### List
`Login, Register, CreateCommunity, CreatePost, ListCommunities, ListCategories, GetPost, GetCommunity, CreateComment, EditComment, SaveComment, CreateCommentLike, GetPosts, CreatePostLike, EditPost, SavePost, EditCommunity, FollowCommunity, GetFollowedCommunities, GetUserDetails, GetReplies, GetModlog, BanFromCommunity, AddModToCommunity, CreateSite, EditSite, GetSite, AddAdmin, BanUser, Search, MarkAllAsRead`
+### Sort Types
+`Hot, New, TopDay, TopWeek, TopMonth, TopYear, TopAll`
### User / Authentication / Admin
#### Login
The `jwt` string should be stored and used anywhere `auth` is called for.
#### Get Posts
+`Post listing types are `All, Subscribed, Community`
##### Request