function el(element, config) { const e = document.createElement(element); if(config) { if(config.children) { for(const child of config.children.filter(a => a)) { e.appendChild(child); } delete config.children; } for(const key in config) { e[key] = config[key]; } } return e; } async function setup_lunr() { const index_json = await (await fetch('/archives/lunr.json')).json(); const num_docs = index_json.length; const search_index = elasticlunr(function() { this.addField('title'); this.addField('author'); this.setRef('id'); }); for(const doc of index_json) { search_index.addDoc(doc); } return [search_index, num_docs]; } setup_lunr().then(([index, num_docs]) => { const params = new URLSearchParams(; const query = params.get('query'); const submissionList = document.getElementById('searchResults'); const results =, {}); submissionList.innerHTML = ''; submissionList.className = 'submissionList'; submissionList.appendChild(el('div', { className: 'submissionItem', children: [ el('span', { textContent: `${results.length} results for "${query}" (out of ${num_docs} archived posts)` }) ] })); for(const r of results) { submissionList.appendChild(el('div', { className: 'submissionItem', children: [ el('div', { className: 'score', textContent: r.doc.score }), el('div', { className: 'submissionContent', children: [ el('div', { className: 'title', children: [ el('a', { href: `/archives/thread/${}`, children: [ r.doc.link_flair_text && el('span', { className: 'flair', textContent: `${r.doc.link_flair_text} ` }), el('span', { textContent: r.doc.title }) ] }), r.doc.url && el('span', { className: 'url', children: [ el('a', { href: r.doc.url, innerHTML: ` ${r.doc.url}` }) ] }) ] }), el('div', { className: 'subtitle', children: [ el('span', { textContent: `posted at ${r.doc.created_date} by ` }), el('span', { className: 'author', textContent: `u/${}` }) ] }), el('div', { className: 'subtitle', children: [ el('a', { href: `/archives/thread/${}`, textContent: `${r.doc.num_comments} comments` }) ] }) ] }) ] })); } });