Use requestAnimationFrame for the drawing loop. Dont instantiate new objects unless needed
Use requestAnimationFrame for the drawing loop. Dont instantiate new objects unless needed
Username checks out
This sounds great with the hungarian version of spätzle (nokedli) as well, I think it’s just a different shape. Thanks for translating & sharing!
It’s also chromium based. But other than that it’s european and a pretty cool browser!
Wuch a cosy yet hard game! I’m looking forward to funselektor’s offroad game that’s coming up
As a hungarian, wholeheartedly fuck orban and his ghouls. I’m ashamed of our nation
You can tell she’s got a lotta love for it!
“Go for Papa Palpatine!”
Frostpunk, I think it’s still discounted on steam. Pretty cool game
Use J and L for bigger steps and no annoying volume adjustment
Ah, I see you also follow the orca fashion trends!
Thanks, neat!
Bojler elado!
Wait till you find out about the legendary covid test
I know you joke, but onions are poisonous to dogs
No, officer, it’s “hi, how are you?”
Wow, this is some hardcore bash black magic.
Some other useful stuff: toSorted, toReversed, splice, destructuring, spreading. Last two are not methods but very useful when working with arrays
This isn’t only about Pride, it’s a pretty severe limit on rights to protest. In classic Fidesz fashion the law is super vague, threatening and aims to fuel hate speech.
Also the whole child protection angle stinks, since this is the same govt that pardoned a known pedophile.
See you there