The fiercest Republican campaign isn’t taking place between the presidential hopefuls in Iowa or New Hampshire this month, but rather in the backstage fight over who would be Donald Trump’s running mate. Or more to the point: who will not be Trump’s pick.

As Nikki Haley emerges as the former president’s most formidable opponent in the coming states, and toughens her rhetoric, her Trumpworld foes are intensifying their own efforts to block her from the consolation prize of the vice presidency.

Haley’s critics have even privately warned Trump that, were he to make Haley first in line to the presidency, he’d effectively be setting himself up for an intra-party coup, as GOP senators would use any legal or political pretext to remove him from office and elevate the more old guard-aligned Haley.

“Nikki Haley as VP would be an establishment neocon fantasy and a MAGA nightmare,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) told me. “On Day One she would convert the Naval Observatory into an anti-Trump, resistance headquarters, undermining him at every step.”

    328 months ago

    I’m expecting one of his kids or maybe Jared Kushner. I think he’s going to make it someone in his inner circle. Unlikely to be any of the key MAGAts because he needs them in Congress.

      188 months ago

      I think the same. His advisors would beg him not to because it would be a disaster politically, but for his agenda, it’s a necessity

        8 months ago

        It’s basically required for a dictatorship as well.

        I think that’s one of Putin’s problems. He has to die in office because he doesn’t have a succession that can be trusted to protect him lined up.

        Also I think he and his cult would eat up a * shudders * Trump Trump sign.

        Fuck I hate this timeline.

          38 months ago

          MAGAts have already… overwhelmingly… admitted they view Trump — expect him to act —as a king. He’s got nothing to lose in continuing the nepotism he already succeeded with the first time round. I wouldn’t be surprised if he picked Ivanka as VP.

    258 months ago

    GOP senators would use any legal or political pretext to remove him from office and elevate the more old guard-aligned Haley.

    Lolol so they’re all conspiracy theory nuts who think everyone’s out to get them. They’re turning on themselves.

    In any case Trump will pick an absolute loyalist who will do (try to do) what Pence wouldn’t. I expect a fast talking lawyer. Giuliani is too old.

  • The Pantser
    238 months ago

    Trump will run with himself as the VP. Remember dictators have no VP.