use crate::{ activities::verify_person_in_community, fetcher::object_id::ObjectId, protocol::{ objects::{page::Page, tombstone::Tombstone}, ImageObject, Source, }, }; use activitystreams::{ object::kind::{ImageType, PageType}, public, }; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use lemmy_api_common::blocking; use lemmy_apub_lib::{ traits::ApubObject, values::{MediaTypeHtml, MediaTypeMarkdown}, }; use lemmy_db_schema::{ self, source::{ community::Community, person::Person, post::{Post, PostForm}, }, traits::Crud, }; use lemmy_utils::{ request::fetch_site_data, utils::{convert_datetime, markdown_to_html, remove_slurs}, LemmyError, }; use lemmy_websocket::LemmyContext; use std::ops::Deref; use url::Url; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ApubPost(Post); impl Deref for ApubPost { type Target = Post; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl From for ApubPost { fn from(p: Post) -> Self { ApubPost { 0: p } } } #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl ApubObject for ApubPost { type DataType = LemmyContext; type ApubType = Page; type TombstoneType = Tombstone; fn last_refreshed_at(&self) -> Option { None } async fn read_from_apub_id( object_id: Url, context: &LemmyContext, ) -> Result, LemmyError> { Ok( blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { Post::read_from_apub_id(conn, object_id) }) .await?? .map(Into::into), ) } async fn delete(self, context: &LemmyContext) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { Post::update_deleted(conn,, true) }) .await??; Ok(()) } // Turn a Lemmy post into an ActivityPub page that can be sent out over the network. async fn to_apub(&self, context: &LemmyContext) -> Result { let creator_id = self.creator_id; let creator = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| Person::read(conn, creator_id)).await??; let community_id = self.community_id; let community = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { Community::read(conn, community_id) }) .await??; let source = self.body.clone().map(|body| Source { content: body, media_type: MediaTypeMarkdown::Markdown, }); let image = self.thumbnail_url.clone().map(|thumb| ImageObject { kind: ImageType::Image, url: thumb.into(), }); let page = Page { r#type: PageType::Page, id: self.ap_id.clone().into(), attributed_to: ObjectId::new(creator.actor_id), to: vec![community.actor_id.into(), public()], name:, content: self.body.as_ref().map(|b| markdown_to_html(b)), media_type: Some(MediaTypeHtml::Html), source, url: self.url.clone().map(|u| u.into()), image, comments_enabled: Some(!self.locked), sensitive: Some(self.nsfw), stickied: Some(self.stickied), published: Some(convert_datetime(self.published)), updated:, unparsed: Default::default(), }; Ok(page) } fn to_tombstone(&self) -> Result { Ok(Tombstone::new( PageType::Page, self.updated.unwrap_or(self.published), )) } async fn from_apub( page: &Page, context: &LemmyContext, expected_domain: &Url, request_counter: &mut i32, ) -> Result { // We can't verify the domain in case of mod action, because the mod may be on a different // instance from the post author. let ap_id = if page.is_mod_action(context).await? { page.id_unchecked() } else { }; let ap_id = Some(ap_id.clone().into()); let creator = page .attributed_to .dereference(context, request_counter) .await?; let community = page.extract_community(context, request_counter).await?; verify_person_in_community(&page.attributed_to, &community, context, request_counter).await?; let thumbnail_url: Option = page.image.clone().map(|i| i.url); let (metadata_res, pictrs_thumbnail) = if let Some(url) = &page.url { fetch_site_data(context.client(), &context.settings(), Some(url)).await } else { (None, thumbnail_url) }; let (embed_title, embed_description, embed_html) = metadata_res .map(|u| (u.title, u.description, u.html)) .unwrap_or((None, None, None)); let body_slurs_removed = page .source .as_ref() .map(|s| remove_slurs(&s.content, &context.settings().slur_regex())); let form = PostForm { name:, url: page.url.clone().map(|u| u.into()), body: body_slurs_removed, creator_id:, community_id:, removed: None, locked:|e| !e), published:|u| u.naive_local()), updated:|u| u.naive_local()), deleted: None, nsfw: page.sensitive, stickied: page.stickied, embed_title, embed_description, embed_html, thumbnail_url:|u| u.into()), ap_id, local: Some(false), }; let post = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| Post::upsert(conn, &form)).await??; Ok(post.into()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::objects::{ community::tests::parse_lemmy_community, person::tests::parse_lemmy_person, post::ApubPost, tests::{file_to_json_object, init_context}, }; use serial_test::serial; #[actix_rt::test] #[serial] async fn test_parse_lemmy_post() { let context = init_context(); let community = parse_lemmy_community(&context).await; let person = parse_lemmy_person(&context).await; let json = file_to_json_object("assets/lemmy/objects/page.json"); let url = Url::parse("").unwrap(); let mut request_counter = 0; let post = ApubPost::from_apub(&json, &context, &url, &mut request_counter) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(post.ap_id.clone().into_inner(), url); assert_eq!(, "Post title"); assert!(post.body.is_some()); assert_eq!(post.body.as_ref().unwrap().len(), 45); assert!(!post.locked); assert!(post.stickied); assert_eq!(request_counter, 0); Post::delete(&*context.pool().get().unwrap(),; Person::delete(&*context.pool().get().unwrap(),; Community::delete(&*context.pool().get().unwrap(),; } }