lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_862362".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_283687".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
deleted: None,
updated: None,
nsfw: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_928738972".into(),
local: true,
private_key: None,
public_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_92873982".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
deleted: None,
updated: None,
nsfw: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_7625376".into(),
local: true,
private_key: None,
public_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_8266238".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
removed: None,
deleted: None,
updated: None,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_7625376".into(),
local: true,
private_key: None,
public_key: None,
deleted: false,
published: inserted_community.published,
updated: None,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: inserted_community.actor_id.to_owned(),
local: true,
private_key: None,
public_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_829398".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_82982738".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
deleted: None,
updated: None,
nsfw: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_283687".into(),
local: true,
private_key: None,
public_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_8292378".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_8292683678".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
deleted: None,
updated: None,
nsfw: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_8223262378".into(),
local: true,
private_key: None,
public_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_8282738268".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
deleted: None,
updated: None,
nsfw: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_2763".into(),
local: true,
private_key: None,
public_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_6723878".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_287263876".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_9826382637".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: inserted_user.actor_id.to_owned(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_628763".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
lang: "browser".into(),
show_avatars: true,
send_notifications_to_email: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_927389278".into(),
bio: None,
local: true,
private_key: None,
deleted: None,
updated: None,
nsfw: false,
- actor_id: "".into(),
+ actor_id: "changeme_876238".into(),
local: true,
private_key: None,
public_key: None,
--- /dev/null
+alter table community alter column actor_id set not null;
+alter table community alter column actor_id set default '';
+alter table user_ alter column actor_id set not null;
+alter table user_ alter column actor_id set default '';
+drop function generate_unique_changeme;
+update community
+set actor_id = ''
+where actor_id like 'changeme_%';
+update user_
+set actor_id = ''
+where actor_id like 'changeme_%';
+drop index idx_user_lower_actor_id;
+create unique index idx_user_name_lower_actor_id on user_ (lower(name), lower(actor_id));
+drop index idx_community_lower_actor_id;
--- /dev/null
+-- Following this issue :
+-- Creating a unique changeme actor_id
+create or replace function generate_unique_changeme()
+returns text language sql
+as $$
+ select 'changeme_' || string_agg (substr('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789', ceil (random() * 62)::integer, 1), '')
+ from generate_series(1, 20)
+update community
+set actor_id = generate_unique_changeme()
+where actor_id = '';
+update user_
+set actor_id = generate_unique_changeme()
+where actor_id = '';
+-- Need to delete the possible community and user dupes for ones that don't start with the fake one
+-- TODO make sure this removes the later ids, not the first
+delete from community a using (
+ select min(id) as id, actor_id
+ from community
+ group by actor_id having count(*) > 1
+) b
+where a.actor_id = b.actor_id
+and <>;
+delete from user_ a using (
+ select min(id) as id, actor_id
+ from user_
+ group by actor_id having count(*) > 1
+) b
+where a.actor_id = b.actor_id
+and <>;
+-- Add the unique indexes
+alter table community alter column actor_id set not null;
+alter table community alter column actor_id set default generate_unique_changeme();
+alter table user_ alter column actor_id set not null;
+alter table user_ alter column actor_id set default generate_unique_changeme();
+-- Add lowercase uniqueness too
+drop index idx_user_name_lower_actor_id;
+create unique index idx_user_lower_actor_id on user_ (lower(actor_id));
+create unique index idx_community_lower_actor_id on community (lower(actor_id));
// Update the actor_id, private_key, and public_key, last_refreshed_at
let incorrect_users = user_
- .filter(actor_id.eq(""))
+ .filter("changeme_%"))
// Update the actor_id, private_key, and public_key, last_refreshed_at
let incorrect_communities = community
- .filter(actor_id.eq(""))
+ .filter("changeme_%"))