me at my night shift job: sign me the fuck up
paranoid linux sadgirl with imposter syndrome
me at my night shift job: sign me the fuck up
my fucking meme addled brain: where saddam
this art is cool. looks like a psych rock music video still. sauce?
a percolator can be used as a Soxhlet extractor
I made some spicy ginger extract.
also be really careful if you’re going to be an idiot like me and use a flammable solvent like grain alcohol.
so… I am an idiophone whenever I say anything
is it called a jumping spider because that shit suddenly in my feed nearly made me jump out my goddamn skin!?
crossposted to
cat toy and long hair collector
(lol I had a motorized snake toy with wheels while fostering a cat and that thing collected more hair in the wheels than it did cat-entertaining)
I used to have an alarm app that forced me to scan a barcode to turn it off (I used my shampoo bottle)
guess who learned how to force power off their phone without waking up 🤪
in the end I’ve found my ability to wake up has improved significantly after treating acid reflux (unsurprisingly it fucks up your sleep) and, to some extent, treating the ADHD
lol that’s how i lost track of the battery powered alarm last time
fair, fair
i wish you whatever your equivalent of Pillow Mountain is that helps you find sleep success! :]
have you tried blocking the view of the clock with a Mountain of Pillows™?
ah, the classic biblically accurate scanning electron micrograph
me and the rest of the ADHD gang keeping the alarm clock market on life support because a phone alarm is too easy to turn off in your sleep:
gen alpha, having not really pushed any boundaries while living with their parents, are gonna get fuckin wild in college
arms. hate my current arms and could greatly benefit from sci fi ones
I really want a tattoo but hate commitment so I’m holding out for e-ink tats being invented in my lifetime 🤞
i feel personally attacked