i32) -> Result<usize, Error> {
+ use crate::schema::comment_report::dsl::*;
+ update(comment_report.find(report_id))
+ .set((
+ resolved.eq(false),
+ resolver_id.eq(by_resolver_id),
+ updated.eq(naive_now()),
+ ))
+ .execute(conn)
+ }
pub mod activity;
pub mod category;
pub mod comment;
+pub mod comment_report;
pub mod community;
pub mod moderator;
pub mod password_reset_request;
pub mod post;
+pub mod post_report;
pub mod private_message;
pub mod site;
pub mod user;
--- /dev/null
+use diesel::{dsl::*, result::Error, *};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use crate::{naive_now, schema::post_report, source::post::Post, Reportable};
+#[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Associations, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
+#[table_name = "post_report"]
+pub struct PostReport {
+ pub id: i32,
+ pub creator_id: i32,
+ pub post_id: i32,
+ pub original_post_name: String,
+ pub original_post_url: Option<String>,
+ pub original_post_body: Option<String>,
+ pub reason: String,
+ pub resolved: bool,
+ pub resolver_id: Option<i32>,
+ pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
+ pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
+#[derive(Insertable, AsChangeset, Clone)]
+#[table_name = "post_report"]
+pub struct PostReportForm {
+ pub creator_id: i32,
+ pub post_id: i32,
+ pub original_post_name: String,
+ pub original_post_url: Option<String>,
+ pub original_post_body: Option<String>,
+ pub reason: String,
+impl Reportable<PostReportForm> for PostReport {
+ /// creates a post report and returns it
+ ///
+ /// * `conn` - the postgres connection
+ /// * `post_report_form` - the filled CommentReportForm to insert
+ fn report(conn: &PgConnection, post_report_form: &PostReportForm) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ use crate::schema::post_report::dsl::*;
+ insert_into(post_report)
+ .values(post_report_form)
+ .get_result::<Self>(conn)
+ }
+ /// resolve a post report
+ ///
+ /// * `conn` - the postgres connection
+ /// * `report_id` - the id of the report to resolve
+ /// * `by_resolver_id` - the id of the user resolving the report
+ fn resolve(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32, by_resolver_id: i32) -> Result<usize, Error> {
+ use crate::schema::post_report::dsl::*;
+ update(post_report.find(report_id))
+ .set((
+ resolved.eq(true),
+ resolver_id.eq(by_resolver_id),
+ updated.eq(naive_now()),
+ ))
+ .execute(conn)
+ }
+ /// resolve a post report
+ ///
+ /// * `conn` - the postgres connection
+ /// * `report_id` - the id of the report to unresolve
+ /// * `by_resolver_id` - the id of the user unresolving the report
+ fn unresolve(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32, by_resolver_id: i32) -> Result<usize, Error> {
+ use crate::schema::post_report::dsl::*;
+ update(post_report.find(report_id))
+ .set((
+ resolved.eq(false),
+ resolver_id.eq(by_resolver_id),
+ updated.eq(naive_now()),
+ ))
+ .execute(conn)
+ }
use crate::{
- schema::{user_, user_::dsl::*, user_alias_1},
+ schema::{user_, user_::dsl::*, user_alias_1, user_alias_2},
pub deleted: bool,
-mod safe_type_alias {
+mod safe_type_alias_1 {
use crate::{schema::user_alias_1::columns::*, source::user::UserAlias1, ToSafe};
type Columns = (
+#[derive(Clone, Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize)]
+#[table_name = "user_alias_2"]
+pub struct UserAlias2 {
+ pub id: i32,
+ pub name: String,
+ pub preferred_username: Option<String>,
+ pub password_encrypted: String,
+ pub email: Option<String>,
+ pub avatar: Option<String>,
+ pub admin: bool,
+ pub banned: bool,
+ pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
+ pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
+ pub show_nsfw: bool,
+ pub theme: String,
+ pub default_sort_type: i16,
+ pub default_listing_type: i16,
+ pub lang: String,
+ pub show_avatars: bool,
+ pub send_notifications_to_email: bool,
+ pub matrix_user_id: Option<String>,
+ pub actor_id: String,
+ pub bio: Option<String>,
+ pub local: bool,
+ pub private_key: Option<String>,
+ pub public_key: Option<String>,
+ pub last_refreshed_at: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
+ pub banner: Option<String>,
+ pub deleted: bool,
+#[derive(Clone, Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize)]
+#[table_name = "user_alias_2"]
+pub struct UserSafeAlias2 {
+ pub id: i32,
+ pub name: String,
+ pub preferred_username: Option<String>,
+ pub avatar: Option<String>,
+ pub admin: bool,
+ pub banned: bool,
+ pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
+ pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
+ pub matrix_user_id: Option<String>,
+ pub actor_id: String,
+ pub bio: Option<String>,
+ pub local: bool,
+ pub banner: Option<String>,
+ pub deleted: bool,
+mod safe_type_alias_2 {
+ use crate::{schema::user_alias_2::columns::*, source::user::UserAlias2, ToSafe};
+ type Columns = (
+ id,
+ name,
+ preferred_username,
+ avatar,
+ admin,
+ banned,
+ published,
+ updated,
+ matrix_user_id,
+ actor_id,
+ bio,
+ local,
+ banner,
+ deleted,
+ );
+ impl ToSafe for UserAlias2 {
+ type SafeColumns = Columns;
+ fn safe_columns_tuple() -> Self::SafeColumns {
+ (
+ id,
+ name,
+ preferred_username,
+ avatar,
+ admin,
+ banned,
+ published,
+ updated,
+ matrix_user_id,
+ actor_id,
+ bio,
+ local,
+ banner,
+ deleted,
+ )
+ }
+ }
#[derive(Insertable, AsChangeset, Clone)]
#[table_name = "user_"]
pub struct UserForm {
--- /dev/null
+use crate::{
+ limit_and_offset,
+ schema::{comment, comment_report, community, post, user_, user_alias_1, user_alias_2},
+ source::{
+ comment::Comment,
+ comment_report::CommentReport,
+ community::{Community, CommunitySafe},
+ post::Post,
+ user::{UserAlias1, UserAlias2, UserSafe, UserSafeAlias1, UserSafeAlias2, User_},
+ },
+ views::ViewToVec,
+ MaybeOptional,
+ ToSafe,
+use diesel::{result::Error, *};
+use serde::Serialize;
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Clone)]
+pub struct CommentReportView {
+ pub comment_report: CommentReport,
+ pub comment: Comment,
+ pub post: Post,
+ pub community: CommunitySafe,
+ pub creator: UserSafe,
+ pub comment_creator: UserSafeAlias1,
+ pub resolver: Option<UserSafeAlias2>,
+type CommentReportViewTuple = (
+ CommentReport,
+ Comment,
+ Post,
+ CommunitySafe,
+ UserSafe,
+ UserSafeAlias1,
+ Option<UserSafeAlias2>,
+impl CommentReportView {
+ /// returns the CommentReportView for the provided report_id
+ ///
+ /// * `report_id` - the report id to obtain
+ pub fn read(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ let (comment_report, comment, post, community, creator, comment_creator, resolver) =
+ comment_report::table
+ .find(report_id)
+ .inner_join(comment::table)
+ .inner_join(post::table.on(comment::post_id.eq(post::id)))
+ .inner_join(community::table.on(post::community_id.eq(community::id)))
+ .inner_join(user_::table.on(comment_report::creator_id.eq(user_::id)))
+ .inner_join(user_alias_1::table.on(post::creator_id.eq(user_alias_1::id)))
+ .left_join(
+ user_alias_2::table.on(comment_report::resolver_id.eq(user_alias_2::id.nullable())),
+ )
+ .select((
+ comment_report::all_columns,
+ comment::all_columns,
+ post::all_columns,
+ Community::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ User_::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ UserAlias1::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ UserAlias2::safe_columns_tuple().nullable(),
+ ))
+ .first::<CommentReportViewTuple>(conn)?;
+ Ok(Self {
+ comment_report,
+ comment,
+ post,
+ community,
+ creator,
+ comment_creator,
+ resolver,
+ })
+ }
+ /// returns the current unresolved post report count for the supplied community ids
+ ///
+ /// * `community_ids` - a Vec<i32> of community_ids to get a count for
+ /// TODO this eq_any is a bad way to do this, would be better to join to communitymoderator
+ /// for a user id
+ pub fn get_report_count(conn: &PgConnection, community_ids: &[i32]) -> Result<i64, Error> {
+ use diesel::dsl::*;
+ comment_report::table
+ .inner_join(comment::table)
+ .inner_join(post::table.on(comment::post_id.eq(post::id)))
+ .filter(
+ comment_report::resolved
+ .eq(false)
+ .and(post::community_id.eq_any(community_ids)),
+ )
+ .select(count(comment_report::id))
+ .first::<i64>(conn)
+ }
+pub struct CommentReportQueryBuilder<'a> {
+ conn: &'a PgConnection,
+ community_ids: Option<Vec<i32>>, // TODO bad way to do this
+ page: Option<i64>,
+ limit: Option<i64>,
+ resolved: Option<bool>,
+impl<'a> CommentReportQueryBuilder<'a> {
+ pub fn create(conn: &'a PgConnection) -> Self {
+ CommentReportQueryBuilder {
+ conn,
+ community_ids: None,
+ page: None,
+ limit: None,
+ resolved: Some(false),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn community_ids<T: MaybeOptional<Vec<i32>>>(mut self, community_ids: T) -> Self {
+ self.community_ids = community_ids.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn page<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, page: T) -> Self {
+ = page.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn limit<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, limit: T) -> Self {
+ self.limit = limit.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn resolved<T: MaybeOptional<bool>>(mut self, resolved: T) -> Self {
+ self.resolved = resolved.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn list(self) -> Result<Vec<CommentReportView>, Error> {
+ let mut query = comment_report::table
+ .inner_join(comment::table)
+ .inner_join(post::table.on(comment::post_id.eq(post::id)))
+ .inner_join(community::table.on(post::community_id.eq(community::id)))
+ .inner_join(user_::table.on(comment_report::creator_id.eq(user_::id)))
+ .inner_join(user_alias_1::table.on(post::creator_id.eq(user_alias_1::id)))
+ .left_join(
+ user_alias_2::table.on(comment_report::resolver_id.eq(user_alias_2::id.nullable())),
+ )
+ .select((
+ comment_report::all_columns,
+ comment::all_columns,
+ post::all_columns,
+ Community::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ User_::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ UserAlias1::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ UserAlias2::safe_columns_tuple().nullable(),
+ ))
+ .into_boxed();
+ if let Some(comm_ids) = self.community_ids {
+ query = query.filter(post::community_id.eq_any(comm_ids));
+ }
+ if let Some(resolved_flag) = self.resolved {
+ query = query.filter(comment_report::resolved.eq(resolved_flag));
+ }
+ let (limit, offset) = limit_and_offset(, self.limit);
+ let res = query
+ .order_by(comment_report::published.asc())
+ .limit(limit)
+ .offset(offset)
+ .load::<CommentReportViewTuple>(self.conn)?;
+ Ok(CommentReportView::to_vec(res))
+ }
+impl ViewToVec for CommentReportView {
+ type DbTuple = CommentReportViewTuple;
+ fn to_vec(posts: Vec<Self::DbTuple>) -> Vec<Self> {
+ posts
+ .iter()
+ .map(|a| Self {
+ comment_report: a.0.to_owned(),
+ comment: a.1.to_owned(),
+ post: a.2.to_owned(),
+ community: a.3.to_owned(),
+ creator: a.4.to_owned(),
+ comment_creator: a.5.to_owned(),
+ resolver: a.6.to_owned(),
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<Self>>()
+ }
+pub mod comment_report_view;
pub mod comment_view;
pub mod community;
pub mod moderator;
+pub mod post_report_view;
pub mod post_view;
pub mod private_message_view;
pub mod site_view;
--- /dev/null
+use crate::{
+ limit_and_offset,
+ schema::{community, post, post_report, user_, user_alias_1, user_alias_2},
+ source::{
+ community::{Community, CommunitySafe},
+ post::Post,
+ post_report::PostReport,
+ user::{UserAlias1, UserAlias2, UserSafe, UserSafeAlias1, UserSafeAlias2, User_},
+ },
+ views::ViewToVec,
+ MaybeOptional,
+ ToSafe,
+use diesel::{result::Error, *};
+use serde::Serialize;
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Clone)]
+pub struct PostReportView {
+ pub post_report: PostReport,
+ pub post: Post,
+ pub community: CommunitySafe,
+ pub creator: UserSafe,
+ pub post_creator: UserSafeAlias1,
+ pub resolver: Option<UserSafeAlias2>,
+type PostReportViewTuple = (
+ PostReport,
+ Post,
+ CommunitySafe,
+ UserSafe,
+ UserSafeAlias1,
+ Option<UserSafeAlias2>,
+impl PostReportView {
+ /// returns the PostReportView for the provided report_id
+ ///
+ /// * `report_id` - the report id to obtain
+ pub fn read(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ let (post_report, post, community, creator, post_creator, resolver) = post_report::table
+ .find(report_id)
+ .inner_join(post::table)
+ .inner_join(community::table.on(post::community_id.eq(community::id)))
+ .inner_join(user_::table.on(post_report::creator_id.eq(user_::id)))
+ .inner_join(user_alias_1::table.on(post::creator_id.eq(user_alias_1::id)))
+ .left_join(user_alias_2::table.on(post_report::resolver_id.eq(user_alias_2::id.nullable())))
+ .select((
+ post_report::all_columns,
+ post::all_columns,
+ Community::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ User_::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ UserAlias1::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ UserAlias2::safe_columns_tuple().nullable(),
+ ))
+ .first::<PostReportViewTuple>(conn)?;
+ Ok(Self {
+ post_report,
+ post,
+ community,
+ creator,
+ post_creator,
+ resolver,
+ })
+ }
+ /// returns the current unresolved post report count for the supplied community ids
+ ///
+ /// * `community_ids` - a Vec<i32> of community_ids to get a count for
+ /// TODO this eq_any is a bad way to do this, would be better to join to communitymoderator
+ /// for a user id
+ pub fn get_report_count(conn: &PgConnection, community_ids: &[i32]) -> Result<i64, Error> {
+ use diesel::dsl::*;
+ post_report::table
+ .inner_join(post::table)
+ .filter(
+ post_report::resolved
+ .eq(false)
+ .and(post::community_id.eq_any(community_ids)),
+ )
+ .select(count(post_report::id))
+ .first::<i64>(conn)
+ }
+pub struct PostReportQueryBuilder<'a> {
+ conn: &'a PgConnection,
+ community_ids: Option<Vec<i32>>, // TODO bad way to do this
+ page: Option<i64>,
+ limit: Option<i64>,
+ resolved: Option<bool>,
+impl<'a> PostReportQueryBuilder<'a> {
+ pub fn create(conn: &'a PgConnection) -> Self {
+ PostReportQueryBuilder {
+ conn,
+ community_ids: None,
+ page: None,
+ limit: None,
+ resolved: Some(false),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn community_ids<T: MaybeOptional<Vec<i32>>>(mut self, community_ids: T) -> Self {
+ self.community_ids = community_ids.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn page<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, page: T) -> Self {
+ = page.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn limit<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, limit: T) -> Self {
+ self.limit = limit.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn resolved<T: MaybeOptional<bool>>(mut self, resolved: T) -> Self {
+ self.resolved = resolved.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn list(self) -> Result<Vec<PostReportView>, Error> {
+ let mut query = post_report::table
+ .inner_join(post::table)
+ .inner_join(community::table.on(post::community_id.eq(community::id)))
+ .inner_join(user_::table.on(post_report::creator_id.eq(user_::id)))
+ .inner_join(user_alias_1::table.on(post::creator_id.eq(user_alias_1::id)))
+ .left_join(user_alias_2::table.on(post_report::resolver_id.eq(user_alias_2::id.nullable())))
+ .select((
+ post_report::all_columns,
+ post::all_columns,
+ Community::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ User_::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ UserAlias1::safe_columns_tuple(),
+ UserAlias2::safe_columns_tuple().nullable(),
+ ))
+ .into_boxed();
+ if let Some(comm_ids) = self.community_ids {
+ query = query.filter(post::community_id.eq_any(comm_ids));
+ }
+ if let Some(resolved_flag) = self.resolved {
+ query = query.filter(post_report::resolved.eq(resolved_flag));
+ }
+ let (limit, offset) = limit_and_offset(, self.limit);
+ let res = query
+ .order_by(post_report::published.asc())
+ .limit(limit)
+ .offset(offset)
+ .load::<PostReportViewTuple>(self.conn)?;
+ Ok(PostReportView::to_vec(res))
+ }
+impl ViewToVec for PostReportView {
+ type DbTuple = PostReportViewTuple;
+ fn to_vec(posts: Vec<Self::DbTuple>) -> Vec<Self> {
+ posts
+ .iter()
+ .map(|a| Self {
+ post_report: a.0.to_owned(),
+ post: a.1.to_owned(),
+ community: a.2.to_owned(),
+ creator: a.3.to_owned(),
+ post_creator: a.4.to_owned(),
+ resolver: a.5.to_owned(),
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<Self>>()
+ }
-use lemmy_db::{comment_report::CommentReportView, views::comment_view::CommentView};
+use lemmy_db::views::{comment_report_view::CommentReportView, comment_view::CommentView};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub auth: String,
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
+#[derive(Serialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ListCommentReportsResponse {
pub comments: Vec<CommentReportView>,
-use lemmy_db::{
- post_report::PostReportView,
- views::{
- comment_view::CommentView,
- community::{community_moderator_view::CommunityModeratorView, community_view::CommunityView},
- post_view::PostView,
- },
+use lemmy_db::views::{
+ comment_view::CommentView,
+ community::{community_moderator_view::CommunityModeratorView, community_view::CommunityView},
+ post_report_view::PostReportView,
+ post_view::PostView,
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub auth: String,
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
+#[derive(Serialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ListPostReportsResponse {
pub posts: Vec<PostReportView>,