Tritip, ribs, roasted corn, garlic bread. Didn’t get as many pics as I had planned to, too busy cooking 😁.
Damn I miss Santa Maria BBQ!
And I’m sure it misses you as well.
I live about 20 minutes north of Santa Maria, it’s practically part of my religion.
Where is Santa Maria located?
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I’m from Paso. We had tri tip sandwiches every football game on Fridays! I’m currently lying in Utah, there’s no BBQ out here.
So good. I graduated from AG longer ago than I care to admit and that is definitely a tradition.
Condolences on the BBQ desert.
How do you season the trip tip? Cheers man looks incredible
Thank you! It’s a mixture of salt, white pepper, black pepper, garlic, and some parsley / oregano.
The food looks delicious, and that grill is so cool.
This looks great.
I found after I got a tripod grill for camping that being able to raise/lower your grill/grate makes a HUGE difference for the food you’re cooking. MUCH easier to regulate heat than with a fixed grill. I highly recommend it. I’ve cooked some awesome steaks that way.
This setup looks like the pro-level adjustable grill.
I can’t tell,…are you cooking over wood or is that lump charcoal?
Being able to raise and lower is great. The grill is one at one of the local parks. Most of the perks around here have at least one which you can reserve.
As for what I’m cooking on, it’s actually both! I used about 2 bundles of red oak, then a bunch of a good natural oak charcoal that I really like to help fill it out. I had more of both in reserve, but it ended up being just the right amount for what I needed.
Love me a good tri-tip. Fantastic less expensive cut.
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