-import { Component } from 'inferno';
+import { Component, linkEvent } from 'inferno';
import { Subscription } from "rxjs";
import { retryWhen, delay, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
-import { UserOperation, Community as CommunityI, GetCommunityResponse, CommunityResponse, CommunityUser, UserView } from '../interfaces';
+import { UserOperation, Community as CommunityI, GetCommunityResponse, CommunityResponse, CommunityUser, UserView, SortType, Post, GetPostsForm, ListingType, GetPostsResponse, CreatePostLikeResponse } from '../interfaces';
import { WebSocketService } from '../services';
import { PostListings } from './post-listings';
import { Sidebar } from './sidebar';
-import { msgOp } from '../utils';
+import { msgOp, routeSortTypeToEnum, fetchLimit } from '../utils';
interface State {
community: CommunityI;
moderators: Array<CommunityUser>;
admins: Array<UserView>;
loading: boolean;
+ posts: Array<Post>;
+ sort: SortType;
+ page: number;
export class Community extends Component<any, State> {
admins: [],
communityId: Number(this.props.match.params.id),
communityName: this.props.match.params.name,
- loading: true
+ loading: true,
+ posts: [],
+ sort: this.getSortTypeFromProps(this.props),
+ page: this.getPageFromProps(this.props),
+ }
+ getSortTypeFromProps(props: any): SortType {
+ return (props.match.params.sort) ?
+ routeSortTypeToEnum(props.match.params.sort) :
+ SortType.Hot;
+ }
+ getPageFromProps(props: any): number {
+ return (props.match.params.page) ? Number(props.match.params.page) : 1;
constructor(props: any, context: any) {
+ // Necessary for back button for some reason
+ componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: any) {
+ if (nextProps.history.action == 'POP') {
+ this.state = this.emptyState;
+ this.state.sort = this.getSortTypeFromProps(nextProps);
+ this.state.page = this.getPageFromProps(nextProps);
+ this.fetchPosts();
+ }
+ }
render() {
return (
<div class="container">
<small className="ml-2 text-muted font-italic">removed</small>
- {this.state.community && <PostListings communityId={this.state.community.id} />}
+ {this.selects()}
+ <PostListings posts={this.state.posts} />
+ {this.paginator()}
<div class="col-12 col-md-3">
+ selects() {
+ return (
+ <div className="mb-2">
+ <select value={this.state.sort} onChange={linkEvent(this, this.handleSortChange)} class="custom-select w-auto">
+ <option disabled>Sort Type</option>
+ <option value={SortType.Hot}>Hot</option>
+ <option value={SortType.New}>New</option>
+ <option disabled>──────────</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopDay}>Top Day</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopWeek}>Week</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopMonth}>Month</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopYear}>Year</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopAll}>All</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ )
+ }
+ paginator() {
+ return (
+ <div class="mt-2">
+ {this.state.page > 1 &&
+ <button class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary mr-1" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.prevPage)}>Prev</button>
+ }
+ <button class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.nextPage)}>Next</button>
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ nextPage(i: Community) {
+ i.state.page++;
+ i.setState(i.state);
+ i.updateUrl();
+ i.fetchPosts();
+ }
+ prevPage(i: Community) {
+ i.state.page--;
+ i.setState(i.state);
+ i.updateUrl();
+ i.fetchPosts();
+ }
+ handleSortChange(i: Community, event: any) {
+ i.state.sort = Number(event.target.value);
+ i.state.page = 1;
+ i.setState(i.state);
+ i.updateUrl();
+ i.fetchPosts();
+ }
+ updateUrl() {
+ let sortStr = SortType[this.state.sort].toLowerCase();
+ this.props.history.push(`/f/${this.state.community.name}/sort/${sortStr}/page/${this.state.page}`);
+ }
+ fetchPosts() {
+ let getPostsForm: GetPostsForm = {
+ page: this.state.page,
+ limit: fetchLimit,
+ sort: SortType[this.state.sort],
+ type_: ListingType[ListingType.Community],
+ community_id: this.state.community.id,
+ }
+ WebSocketService.Instance.getPosts(getPostsForm);
+ }
parseMessage(msg: any) {
this.state.community = res.community;
this.state.moderators = res.moderators;
this.state.admins = res.admins;
- this.state.loading = false;
document.title = `/f/${this.state.community.name} - Lemmy`;
+ this.fetchPosts();
} else if (op == UserOperation.EditCommunity) {
let res: CommunityResponse = msg;
this.state.community = res.community;
this.state.community.subscribed = res.community.subscribed;
this.state.community.number_of_subscribers = res.community.number_of_subscribers;
+ } else if (op == UserOperation.GetPosts) {
+ let res: GetPostsResponse = msg;
+ this.state.posts = res.posts;
+ this.state.loading = false;
+ this.setState(this.state);
+ } else if (op == UserOperation.CreatePostLike) {
+ let res: CreatePostLikeResponse = msg;
+ let found = this.state.posts.find(c => c.id == res.post.id);
+ found.my_vote = res.post.my_vote;
+ found.score = res.post.score;
+ found.upvotes = res.post.upvotes;
+ found.downvotes = res.post.downvotes;
+ this.setState(this.state);
-import { Component } from 'inferno';
-import { Main } from './main';
-import { ListingType } from '../interfaces';
-export class Home extends Component<any, any> {
- constructor(props: any, context: any) {
- super(props, context);
- }
- render() {
- return (
- <Main type={this.listType()}/>
- )
- }
- componentDidMount() {
- document.title = "Lemmy";
- }
- listType(): ListingType {
- return (this.props.match.path == '/all') ? ListingType.All : ListingType.Subscribed;
- }
import { Link } from 'inferno-router';
import { Subscription } from "rxjs";
import { retryWhen, delay, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
-import { UserOperation, CommunityUser, GetFollowedCommunitiesResponse, ListCommunitiesForm, ListCommunitiesResponse, Community, SortType, GetSiteResponse, ListingType, SiteResponse } from '../interfaces';
+import { UserOperation, CommunityUser, GetFollowedCommunitiesResponse, ListCommunitiesForm, ListCommunitiesResponse, Community, SortType, GetSiteResponse, ListingType, SiteResponse, GetPostsResponse, CreatePostLikeResponse, Post, GetPostsForm } from '../interfaces';
import { WebSocketService, UserService } from '../services';
import { PostListings } from './post-listings';
import { SiteForm } from './site-form';
-import { msgOp, repoUrl, mdToHtml } from '../utils';
-interface MainProps {
- type: ListingType;
+import { msgOp, repoUrl, mdToHtml, fetchLimit, routeSortTypeToEnum, routeListingTypeToEnum } from '../utils';
interface MainState {
subscribedCommunities: Array<CommunityUser>;
site: GetSiteResponse;
showEditSite: boolean;
loading: boolean;
+ posts: Array<Post>;
+ type_: ListingType;
+ sort: SortType;
+ page: number;
-export class Main extends Component<MainProps, MainState> {
+export class Main extends Component<any, MainState> {
private subscription: Subscription;
private emptyState: MainState = {
banned: [],
showEditSite: false,
- loading: true
+ loading: true,
+ posts: [],
+ type_: this.getListingTypeFromProps(this.props),
+ sort: this.getSortTypeFromProps(this.props),
+ page: this.getPageFromProps(this.props),
+ }
+ getListingTypeFromProps(props: any): ListingType {
+ return (props.match.params.type) ?
+ routeListingTypeToEnum(props.match.params.type) :
+ UserService.Instance.user ?
+ ListingType.Subscribed :
+ ListingType.All;
+ }
+ getSortTypeFromProps(props: any): SortType {
+ return (props.match.params.sort) ?
+ routeSortTypeToEnum(props.match.params.sort) :
+ SortType.Hot;
+ }
+ getPageFromProps(props: any): number {
+ return (props.match.params.page) ? Number(props.match.params.page) : 1;
constructor(props: any, context: any) {
- this.handleEditCancel = this.handleEditCancel.bind(this);
+ this.fetchPosts();
componentWillUnmount() {
+ componentDidMount() {
+ document.title = "Lemmy";
+ }
+ // Necessary for back button for some reason
+ componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: any) {
+ if (nextProps.history.action == 'POP') {
+ this.state = this.emptyState;
+ this.state.type_ = this.getListingTypeFromProps(nextProps);
+ this.state.sort = this.getSortTypeFromProps(nextProps);
+ this.state.page = this.getPageFromProps(nextProps);
+ this.fetchPosts();
+ }
+ }
render() {
return (
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 col-md-8">
- <PostListings type={this.props.type} />
+ {this.posts()}
<div class="col-12 col-md-4">
- {this.state.loading ?
- <h5><svg class="icon icon-spinner spin"><use xlinkHref="#icon-spinner"></use></svg></h5> :
- <div>
- {this.trendingCommunities()}
- {UserService.Instance.user && this.state.subscribedCommunities.length > 0 &&
- <div>
- <h5>Subscribed forums</h5>
- <ul class="list-inline">
- {this.state.subscribedCommunities.map(community =>
- <li class="list-inline-item"><Link to={`/f/${community.community_name}`}>{community.community_name}</Link></li>
- )}
- </ul>
- </div>
- }
- {this.sidebar()}
- </div>
+ {!this.state.loading &&
+ <div>
+ {this.trendingCommunities()}
+ {UserService.Instance.user && this.state.subscribedCommunities.length > 0 &&
+ <div>
+ <h5>Subscribed forums</h5>
+ <ul class="list-inline">
+ {this.state.subscribedCommunities.map(community =>
+ <li class="list-inline-item"><Link to={`/f/${community.community_name}`}>{community.community_name}</Link></li>
+ )}
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ }
+ {this.sidebar()}
+ </div>
+ updateUrl() {
+ let typeStr = ListingType[this.state.type_].toLowerCase();
+ let sortStr = SortType[this.state.sort].toLowerCase();
+ this.props.history.push(`/home/type/${typeStr}/sort/${sortStr}/page/${this.state.page}`);
+ }
siteInfo() {
return (
<p>Suggest new features or report bugs <a href={repoUrl}>here.</a></p>
<p>Made with <a href="https://www.rust-lang.org">Rust</a>, <a href="https://actix.rs/">Actix</a>, <a href="https://www.infernojs.org">Inferno</a>, <a href="https://www.typescriptlang.org/">Typescript</a>.</p>
+ )
+ }
+ posts() {
+ return (
+ <div>
+ {this.state.loading ?
+ <h5><svg class="icon icon-spinner spin"><use xlinkHref="#icon-spinner"></use></svg></h5> :
+ <div>
+ {this.selects()}
+ <PostListings posts={this.state.posts} showCommunity />
+ {this.paginator()}
+ </div>
+ }
+ </div>
+ )
+ }
+ selects() {
+ return (
+ <div className="mb-2">
+ <select value={this.state.sort} onChange={linkEvent(this, this.handleSortChange)} class="custom-select w-auto">
+ <option disabled>Sort Type</option>
+ <option value={SortType.Hot}>Hot</option>
+ <option value={SortType.New}>New</option>
+ <option disabled>──────────</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopDay}>Top Day</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopWeek}>Week</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopMonth}>Month</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopYear}>Year</option>
+ <option value={SortType.TopAll}>All</option>
+ </select>
+ { UserService.Instance.user &&
+ <select value={this.state.type_} onChange={linkEvent(this, this.handleTypeChange)} class="ml-2 custom-select w-auto">
+ <option disabled>Type</option>
+ <option value={ListingType.All}>All</option>
+ <option value={ListingType.Subscribed}>Subscribed</option>
+ </select>
+ }
+ </div>
+ paginator() {
+ return (
+ <div class="mt-2">
+ {this.state.page > 1 &&
+ <button class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary mr-1" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.prevPage)}>Prev</button>
+ }
+ <button class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.nextPage)}>Next</button>
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
get canAdmin(): boolean {
return UserService.Instance.user && this.state.site.admins.map(a => a.id).includes(UserService.Instance.user.id);
+ nextPage(i: Main) {
+ i.state.page++;
+ i.setState(i.state);
+ i.updateUrl();
+ i.fetchPosts();
+ }
+ prevPage(i: Main) {
+ i.state.page--;
+ i.setState(i.state);
+ i.updateUrl();
+ i.fetchPosts();
+ }
+ handleSortChange(i: Main, event: any) {
+ i.state.sort = Number(event.target.value);
+ i.state.page = 1;
+ i.setState(i.state);
+ i.updateUrl();
+ i.fetchPosts();
+ }
+ handleTypeChange(i: Main, event: any) {
+ i.state.type_ = Number(event.target.value);
+ i.state.page = 1;
+ i.setState(i.state);
+ i.updateUrl();
+ i.fetchPosts();
+ }
+ fetchPosts() {
+ let getPostsForm: GetPostsForm = {
+ page: this.state.page,
+ limit: fetchLimit,
+ sort: SortType[this.state.sort],
+ type_: ListingType[this.state.type_]
+ }
+ WebSocketService.Instance.getPosts(getPostsForm);
+ }
parseMessage(msg: any) {
let op: UserOperation = msgOp(msg);
} else if (op == UserOperation.GetFollowedCommunities) {
let res: GetFollowedCommunitiesResponse = msg;
this.state.subscribedCommunities = res.communities;
- this.state.loading = false;
} else if (op == UserOperation.ListCommunities) {
let res: ListCommunitiesResponse = msg;
this.state.trendingCommunities = res.communities;
- this.state.loading = false;
} else if (op == UserOperation.GetSite) {
let res: GetSiteResponse = msg;
this.state.site.site = res.site;
this.state.showEditSite = false;
+ } else if (op == UserOperation.GetPosts) {
+ let res: GetPostsResponse = msg;
+ this.state.posts = res.posts;
+ this.state.loading = false;
+ this.setState(this.state);
+ } else if (op == UserOperation.CreatePostLike) {
+ let res: CreatePostLikeResponse = msg;
+ let found = this.state.posts.find(c => c.id == res.post.id);
+ found.my_vote = res.post.my_vote;
+ found.score = res.post.score;
+ found.upvotes = res.post.upvotes;
+ found.downvotes = res.post.downvotes;
+ this.setState(this.state);
-import { Component, linkEvent } from 'inferno';
+import { Component } from 'inferno';
import { Link } from 'inferno-router';
-import { Subscription } from "rxjs";
-import { retryWhen, delay, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
-import { UserOperation, Post, GetPostsForm, SortType, ListingType, GetPostsResponse, CreatePostLikeResponse, CommunityUser} from '../interfaces';
-import { WebSocketService, UserService } from '../services';
+import { Post } from '../interfaces';
import { PostListing } from './post-listing';
-import { msgOp, fetchLimit } from '../utils';
interface PostListingsProps {
- type?: ListingType;
- communityId?: number;
-interface PostListingsState {
- moderators: Array<CommunityUser>;
posts: Array<Post>;
- sortType: SortType;
- type_: ListingType;
- page: number;
- loading: boolean;
+ showCommunity?: boolean;
-export class PostListings extends Component<PostListingsProps, PostListingsState> {
- private subscription: Subscription;
- private emptyState: PostListingsState = {
- moderators: [],
- posts: [],
- sortType: SortType.Hot,
- type_: (this.props.type !== undefined && UserService.Instance.user) ? this.props.type :
- this.props.communityId
- ? ListingType.Community
- : UserService.Instance.user
- ? ListingType.Subscribed
- : ListingType.All,
- page: 1,
- loading: true
- }
+export class PostListings extends Component<PostListingsProps, any> {
constructor(props: any, context: any) {
super(props, context);
- this.state = this.emptyState;
- this.subscription = WebSocketService.Instance.subject
- .pipe(retryWhen(errors => errors.pipe(delay(3000), take(10))))
- .subscribe(
- (msg) => this.parseMessage(msg),
- (err) => console.error(err),
- () => console.log('complete')
- );
- this.refetch();
- }
- componentWillUnmount() {
- this.subscription.unsubscribe();
render() {
return (
- {this.state.loading ?
- <h5><svg class="icon icon-spinner spin"><use xlinkHref="#icon-spinner"></use></svg></h5> :
- <div>
- {this.selects()}
- {this.state.posts.length > 0
- ? this.state.posts.map(post =>
- <PostListing post={post} showCommunity={!this.props.communityId}/>)
- : <div>No Listings. {!this.props.communityId && <span>Subscribe to some <Link to="/communities">forums</Link>.</span>}</div>
- }
- {this.paginator()}
+ {this.props.posts.length > 0 ? this.props.posts.map(post =>
+ <PostListing post={post} showCommunity={this.props.showCommunity} />) :
+ <div>No Listings. {!this.props.showCommunity && <span>Subscribe to some <Link to="/communities">forums</Link>.</span>}
- selects() {
- return (
- <div className="mb-2">
- <select value={this.state.sortType} onChange={linkEvent(this, this.handleSortChange)} class="custom-select w-auto">
- <option disabled>Sort Type</option>
- <option value={SortType.Hot}>Hot</option>
- <option value={SortType.New}>New</option>
- <option disabled>──────────</option>
- <option value={SortType.TopDay}>Top Day</option>
- <option value={SortType.TopWeek}>Week</option>
- <option value={SortType.TopMonth}>Month</option>
- <option value={SortType.TopYear}>Year</option>
- <option value={SortType.TopAll}>All</option>
- </select>
- {!this.props.communityId &&
- UserService.Instance.user &&
- <select value={this.state.type_} onChange={linkEvent(this, this.handleTypeChange)} class="ml-2 custom-select w-auto">
- <option disabled>Type</option>
- <option value={ListingType.All}>All</option>
- <option value={ListingType.Subscribed}>Subscribed</option>
- </select>
- }
- </div>
- )
- }
- paginator() {
- return (
- <div class="mt-2">
- {this.state.page > 1 &&
- <button class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary mr-1" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.prevPage)}>Prev</button>
- }
- <button class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary" onClick={linkEvent(this, this.nextPage)}>Next</button>
- </div>
- );
- }
- nextPage(i: PostListings) {
- i.state.page++;
- i.setState(i.state);
- i.refetch();
- }
- prevPage(i: PostListings) {
- i.state.page--;
- i.setState(i.state);
- i.refetch();
- }
- handleSortChange(i: PostListings, event: any) {
- i.state.sortType = Number(event.target.value);
- i.state.page = 1;
- i.setState(i.state);
- i.refetch();
- }
- refetch() {
- let getPostsForm: GetPostsForm = {
- community_id: this.props.communityId,
- page: this.state.page,
- limit: fetchLimit,
- sort: SortType[this.state.sortType],
- type_: ListingType[this.state.type_]
- }
- WebSocketService.Instance.getPosts(getPostsForm);
- }
- handleTypeChange(i: PostListings, event: any) {
- i.state.type_ = Number(event.target.value);
- i.state.page = 1;
- if (i.state.type_ == ListingType.All) {
- i.context.router.history.push('/all');
- } else {
- i.context.router.history.push('/');
- }
- i.setState(i.state);
- i.refetch();
- }
- parseMessage(msg: any) {
- console.log(msg);
- let op: UserOperation = msgOp(msg);
- if (msg.error) {
- alert(msg.error);
- return;
- } else if (op == UserOperation.GetPosts) {
- let res: GetPostsResponse = msg;
- this.state.posts = res.posts;
- this.state.loading = false;
- this.setState(this.state);
- } else if (op == UserOperation.CreatePostLike) {
- let res: CreatePostLikeResponse = msg;
- let found = this.state.posts.find(c => c.id == res.post.id);
- found.my_vote = res.post.my_vote;
- found.score = res.post.score;
- found.upvotes = res.post.upvotes;
- found.downvotes = res.post.downvotes;
- this.setState(this.state);
- }
- }
import { render, Component } from 'inferno';
-import { HashRouter, Route, Switch } from 'inferno-router';
+import { HashRouter, BrowserRouter, Route, Switch } from 'inferno-router';
+import { Main } from './components/main';
import { Navbar } from './components/navbar';
import { Footer } from './components/footer';
-import { Home } from './components/home';
import { Login } from './components/login';
import { CreatePost } from './components/create-post';
import { CreateCommunity } from './components/create-community';
<Navbar />
<div class="mt-3 p-0">
- <Route exact path="/all" component={Home} />
- <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
+ <Route path="/home/type/:type/sort/:sort/page/:page" component={Main} />
+ <Route exact path="/" component={Main} />
<Route path={`/login`} component={Login} />
<Route path={`/create_post`} component={CreatePost} />
<Route path={`/create_community`} component={CreateCommunity} />
<Route path={`/communities`} component={Communities} />
<Route path={`/post/:id/comment/:comment_id`} component={Post} />
<Route path={`/post/:id`} component={Post} />
+ <Route path="/f/:name/sort/:sort/page/:page" component={Community} />
<Route path={`/community/:id`} component={Community} />
<Route path={`/f/:name`} component={Community} />
<Route path={`/user/:id`} component={User} />
-import { UserOperation, Comment, User } from './interfaces';
+import { UserOperation, Comment, User, SortType, ListingType } from './interfaces';
import * as markdown_it from 'markdown-it';
export let repoUrl = 'https://github.com/dessalines/lemmy';
export let fetchLimit: number = 20;
+export function capitalizeFirstLetter(str: string): string {
+ return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
+export function routeSortTypeToEnum(sort: string): SortType {
+ if (sort == 'new') {
+ return SortType.New;
+ } else if (sort == 'hot') {
+ return SortType.Hot;
+ } else if (sort == 'topday') {
+ return SortType.TopDay;
+ } else if (sort == 'topweek') {
+ return SortType.TopWeek;
+ } else if (sort == 'topmonth') {
+ return SortType.TopMonth;
+ } else if (sort == 'topall') {
+ return SortType.TopAll;
+ }
+export function routeListingTypeToEnum(type: string): ListingType {
+ return ListingType[capitalizeFirstLetter(type)];