import { Component, linkEvent } from "inferno"; import { CommentResponse, CommentView, CommunityView, GetCommunity, GetCommunityResponse, GetPersonDetails, GetPersonDetailsResponse, GetSiteResponse, ListCommunities, ListCommunitiesResponse, ListingType, PersonViewSafe, PostResponse, PostView, ResolveObject, ResolveObjectResponse, Search as SearchForm, SearchResponse, SearchType, SortType, UserOperation, wsJsonToRes, wsUserOp, } from "lemmy-js-client"; import { Subscription } from "rxjs"; import { i18n } from "../i18next"; import { CommentViewType, InitialFetchRequest } from "../interfaces"; import { WebSocketService } from "../services"; import { capitalizeFirstLetter, choicesConfig, commentsToFlatNodes, communitySelectName, communityToChoice, createCommentLikeRes, createPostLikeFindRes, debounce, enableDownvotes, enableNsfw, fetchCommunities, fetchLimit, fetchUsers, isBrowser, myAuth, numToSI, personSelectName, personToChoice, pushNotNull, restoreScrollPosition, routeListingTypeToEnum, routeSearchTypeToEnum, routeSortTypeToEnum, saveScrollPosition, setIsoData, showLocal, toast, wsClient, wsSubscribe, } from "../utils"; import { CommentNodes } from "./comment/comment-nodes"; import { HtmlTags } from "./common/html-tags"; import { Spinner } from "./common/icon"; import { ListingTypeSelect } from "./common/listing-type-select"; import { Paginator } from "./common/paginator"; import { SortSelect } from "./common/sort-select"; import { CommunityLink } from "./community/community-link"; import { PersonListing } from "./person/person-listing"; import { PostListing } from "./post/post-listing"; var Choices: any; if (isBrowser()) { Choices = require("choices.js"); } interface SearchProps { q?: string; type_: SearchType; sort: SortType; listingType: ListingType; communityId: number; creatorId: number; page: number; } interface SearchState { q?: string; type_: SearchType; sort: SortType; listingType: ListingType; communityId: number; creatorId: number; page: number; searchResponse?: SearchResponse; communities: CommunityView[]; creatorDetails?: GetPersonDetailsResponse; loading: boolean; siteRes: GetSiteResponse; searchText?: string; resolveObjectResponse?: ResolveObjectResponse; } interface UrlParams { q?: string; type_?: SearchType; sort?: SortType; listingType?: ListingType; communityId?: number; creatorId?: number; page?: number; } interface Combined { type_: string; data: CommentView | PostView | CommunityView | PersonViewSafe; published: string; } export class Search extends Component { private isoData = setIsoData(this.context); private communityChoices: any; private creatorChoices: any; private subscription?: Subscription; state: SearchState = { q: Search.getSearchQueryFromProps(this.props.match.params.q), type_: Search.getSearchTypeFromProps(this.props.match.params.type), sort: Search.getSortTypeFromProps(this.props.match.params.sort), listingType: Search.getListingTypeFromProps( this.props.match.params.listing_type ), page: Search.getPageFromProps(, searchText: Search.getSearchQueryFromProps(this.props.match.params.q), communityId: Search.getCommunityIdFromProps( this.props.match.params.community_id ), creatorId: Search.getCreatorIdFromProps(this.props.match.params.creator_id), loading: false, siteRes: this.isoData.site_res, communities: [], }; static getSearchQueryFromProps(q?: string): string | undefined { return q ? decodeURIComponent(q) : undefined; } static getSearchTypeFromProps(type_: string): SearchType { return type_ ? routeSearchTypeToEnum(type_) : SearchType.All; } static getSortTypeFromProps(sort: string): SortType { return sort ? routeSortTypeToEnum(sort) : SortType.TopAll; } static getListingTypeFromProps(listingType: string): ListingType { return listingType ? routeListingTypeToEnum(listingType) : ListingType.All; } static getCommunityIdFromProps(id: string): number { return id ? Number(id) : 0; } static getCreatorIdFromProps(id: string): number { return id ? Number(id) : 0; } static getPageFromProps(page: string): number { return page ? Number(page) : 1; } constructor(props: any, context: any) { super(props, context); this.handleSortChange = this.handleSortChange.bind(this); this.handleListingTypeChange = this.handleListingTypeChange.bind(this); this.handlePageChange = this.handlePageChange.bind(this); this.parseMessage = this.parseMessage.bind(this); this.subscription = wsSubscribe(this.parseMessage); // Only fetch the data if coming from another route if (this.isoData.path == this.context.router.route.match.url) { let communityRes = this.isoData.routeData[0] as | GetCommunityResponse | undefined; let communitiesRes = this.isoData.routeData[1] as | ListCommunitiesResponse | undefined; // This can be single or multiple communities given if (communitiesRes) { this.state = { ...this.state, communities: communitiesRes.communities, }; } if (communityRes) { this.state = { ...this.state, communities: [communityRes.community_view], }; } this.state = { ...this.state, creatorDetails: this.isoData.routeData[2] as GetPersonDetailsResponse, }; if (this.state.q != "") { this.state = { ...this.state, searchResponse: this.isoData.routeData[3] as SearchResponse, resolveObjectResponse: this.isoData .routeData[4] as ResolveObjectResponse, loading: false, }; } else {; } } else { this.fetchCommunities(); if (this.state.q) {; } } } componentWillUnmount() { this.subscription?.unsubscribe(); saveScrollPosition(this.context); } componentDidMount() { this.setupCommunityFilter(); this.setupCreatorFilter(); } static getDerivedStateFromProps( props: any, prevState: SearchState ): SearchProps { return { q: Search.getSearchQueryFromProps(props.match.params.q), type_: prevState.type_ ?? Search.getSearchTypeFromProps(props.match.params.type), sort: prevState.sort ?? Search.getSortTypeFromProps(props.match.params.sort), listingType: prevState.listingType ?? Search.getListingTypeFromProps(props.match.params.listing_type), communityId: Search.getCommunityIdFromProps( props.match.params.community_id ), creatorId: Search.getCreatorIdFromProps(props.match.params.creator_id), page: Search.getPageFromProps(, }; } fetchCommunities() { let listCommunitiesForm: ListCommunities = { type_: ListingType.All, sort: SortType.TopAll, limit: fetchLimit, auth: myAuth(false), }; WebSocketService.Instance.send( wsClient.listCommunities(listCommunitiesForm) ); } static fetchInitialData(req: InitialFetchRequest): Promise[] { let pathSplit = req.path.split("/"); let promises: Promise[] = []; let auth = req.auth; let communityId = this.getCommunityIdFromProps(pathSplit[11]); let community_id = communityId == 0 ? undefined : communityId; if (community_id) { let getCommunityForm: GetCommunity = { id: community_id, auth, }; promises.push(req.client.getCommunity(getCommunityForm)); promises.push(Promise.resolve()); } else { let listCommunitiesForm: ListCommunities = { type_: ListingType.All, sort: SortType.TopAll, limit: fetchLimit, auth: req.auth, }; promises.push(Promise.resolve()); promises.push(req.client.listCommunities(listCommunitiesForm)); } let creatorId = this.getCreatorIdFromProps(pathSplit[13]); let creator_id = creatorId == 0 ? undefined : creatorId; if (creator_id) { let getCreatorForm: GetPersonDetails = { person_id: creator_id, auth: req.auth, }; promises.push(req.client.getPersonDetails(getCreatorForm)); } else { promises.push(Promise.resolve()); } let q = this.getSearchQueryFromProps(pathSplit[3]); if (q) { let form: SearchForm = { q, community_id, creator_id, type_: this.getSearchTypeFromProps(pathSplit[5]), sort: this.getSortTypeFromProps(pathSplit[7]), listing_type: this.getListingTypeFromProps(pathSplit[9]), page: this.getPageFromProps(pathSplit[15]), limit: fetchLimit, auth: req.auth, }; let resolveObjectForm: ResolveObject = { q, auth: req.auth, }; if (form.q != "") { promises.push(; promises.push(req.client.resolveObject(resolveObjectForm)); } else { promises.push(Promise.resolve()); promises.push(Promise.resolve()); } } return promises; } componentDidUpdate(_: any, lastState: SearchState) { if ( lastState.q !== this.state.q || lastState.type_ !== this.state.type_ || lastState.sort !== this.state.sort || lastState.listingType !== this.state.listingType || lastState.communityId !== this.state.communityId || lastState.creatorId !== this.state.creatorId || !== ) { if (this.state.q) { this.setState({ loading: true, searchText: this.state.q, });; } } } get documentTitle(): string { let siteName =; return this.state.q ? `${i18n.t("search")} - ${this.state.q} - ${siteName}` : `${i18n.t("search")} - ${siteName}`; } render() { return (
{this.selects()} {this.searchForm()} {this.state.type_ == SearchType.All && this.all()} {this.state.type_ == SearchType.Comments && this.comments()} {this.state.type_ == SearchType.Posts && this.posts()} {this.state.type_ == SearchType.Communities && this.communities()} {this.state.type_ == SearchType.Users && this.users()} {this.state.type_ == SearchType.Url && this.posts()} {this.resultsCount() == 0 && {i18n.t("no_results")}}
); } searchForm() { return (
); } selects() { return (
{this.state.communities.length > 0 && this.communityFilter()} {this.creatorFilter()}
); } postViewToCombined(postView: PostView): Combined { return { type_: "posts", data: postView, published:, }; } commentViewToCombined(commentView: CommentView): Combined { return { type_: "comments", data: commentView, published: commentView.comment.published, }; } communityViewToCombined(communityView: CommunityView): Combined { return { type_: "communities", data: communityView, published:, }; } personViewSafeToCombined(personViewSafe: PersonViewSafe): Combined { return { type_: "users", data: personViewSafe, published: personViewSafe.person.published, }; } buildCombined(): Combined[] { let combined: Combined[] = []; let resolveRes = this.state.resolveObjectResponse; // Push the possible resolve / federated objects first if (resolveRes) { let resolveComment = resolveRes.comment; if (resolveComment) { combined.push(this.commentViewToCombined(resolveComment)); } let resolvePost =; if (resolvePost) { combined.push(this.postViewToCombined(resolvePost)); } let resolveCommunity =; if (resolveCommunity) { combined.push(this.communityViewToCombined(resolveCommunity)); } let resolveUser = resolveRes.person; if (resolveUser) { combined.push(this.personViewSafeToCombined(resolveUser)); } } // Push the search results let searchRes = this.state.searchResponse; if (searchRes) { pushNotNull( combined, searchRes.comments?.map(e => this.commentViewToCombined(e)) ); pushNotNull( combined, searchRes.posts?.map(e => this.postViewToCombined(e)) ); pushNotNull( combined, searchRes.communities?.map(e => this.communityViewToCombined(e)) ); pushNotNull( combined, searchRes.users?.map(e => this.personViewSafeToCombined(e)) ); } // Sort it if (this.state.sort == SortType.New) { combined.sort((a, b) => b.published.localeCompare(a.published)); } else { combined.sort( (a, b) => (( as CommentView | PostView).counts.score | ( as CommunityView).counts.subscribers | ( as PersonViewSafe).counts.comment_score) - (( as CommentView | PostView).counts.score | ( as CommunityView).counts.subscribers | ( as PersonViewSafe).counts.comment_score) ); } return combined; } all() { let combined = this.buildCombined(); return (
{ => (
{i.type_ == "posts" && ( )} {i.type_ == "comments" && ( )} {i.type_ == "communities" && (
{this.communityListing( as CommunityView)}
)} {i.type_ == "users" && (
{this.personListing( as PersonViewSafe)}
); } comments() { let comments: CommentView[] = []; pushNotNull(comments, this.state.resolveObjectResponse?.comment); pushNotNull(comments, this.state.searchResponse?.comments); return ( ); } posts() { let posts: PostView[] = []; pushNotNull(posts, this.state.resolveObjectResponse?.post); pushNotNull(posts, this.state.searchResponse?.posts); return ( <> { => (
))} ); } communities() { let communities: CommunityView[] = []; pushNotNull(communities, this.state.resolveObjectResponse?.community); pushNotNull(communities, this.state.searchResponse?.communities); return ( <> { => (
))} ); } users() { let users: PersonViewSafe[] = []; pushNotNull(users, this.state.resolveObjectResponse?.person); pushNotNull(users, this.state.searchResponse?.users); return ( <> { => (
))} ); } communityListing(community_view: CommunityView) { return ( <> {` - ${i18n.t("number_of_subscribers", { count: community_view.counts.subscribers, formattedCount: numToSI(community_view.counts.subscribers), })} `} ); } personListing(person_view: PersonViewSafe) { return ( <> {` - ${i18n.t("number_of_comments", { count: person_view.counts.comment_count, formattedCount: numToSI(person_view.counts.comment_count), })}`} ); } communityFilter() { return (
); } creatorFilter() { let creatorPv = this.state.creatorDetails?.person_view; return (
); } resultsCount(): number { let r = this.state.searchResponse; let searchCount = r ? r.posts?.length + r.comments?.length + r.communities?.length + r.users?.length : 0; let resolveRes = this.state.resolveObjectResponse; let resObjCount = resolveRes ? || resolveRes.person || || resolveRes.comment ? 1 : 0 : 0; return resObjCount + searchCount; } handlePageChange(page: number) { this.updateUrl({ page }); } search() { let community_id = this.state.communityId == 0 ? undefined : this.state.communityId; let creator_id = this.state.creatorId == 0 ? undefined : this.state.creatorId; let auth = myAuth(false); if (this.state.q && this.state.q != "") { let form: SearchForm = { q: this.state.q, community_id, creator_id, type_: this.state.type_, sort: this.state.sort, listing_type: this.state.listingType, page:, limit: fetchLimit, auth, }; let resolveObjectForm: ResolveObject = { q: this.state.q, auth, }; this.setState({ searchResponse: undefined, resolveObjectResponse: undefined, loading: true, }); WebSocketService.Instance.send(; WebSocketService.Instance.send(wsClient.resolveObject(resolveObjectForm)); } } setupCommunityFilter() { if (isBrowser()) { let selectId: any = document.getElementById("community-filter"); if (selectId) { this.communityChoices = new Choices(selectId, choicesConfig); this.communityChoices.passedElement.element.addEventListener( "choice", (e: any) => { this.handleCommunityFilterChange(Number(e.detail.choice.value)); }, false ); this.communityChoices.passedElement.element.addEventListener( "search", debounce(async (e: any) => { try { let communities = (await fetchCommunities(e.detail.value)) .communities; let choices = => communityToChoice(cv)); choices.unshift({ value: "0", label: i18n.t("all") }); this.communityChoices.setChoices(choices, "value", "label", true); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }), false ); } } } setupCreatorFilter() { if (isBrowser()) { let selectId: any = document.getElementById("creator-filter"); if (selectId) { this.creatorChoices = new Choices(selectId, choicesConfig); this.creatorChoices.passedElement.element.addEventListener( "choice", (e: any) => { this.handleCreatorFilterChange(Number(e.detail.choice.value)); }, false ); this.creatorChoices.passedElement.element.addEventListener( "search", debounce(async (e: any) => { try { let creators = (await fetchUsers(e.detail.value)).users; let choices = => personToChoice(pvs)); choices.unshift({ value: "0", label: i18n.t("all") }); this.creatorChoices.setChoices(choices, "value", "label", true); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }), false ); } } } handleSortChange(val: SortType) { const updateObj = { sort: val, page: 1 }; this.setState(updateObj); this.updateUrl(updateObj); } handleTypeChange(i: Search, event: any) { const updateObj = { type_: SearchType[], page: 1, }; i.setState(updateObj); i.updateUrl(updateObj); } handleListingTypeChange(val: ListingType) { const updateObj = { listingType: val, page: 1, }; this.setState(updateObj); this.updateUrl(updateObj); } handleCommunityFilterChange(communityId: number) { this.updateUrl({ communityId, page: 1, }); } handleCreatorFilterChange(creatorId: number) { this.updateUrl({ creatorId, page: 1, }); } handleSearchSubmit(i: Search, event: any) { event.preventDefault(); i.updateUrl({ q: i.state.searchText, type_: i.state.type_, listingType: i.state.listingType, communityId: i.state.communityId, creatorId: i.state.creatorId, sort: i.state.sort, page:, }); } handleQChange(i: Search, event: any) { i.setState({ searchText: }); } updateUrl(paramUpdates: UrlParams) { const qStr = paramUpdates.q || this.state.q; const qStrEncoded = encodeURIComponent(qStr || ""); const typeStr = paramUpdates.type_ || this.state.type_; const listingTypeStr = paramUpdates.listingType || this.state.listingType; const sortStr = paramUpdates.sort || this.state.sort; const communityId = paramUpdates.communityId == 0 ? 0 : paramUpdates.communityId || this.state.communityId; const creatorId = paramUpdates.creatorId == 0 ? 0 : paramUpdates.creatorId || this.state.creatorId; const page = ||; this.props.history.push( `/search/q/${qStrEncoded}/type/${typeStr}/sort/${sortStr}/listing_type/${listingTypeStr}/community_id/${communityId}/creator_id/${creatorId}/page/${page}` ); } parseMessage(msg: any) { console.log(msg); let op = wsUserOp(msg); if (msg.error) { if (msg.error == "couldnt_find_object") { this.setState({ resolveObjectResponse: {}, }); this.checkFinishedLoading(); } else { toast(i18n.t(msg.error), "danger"); return; } } else if (op == UserOperation.Search) { let data = wsJsonToRes(msg); this.setState({ searchResponse: data }); window.scrollTo(0, 0); this.checkFinishedLoading(); restoreScrollPosition(this.context); } else if (op == UserOperation.CreateCommentLike) { let data = wsJsonToRes(msg); createCommentLikeRes( data.comment_view, this.state.searchResponse?.comments ); this.setState(this.state); } else if (op == UserOperation.CreatePostLike) { let data = wsJsonToRes(msg); createPostLikeFindRes(data.post_view, this.state.searchResponse?.posts); this.setState(this.state); } else if (op == UserOperation.ListCommunities) { let data = wsJsonToRes(msg); this.setState({ communities: data.communities }); this.setupCommunityFilter(); } else if (op == UserOperation.ResolveObject) { let data = wsJsonToRes(msg); this.setState({ resolveObjectResponse: data }); this.checkFinishedLoading(); } } checkFinishedLoading() { if (this.state.searchResponse && this.state.resolveObjectResponse) { this.setState({ loading: false }); } } }