At various points, on Twitter, Jezos has defined effective accelerationism as “a memetic optimism virus,” “a meta-religion,” “a hypercognitive biohack,” “a form of spirituality,” and “not a cult.” …

When he’s not tweeting about e/acc, Verdon runs Extropic, which he started in 2022. Some of his startup capital came from a side NFT business, which he started while still working at Google’s moonshot lab X. The project began as an April Fools joke, but when it started making real money, he kept going: “It’s like it was meta-ironic and then became post-ironic.” …

On Twitter, Jezos described the company as an “AI Manhattan Project” and once quipped, “If you knew what I was building, you’d try to ban it.”

  • @Soyweiser
    10 months ago

    you’ve got to engineer it to be viral.

    All this attention including the whole Andreessen thing and he doesn’t go above 50k followers. As far as virality goes that is pretty bad.

    Also from his twitter: "We literally became a sufficient threat to the system that they felt compelled to attempt to neutralize me.

    The thing is, I am a man of belief. You can take everything from me. I don’t care. I am going to keep going until I’m dead.

    You cannot stop acceleration."

    Sure buddy the system did that. Keep riding the wave, in five years we will all gather on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look west.