if !u.local
&& u
+ // TODO it won't pick up new avatars, summaries etc until a day after.
+ // Both user and community need an "update" action pushed to other servers
+ // to fix this
.lt(&(naive_now() - chrono::Duration::days(1)))
debug!("Fetching and updating from remote user: {}", apub_id);
ext::{Ext, Extensible},
- object::{properties::ObjectProperties, Note, Page, Tombstone},
+ object::{properties::ObjectProperties, AnyImage, Image, Note, Page, Tombstone},
public, BaseBox,
use actix_web::body::Body;
+ if let Some(thumbnail_url) = &self.thumbnail_url {
+ let full_url = format!(
+ "{}://{}/pictshare/{}",
+ get_apub_protocol_string(),
+ Settings::get().hostname,
+ thumbnail_url
+ );
+ let mut image = Image::new();
+ image.object_props.set_url_xsd_any_uri(full_url)?;
+ let any_image = AnyImage::from_concrete(image)?;
+ oprops.set_image_any_image(any_image)?;
+ }
if let Some(u) = self.updated {
let community_actor_id = &oprops.get_to_xsd_any_uri().unwrap().to_string();
let community = get_or_fetch_and_upsert_remote_community(&community_actor_id, &conn)?;
+ let thumbnail_url = match oprops.get_image_any_image() {
+ Some(any_image) => any_image
+ .to_owned()
+ .into_concrete::<Image>()?
+ .object_props
+ .get_url_xsd_any_uri()
+ .map(|u| u.to_string()),
+ None => None,
+ };
Ok(PostForm {
name: oprops.get_summary_xsd_string().unwrap().to_string(),
url: oprops.get_url_xsd_any_uri().map(|u| u.to_string()),
embed_title: None, // -> attachment? or fetch the embed locally
embed_description: None,
embed_html: None,
- thumbnail_url: None,
+ thumbnail_url,
ap_id: oprops.get_id().unwrap().to_string(),
local: false,
+ if let Some(avatar_url) = &self.avatar {
+ let mut image = Image::new();
+ image
+ .object_props
+ .set_url_xsd_any_uri(avatar_url.to_owned())?;
+ let any_image = AnyImage::from_concrete(image)?;
+ oprops.set_icon_any_image(any_image)?;
+ }
let mut endpoint_props = EndpointProperties::default();
let aprops = &person.base.extension;
let public_key: &PublicKey = &person.extension.public_key;
+ let avatar = match oprops.get_icon_any_image() {
+ Some(any_image) => any_image
+ .to_owned()
+ .into_concrete::<Image>()?
+ .object_props
+ .get_url_xsd_any_uri()
+ .map(|u| u.to_string()),
+ None => None,
+ };
Ok(UserForm {
name: oprops.get_name_xsd_string().unwrap().to_string(),
preferred_username: aprops.get_preferred_username().map(|u| u.to_string()),
admin: false,
banned: false,
email: None,
- avatar: None, // -> icon, image
+ avatar,
updated: oprops
.map(|u| u.as_ref().to_owned().naive_local()),