The only reason to call it a Humanitarian Crisis is if you’re an active US Politician as it can be grounds for expulsion to call for military actions against an allied nation, and by recognizing a genocide the UN allows foreign intervention.
The way I see it, all genocides are humanitarian crises. Not all humanitarian crises rise to the same severity level of horror as a genocide, though, and genocide is the more descriptive and more accurate term of the two. If you only have time to mention one label, you should mention the genocide label.
Open a bug report with for UI
Could you spread these out by more than a minute, I don’t need 4 of the same post on my front page.
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Thank you, it’s nice to be recognized.
its marked as a crosspost - that’s an app issue, not a user issue.
I’m not on mobile.
You took longer to write than just to scroll…
As did you, what is your point? Did my comment ever so slightly irritate you and that was enough to justify typing a comment of your own?
Maybe we aren’t so different after all.
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That’s what the block function is for. Don’t like somebody’s posting habits? Block them
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