I was wondering if someone here has a better idea of how EA developed in its early days than I do.

Judging by the link I posted, it seems like Yudkowsky used the term “effective altruist” years before Will MacAskill or Peter Singer adopted it. The link doesn’t mention this explicitly, but Will MacAskill was also a lesswrong user, so it seems at least plausible that Yudkowsky is the true father of the movement.

I want to sort this out because I’ve noticed that a recently lot of EAs have been downplaying the AI and longtermist elements within the movement and talking more about Peter Singer as the movement’s founder. By contrast the impression I get about EA’s founding based on what I know is that EA started with Yudkowsky and then MacAskill, with Peter Singer only getting involved later. Is my impression mistaken?

  • @Amoeba_Girl
    97 months ago

    Oh my god. I should have realised of course teenage Yud would be Like This, but looking through this archive is a trip.