From efc9047f879f214e0126b0220ebe2f04bf8344a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dessalines <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021 14:04:12 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Done with user->person migrations, now to code.

 .../down.sql                                  | 123 ++++++++++++++++-
 .../up.sql                                    | 124 +++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
 rename migrations/{2021-02-14-041356_split_user_table => 2021-02-25-173454_split_user_table_1}/down.sql (55%)
 rename migrations/{2021-02-14-041356_split_user_table => 2021-02-25-173454_split_user_table_1}/up.sql (55%)

diff --git a/migrations/2021-02-14-041356_split_user_table/down.sql b/migrations/2021-02-25-173454_split_user_table_1/down.sql
similarity index 55%
rename from migrations/2021-02-14-041356_split_user_table/down.sql
rename to migrations/2021-02-25-173454_split_user_table_1/down.sql
index c39a8ac8..e1d55a20 100644
--- a/migrations/2021-02-14-041356_split_user_table/down.sql
+++ b/migrations/2021-02-25-173454_split_user_table_1/down.sql
@@ -1,8 +1,104 @@
+-- post_saved
+alter table post_saved rename column person_id to user_id;
+alter table post_saved rename constraint post_saved_post_id_person_id_key to post_saved_post_id_user_id_key;
+alter table post_saved rename constraint post_saved_person_id_fkey to post_saved_user_id_fkey;
+-- post_read
+alter table post_read rename column person_id to user_id;
+alter table post_read rename constraint post_read_post_id_person_id_key to post_read_post_id_user_id_key;
+alter table post_read rename constraint post_read_person_id_fkey to post_read_user_id_fkey;
+-- post_like
+alter table post_like rename column person_id to user_id;
+alter index idx_post_like_person rename to idx_post_like_user;
+alter table post_like rename constraint post_like_post_id_person_id_key to post_like_post_id_user_id_key;
+alter table post_like rename constraint post_like_person_id_fkey to post_like_user_id_fkey;
+-- password_reset_request
+delete from password_reset_request;
+alter table password_reset_request drop column local_user_id;
+alter table password_reset_request add column user_id integer not null references person(id) on update cascade on delete cascade;
+-- mod_sticky_post
+alter table mod_sticky_post rename column mod_person_id to mod_user_id; 
+alter table mod_sticky_post rename constraint mod_sticky_post_mod_person_id_fkey to mod_sticky_post_mod_user_id_fkey;
+-- mod_remove_post
+alter table mod_remove_post rename column mod_person_id to mod_user_id; 
+alter table mod_remove_post rename constraint mod_remove_post_mod_person_id_fkey to mod_remove_post_mod_user_id_fkey;
+-- mod_remove_community
+alter table mod_remove_community rename column mod_person_id to mod_user_id; 
+alter table mod_remove_community rename constraint mod_remove_community_mod_person_id_fkey to mod_remove_community_mod_user_id_fkey;
+-- mod_remove_comment
+alter table mod_remove_comment rename column mod_person_id to mod_user_id; 
+alter table mod_remove_comment rename constraint mod_remove_comment_mod_person_id_fkey to mod_remove_comment_mod_user_id_fkey;
+-- mod_lock_post
+alter table mod_lock_post rename column mod_person_id to mod_user_id; 
+alter table mod_lock_post rename constraint mod_lock_post_mod_person_id_fkey to mod_lock_post_mod_user_id_fkey;
+-- mod_add_community
+alter table mod_ban_from_community rename column mod_person_id to mod_user_id; 
+alter table mod_ban_from_community rename column other_person_id to other_user_id; 
+alter table mod_ban_from_community rename constraint mod_ban_from_community_mod_person_id_fkey to mod_ban_from_community_mod_user_id_fkey;
+alter table mod_ban_from_community rename constraint mod_ban_from_community_other_person_id_fkey to mod_ban_from_community_other_user_id_fkey;
+-- mod_ban
+alter table mod_ban rename column mod_person_id to mod_user_id; 
+alter table mod_ban rename column other_person_id to other_user_id; 
+alter table mod_ban rename constraint mod_ban_mod_person_id_fkey to mod_ban_mod_user_id_fkey;
+alter table mod_ban rename constraint mod_ban_other_person_id_fkey to mod_ban_other_user_id_fkey;
+-- mod_add_community
+alter table mod_add_community rename column mod_person_id to mod_user_id; 
+alter table mod_add_community rename column other_person_id to other_user_id; 
+alter table mod_add_community rename constraint mod_add_community_mod_person_id_fkey to mod_add_community_mod_user_id_fkey;
+alter table mod_add_community rename constraint mod_add_community_other_person_id_fkey to mod_add_community_other_user_id_fkey;
+-- mod_add
+alter table mod_add rename column mod_person_id to mod_user_id; 
+alter table mod_add rename column other_person_id to other_user_id; 
+alter table mod_add rename constraint mod_add_mod_person_id_fkey to mod_add_mod_user_id_fkey;
+alter table mod_add rename constraint mod_add_other_person_id_fkey to mod_add_other_user_id_fkey;
+-- community_user_ban
+alter table community_person_ban rename to community_user_ban;
+alter sequence community_person_ban_id_seq rename to community_user_ban_id_seq;
+alter table community_user_ban rename column person_id to user_id;
+alter table community_user_ban rename constraint community_person_ban_pkey to community_user_ban_pkey; 
+alter table community_user_ban rename constraint community_person_ban_community_id_fkey to community_user_ban_community_id_fkey;
+alter table community_user_ban rename constraint community_person_ban_community_id_person_id_key to community_user_ban_community_id_user_id_key;
+alter table community_user_ban rename constraint community_person_ban_person_id_fkey to community_user_ban_user_id_fkey;
+-- community_moderator
+alter table community_moderator rename column person_id to user_id;
+alter table community_moderator rename constraint community_moderator_community_id_person_id_key to community_moderator_community_id_user_id_key;
+alter table community_moderator rename constraint community_moderator_person_id_fkey to community_moderator_user_id_fkey;
+-- community_follower
+alter table community_follower rename column person_id to user_id;
+alter table community_follower rename constraint community_follower_community_id_person_id_key to community_follower_community_id_user_id_key;
+alter table community_follower rename constraint community_follower_person_id_fkey to community_follower_user_id_fkey;
+-- comment_saved
+alter table comment_saved rename column person_id to user_id;
+alter table comment_saved rename constraint comment_saved_comment_id_person_id_key to comment_saved_comment_id_user_id_key;
+alter table comment_saved rename constraint comment_saved_person_id_fkey to comment_saved_user_id_fkey;
+-- comment_like
+alter table comment_like rename column person_id to user_id;
+alter index idx_comment_like_person rename to idx_comment_like_user;
+alter table comment_like rename constraint comment_like_comment_id_person_id_key to comment_like_comment_id_user_id_key;
+alter table comment_like rename constraint comment_like_person_id_fkey to comment_like_user_id_fkey;
 -- user_ban
 alter table person_ban rename to user_ban;
 alter sequence person_ban_id_seq rename to user_ban_id_seq;
 alter index person_ban_pkey rename to user_ban_pkey;
 alter index person_ban_person_id_key rename to user_ban_user_id_key;
+alter table user_ban rename column person_id to user_id;
 alter table user_ban rename constraint person_ban_person_id_fkey to user_ban_user_id_fkey;
 -- user_mention
@@ -88,7 +184,7 @@ update user_ u set
   send_notifications_to_email = lu.send_notifications_to_email,
   matrix_user_id = lu.matrix_user_id
 from local_user lu
-where lu.user_id =;
+where lu.person_id =;
 create view user_alias_1 as select * from user_;
 create view user_alias_2 as select * from user_;
@@ -238,5 +334,26 @@ after insert or delete on comment_like
 for each row
 execute procedure user_aggregates_comment_score();
+-- redo site aggregates trigger
+create or replace function site_aggregates_activity(i text) returns integer
+    language plpgsql
+    as $$
+   count_ integer;
+  select count(*)
+  into count_
+  from (
+    select c.creator_id from comment c
+    inner join user_ u on c.creator_id =
+    where c.published > ('now'::timestamp - i::interval) 
+    and u.local = true
+    union
+    select p.creator_id from post p
+    inner join user_ u on p.creator_id =
+    where p.published > ('now'::timestamp - i::interval)
+    and u.local = true
+  ) a;
+  return count_;
diff --git a/migrations/2021-02-14-041356_split_user_table/up.sql b/migrations/2021-02-25-173454_split_user_table_1/up.sql
similarity index 55%
rename from migrations/2021-02-14-041356_split_user_table/up.sql
rename to migrations/2021-02-25-173454_split_user_table_1/up.sql
index 107ee4fc..d20bf021 100644
--- a/migrations/2021-02-14-041356_split_user_table/up.sql
+++ b/migrations/2021-02-25-173454_split_user_table_1/up.sql
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ alter sequence user__id_seq rename to person_id_seq;
 -- create a new table local_user
 create table local_user (
   id serial primary key,
-  user_id int references person on update cascade on delete cascade not null,
+  person_id int references person on update cascade on delete cascade not null,
   password_encrypted text not null,
   email text,
   admin boolean default false not null,
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ create table local_user (
   show_avatars boolean default true not null,
   send_notifications_to_email boolean default false not null,
   matrix_user_id text,
-  unique (user_id)
+  unique (person_id)
 -- Copy the local users over to the new table
 insert into local_user 
-  user_id,
+  person_id,
@@ -268,6 +268,124 @@ alter table user_ban rename to person_ban;
 alter sequence user_ban_id_seq rename to person_ban_id_seq;
 alter index user_ban_pkey rename to person_ban_pkey;
 alter index user_ban_user_id_key rename to person_ban_person_id_key;
+alter table person_ban rename column user_id to person_id;
 alter table person_ban rename constraint user_ban_user_id_fkey to person_ban_person_id_fkey;
+-- comment_like
+alter table comment_like rename column user_id to person_id;
+alter index idx_comment_like_user rename to idx_comment_like_person;
+alter table comment_like rename constraint comment_like_comment_id_user_id_key to comment_like_comment_id_person_id_key;
+alter table comment_like rename constraint comment_like_user_id_fkey to comment_like_person_id_fkey;
+-- comment_saved
+alter table comment_saved rename column user_id to person_id;
+alter table comment_saved rename constraint comment_saved_comment_id_user_id_key to comment_saved_comment_id_person_id_key;
+alter table comment_saved rename constraint comment_saved_user_id_fkey to comment_saved_person_id_fkey;
+-- community_follower
+alter table community_follower rename column user_id to person_id;
+alter table community_follower rename constraint community_follower_community_id_user_id_key to community_follower_community_id_person_id_key;
+alter table community_follower rename constraint community_follower_user_id_fkey to community_follower_person_id_fkey;
+-- community_moderator
+alter table community_moderator rename column user_id to person_id;
+alter table community_moderator rename constraint community_moderator_community_id_user_id_key to community_moderator_community_id_person_id_key;
+alter table community_moderator rename constraint community_moderator_user_id_fkey to community_moderator_person_id_fkey;
+-- community_user_ban
+alter table community_user_ban rename to community_person_ban;
+alter sequence community_user_ban_id_seq rename to community_person_ban_id_seq;
+alter table community_person_ban rename column user_id to person_id;
+alter table community_person_ban rename constraint community_user_ban_pkey to community_person_ban_pkey; 
+alter table community_person_ban rename constraint community_user_ban_community_id_fkey to community_person_ban_community_id_fkey;
+alter table community_person_ban rename constraint community_user_ban_community_id_user_id_key to community_person_ban_community_id_person_id_key;
+alter table community_person_ban rename constraint community_user_ban_user_id_fkey to community_person_ban_person_id_fkey;
+-- mod_add
+alter table mod_add rename column mod_user_id to mod_person_id; 
+alter table mod_add rename column other_user_id to other_person_id; 
+alter table mod_add rename constraint mod_add_mod_user_id_fkey to mod_add_mod_person_id_fkey;
+alter table mod_add rename constraint mod_add_other_user_id_fkey to mod_add_other_person_id_fkey;
+-- mod_add_community
+alter table mod_add_community rename column mod_user_id to mod_person_id; 
+alter table mod_add_community rename column other_user_id to other_person_id; 
+alter table mod_add_community rename constraint mod_add_community_mod_user_id_fkey to mod_add_community_mod_person_id_fkey;
+alter table mod_add_community rename constraint mod_add_community_other_user_id_fkey to mod_add_community_other_person_id_fkey;
+-- mod_ban
+alter table mod_ban rename column mod_user_id to mod_person_id; 
+alter table mod_ban rename column other_user_id to other_person_id; 
+alter table mod_ban rename constraint mod_ban_mod_user_id_fkey to mod_ban_mod_person_id_fkey;
+alter table mod_ban rename constraint mod_ban_other_user_id_fkey to mod_ban_other_person_id_fkey;
+-- mod_ban_community
+alter table mod_ban_from_community rename column mod_user_id to mod_person_id; 
+alter table mod_ban_from_community rename column other_user_id to other_person_id; 
+alter table mod_ban_from_community rename constraint mod_ban_from_community_mod_user_id_fkey to mod_ban_from_community_mod_person_id_fkey;
+alter table mod_ban_from_community rename constraint mod_ban_from_community_other_user_id_fkey to mod_ban_from_community_other_person_id_fkey;
+-- mod_lock_post
+alter table mod_lock_post rename column mod_user_id to mod_person_id; 
+alter table mod_lock_post rename constraint mod_lock_post_mod_user_id_fkey to mod_lock_post_mod_person_id_fkey;
+-- mod_remove_comment
+alter table mod_remove_comment rename column mod_user_id to mod_person_id; 
+alter table mod_remove_comment rename constraint mod_remove_comment_mod_user_id_fkey to mod_remove_comment_mod_person_id_fkey;
+-- mod_remove_community
+alter table mod_remove_community rename column mod_user_id to mod_person_id; 
+alter table mod_remove_community rename constraint mod_remove_community_mod_user_id_fkey to mod_remove_community_mod_person_id_fkey;
+-- mod_remove_post
+alter table mod_remove_post rename column mod_user_id to mod_person_id; 
+alter table mod_remove_post rename constraint mod_remove_post_mod_user_id_fkey to mod_remove_post_mod_person_id_fkey;
+-- mod_sticky_post
+alter table mod_sticky_post rename column mod_user_id to mod_person_id; 
+alter table mod_sticky_post rename constraint mod_sticky_post_mod_user_id_fkey to mod_sticky_post_mod_person_id_fkey;
+-- password_reset_request
+delete from password_reset_request;
+alter table password_reset_request drop column user_id;
+alter table password_reset_request add column local_user_id integer not null references local_user(id) on update cascade on delete cascade;
+-- post_like
+alter table post_like rename column user_id to person_id;
+alter index idx_post_like_user rename to idx_post_like_person;
+alter table post_like rename constraint post_like_post_id_user_id_key to post_like_post_id_person_id_key;
+alter table post_like rename constraint post_like_user_id_fkey to post_like_person_id_fkey;
+-- post_read
+alter table post_read rename column user_id to person_id;
+alter table post_read rename constraint post_read_post_id_user_id_key to post_read_post_id_person_id_key;
+alter table post_read rename constraint post_read_user_id_fkey to post_read_person_id_fkey;
+-- post_saved
+alter table post_saved rename column user_id to person_id;
+alter table post_saved rename constraint post_saved_post_id_user_id_key to post_saved_post_id_person_id_key;
+alter table post_saved rename constraint post_saved_user_id_fkey to post_saved_person_id_fkey;
+-- redo site aggregates trigger
+create or replace function site_aggregates_activity(i text) returns integer
+    language plpgsql
+    as $$
+   count_ integer;
+  select count(*)
+  into count_
+  from (
+    select c.creator_id from comment c
+    inner join person u on c.creator_id =
+    where c.published > ('now'::timestamp - i::interval) 
+    and u.local = true
+    union
+    select p.creator_id from post p
+    inner join person u on p.creator_id =
+    where p.published > ('now'::timestamp - i::interval)
+    and u.local = true
+  ) a;
+  return count_;