Where are my ads? /s
looks at username
Hallucination checks out /s
Shitposting here but can you imagine making this and having post nut clarity thinking, “what have I done?”.
Yeah, how difficult is it to build something like this but only have interest in it in the time between getting horny and nutting? How many times did you delete partial progress before you did see it through to the end, OP? Or did you just do a few long edging sessions?
Lmfao walking someone through the mentality of what could have been the case for this is hilarious. “oh this is awesome! Fuck yea…what have I done. It’s too powerful it must be destroyed”
Haha. “My porn habits are too nerdy, if anyone finds this, I’ll never get laid again.”
Later, when horny mind is in control, “I must post this and share it with everyone before that weakling takes over again!”
OP might be feeling relief right now that he only posted it on Lemmy, so not many will see it and those who do can probably relate to nerdy porn habits.
Almost enough post nut clarity to call your ISP to have them change your public IP lol
The trick of course is “the pictures hold no interest for me. I’m getting off on the code, and leaving sexy comments”
Where does the …media get sourced from? Looks like pornhub gifs. You could think of a integration for some nsfw subreddits as well (if you can get past the api barrier they built up, like with redlib).
Why subreddits and not NSFW Lemmy communities?
Most of the nsfw lemmy communities use bots that repost content from nsfw subreddits anyway.
So? It would still help the project.
I honestly don’t really give a flying fuck about lemmy when I’m looking for porn and I highly doubt most people care. I’d rather the content be good and plentiful.
Most of the Lemmy stuff is hentai, AI generated, or amateur self-promotion. Not as much variety of content as could be found on Reddit
because theres like 5 nsfw posts total
You’re not in the right instance
You need to get around more!
Show me the ways
That’s an excellent aggregator, but still not a ton of content 🙁
Still more than the 5 total nsfw posts that Jose has seen on lemmy
Currently pornhub yes, you can press the link icon to go to the source.
Weird. My state blocks pornhub, but not this. Is the media rehosted somewhere else?
It’s probably “blocked” by restricting DNS queries to the main site (e.g but not to any of their CDNs because effort
Land of the free.
We’re in the middle of a long theocratic coup, cut us some slack.
The media is not rehosted, no.
Does your state block the site or does the site block your state so as to not comply with the ID requirement? If it’s the opposite of what you said, then the scrolled isn’t in your state most likely, so the site doesn’t block access. The scroller then forwards it to you… Which might put the scrolled in jeopardy for not complying.
It’s the opposite of what I said. I almost edited to correct it twice but both times I decided it wasn’t that important 😅
What do you mean by “the scrolled”?
Autocorrected from “the scroller”, my bad for not catching it
One quirky thing I noticed was with redgifs. It’s also blocked where I am but Arctic can load them fine via the app. So I can’t open the site but can see the content when it’s pulled by the app via api. So I’m guessing it’s something similar that’s happening here.
What is Arctic?
Lemmy client for IOS. It’s what I recommend for nsfw browsing because it can embed gifs and videos in the app, making browsing easier and smoother.
There used to be a service for this called “Reddit”
The app has 100% ruined porn accounts. Every third post is trying to redirect me to AmIOverreacting or similar and I keep reading wondering when things are gonna get sexy.
I am immeasurably thankful and my weekend is booked
Looks good but it could use some genre settings. The straight section in particular is full of generic vanilla content and it’s all kinda samey.
There’s a search bar at the top
Agree, needs more variety/organization
so now I can doomscroll AND boobscroll!#winning
It’s just Instagram without the funny
At the risk of sounding like a Texan governor, what does infinite scrolling porn do to somebody’s brain, and how does that affect their sex life?
EDIT: just do a little research on infinite scrolling and the effects of porn and then think about the effects of those combined. Y’all sound like porn addicts. It’s okay to watch porn. It’s not okay to deny that there are serious detrimental side effects to what and the way we consume it. Take care of yourself if having meaningful sexual experiences with a real human matters to you.
Like all pleasures in life it can probably be quite detrimental if overused.
I think this is detrimental quicker than other pleasures, a porn magazine for example, or even a porn streaming site. It hits faster, is more stimulating and is less work to keep it going.
Compounding the negative effects of infinite scrolling and porn seems very detrimental to one’s sexual psychology and in turn their life.
EDT: damn y’all really love porn. clearly no women on Lemmy yet.
Then don’t use it bro
It needed to be said. It’s for your health. Like telling stoners that smoking weed every day is bad for you even tho it’s not hard drugs.
You aren’t wrong, but wrong place to get any balanced discussion. You’re arguing against boobs when the blood isn’t in the brain - not going to happen.
Haha all good. Still needed to be said.
Porn streaming sites are “infinite” too…
OP said this is just a frontend for pornhub’s gif section
The format is totally diff. This is YouTube vs instagram or TikTok. You know the difference.
OP hasn’t invented anything here. There are lots of infinite scrolling porn sites out there.
For sure. The question still stands. Does anybody think about the ways this is detrimental to people?
Your point is valid and I don’t think deserving of so many downvotes. I think most people can handle it responsibly, but always good to keep in mind potential risks.
Yeah it’s fine in moderation but that’s like somebody denying that alcohol can be bad for you. Bunch of porn addicts in denial. By the time we recognize how detrimental it can be on our lives it’ll be too late. It already is. Too many people brainwashed cuz we don’t take it seriously.
Do you think sex is inherently harmful?
This is what people consider sex now?
What element of porn in general do you find offensive or problematic, if not the sexual one?
Watching porn isn’t sex and I’m not saying porn in and of itself is as much of a problem as infinite scrolling is. You’re inferring a lot. Just do some research on infinite scrolling and think about it. If u wanna watch infinite porn, more power to you, but doesn’t mean it doesn’t have negative side effects.
I’m not trying to infer, I’m asking you questions to further understand your position here. What’s your issue with porn specifically? Why is porn bad for people? You’re the one asserting this (“porn is as much a problem” implies it’s still a problem at some level) on an open forum, please explain. What’s so bad about being naked in a movie or picture and someone else watching that? We have bodies. We are adults. So what?
We’ve had infinite porn scrolling for a while now with image searches. The issue with addiction and scrolling is usually related to predatory algorithms (which op doesn’t appear to have used) and also neurochemical differences in individuals. However, addiction in terms of neurochemical balances is a highly controversial topic and in general, I side with the idea that each person should own their own body and be able to do what they like as long as it doesn’t harm others. So if someone is comfortable with watching porn all day every day and that feels fine for them, then I think that is fine as well.
There’s no need to monitor another person’s addiction and the only reason you’d want to, is if you were codependent or parentified as a child (codependency is an addiction too). I get providing your opinion and sources, but you have yet to provide a single source or even specifically say what the issue is, besides some vague concern over infinite scrolling in general. You come across as being reactive and not actually founded in any kind of moral or scientific consistency. That’s fine if that’s the case, but then maybe you should acknowledge that you could be wrong here unless you’re backing it up with sources and sound reasoning.
Women also look at porn you dork.
Women wouldn’t be so vehemently against what I’m saying. And keep the conversation civil.
nobody gives a shit dude. go to a church or something
Thank you for making me smile
Church is for pedos. Don’t have to listen. Still needs to be said. It’s for your own health.
Hahah that’s exactly how I said it. “For your helph”
Probably the exact same and browsing pornhub
I don’t think it is though. Lots of articles on the effects of infinite scrolling on our brains. It triggers dopamine and becomes addictive. TikTok is different than going to YouTube for example. Then add the effects of porn on our brain to that and you got a very potent digital cocktail.
People watch yt and porn sites for very different reasons. People watch infinite scrolling porn and tiktok for very different reasons. I disagree with your main premise that you can get sucked into any infinite scroll site the exact same way, no matter the content.
You can’t disagree with the effects of infinite scrolling vs a streaming website tho.
Yeah but that misses the point that content matters. When people watch porn they watch until they get off, then shut off the content (unless they’re already addicts, which is a separate discussion). With infinite meme (or whatever) sites, there’s no “end point” like there is with porn, so people’s brains are prodded to keep scrolling.
While there are documented studies done on infinite vid sites (like tiktok), I don’t think there are any on infinite porn sites. I don’t think with separate content a claim can be made that since a study applies in case A, it also applies to case B
I think that’s a fair argument. Infinite scrolling still trains our brain based on the task we are giving it. If it’s entertainment then we are training ourselves to go forever. If it’s orgasm, then we are training our brain to constantly be stimulated by infinitely changing stimuli, which no human can compete with sexually.
And no, there isn’t enough data yet, but there also isn’t enough data around smoking weed and long term effects, especially around pregnancy, but people understand it’s probably not safe. Use at your own risk. I’m just saying that it very likely has some detrimental effect on our brains, but can’t prove how much.
This is the slot machines of porn
Haha for real
You realize you can just look at… not porn? Other stuff? Read a book?
Sure. People can just not do crack. A more like comparison, people could just not scroll through Lemmy or any other infinite scrolling app, but they do because nobody thinks it has any real ramifications.
I think there’s something to be said for coercive and manipulative algorithms, definitely. I don’t know that simply efficiently looking at the porn you want to look at until you’re done edging or you cum or whatever is bad. The less ads, the better as well, because ads are very manipulative and coercive and the point is to reduce that. Having an orgasm is a normal human experience, as is sexual exploration in general. Idk that all porn is perfect or anything, but I do think the antiporn stuff is weirdly sex phobic for no reason.
Just do a little research on infinite scrolling and the psychological effects. It’s addictive and trains your brain.
Getting a lot of “I can quit any time I want” vibes from this comment thread.
Haha right? Lots of people addicted to porn and in denial.
Good show, only critique I can offer would be a pop-up box asking which kind you want to see first before loading anything
I’ve seen all of them ☹️
Beat porn challenge (impossible)
This is great. Are you planning on adding categories for specific kinks?
Glad you like it! Yes this is likely coming soon, just have to figure out a way to present it cleanly. Probably will end up using a suggestion list in the search bar.
That’s awesome, once you get that added cleanly this is gonna be an incredible product
Bookmarking this for research
Man all the down votes on this one 🥹😅🤣😂😂
This person is doing gods work
deleted by creator