Fifa has suspended Spanish FA president Luis Rubiales from all football-related activities following his conduct at the Women’s World Cup final in Sydney
…79 women’s football players who signed a letter in which they stated they would refuse to play for their country as long as Rubiales remained in his post.
How am I only learning about this now? It’s fucking awesome.
Anyway, the next step is to fire Rubiales. Will that happen?
Then you’ll love to know that the Spanish football federation threatened to sue them, because FIFA rules say players can’t refuse calls to the national team. Rubiales is only the tip of the iceberg, the entire federation is a glorified pigsty.
That’s an asinine, empty threat. The players clearly have public opinion on their side. All FIFA is doing is advertising how out of touch they are. FIFA is begging to be put in their place.
I mean, to be fair to FIFA (did I just type that?) they have suspended him:
EDIT - ha, forgot what thread I was on and didn’t realise I’d just shared the OP link! Oh well
It’s the Spanish FA who need to step up though, they’re making absolute fools of themselves.
The Spanish Federation is threatening the players not FIFA.
Hey, pigs are very nice creatures. Don’t be mean to pigs by comparing them to these asses.
Whee hoo, hold up ! asses are kind, gentle beings that deserve better than being equalled with those dicks.
They’ll wait and see what the public reaction is and what other dirt will come out about him before making a decision.
Then, when there’s no possible way that they can justify keeping him, they’ll fire him and make out like they did it because they care about women’s voices.
Look at how Man U handled the Greenwood ordeal. If they could’ve gotten away with it, I guarantee he would still be on the squad.
Look at Deshaun Watson.
Nope. Apparently what they’ll do is take legal action against the victim for not providing consent after the fact.
Bold decision, Cotton. Let’s see how it plays out.
The federation also said that, if selected, players have “an obligation” to play for the national team, after 81 female players said they will not represent Spain until Rubiales is removed from his post.
Poor guy is getting a bad look. /s
Fuck him. And fuck this org. “He did nothing wrong,even though it’s documented.”
Go and select them then, and see what happens when your players take to the field playing touch rugby to fulfil their “obligation”.
That’s very bold. Legal posturing and peacocking. Trying to control the narrative and limit damage before a token resignation and a settlement.
FIFA and RFEF are different, aren’t they?
Pretty sure some of the national men’s team have joined them as well.
I’m surprised by this. Pleasantly surprised. This is a slap on the wrist for show, but it’s more than the nothing I was expecting.
I’d be pretty pissed if somebody like my regional manager grabbed my head and kissed my lips because I did well at my job. Even moreso if it were extremely public and there were no repercussions for him. Extremely pissed off if it happened to be in a monopolized industry where my company stands alone and I could be blacklisted for not being okay with the kiss. This wasn’t just shitty for women’s soccer, and it wasn’t even just shitty for women; this was shitty for every person who has felt pressured to choose between themselves and pleasing somebody who holds power in some regard. Whether it’s parents, partners, coaches, teachers, bosses, etc, that power is used to exploit the comfort and safety of millions every day, so it’s really important that such a public instance of it be taken seriously.
I can’t believe you’re blaming the victim here! Didn’t you know that anyone who points out sexual assault in the workplace is just doing a false feminism?! Next time, you should educate yourself on how difficult it is to force your subordinates to kiss you.
Also, /s
Also also, fuck Rubiales. I hope he falls into an inconveniently deep hole without getting injured. Something just slightly too deep for him to get out by himself, but everyone who sees him just laughs at him and walks by.
How do you see this as a slap on the wrist? He’s facing disciplinary proceedings after the initial 90 day suspension.
79 coaches have resigned.
This feels like serious repercussions territory.
The Spanish FA not only have not forced him to resign, they have threatened to sue Hermoso on his behalf. The FIFA suspension is necessary because they will not act. The (now) 81 players resigning is necessary because they will not act. The entire coaching team resigning is necessary because they will not act.
There will be serious repercussions and the deeper they dig this hole, the worse they will be. But the things you cite are a response to the refusal of his employer to do anything at all.
Ah, appreciate the context. Thank you.
Let’s not sugar coat this. It wasn’t a kiss, it was sexual assault. Don’t let these twats get away with this bullshit.
Isn’t that going a little far? Not defending the guy, it’s gross and super inappropriate. But a simple kiss is hardly sexual. Basically every child ever is kissed against their will by older relatives and nobody bats an eye.
Fire the guy, ban him from football for life, but does he need to be arrested? He’s not going around groping strangers. He just apparently does gross, stupid shit when he’s excited.
Nope. It’s not going too far. You go ahead and randomly kiss a coworker or subordinate at your place of work in front of everybody to include customers. Let me know how quickly HR wants you in their office.
Yeah, because it’s assault. Not sexual.
How dense are you people
Restraining someone else’s head with both hands and kissing on the lips without consent - an action that not only disrespects physical boundaries, but also psychological and neurochemical boundaries, sounds a lot like sexual assault to me.
If it was the player’s cheek or hand, then IMO your argument would make much more sense. This isn’t the case here, and sexual assault includes a lot more than forced penetration.
As far as the law is concerned, it’s sufficiently open ended AFAICT and leaves the definition up to the individual affected.
How is it not sexual if a grown man kisses a grown woman and they are not in any way related?
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Yeah, never once have my French friends grabbed me by the head by both hands and kissed me full on the lips as a greeting.
Do you know what consent is?
Consent - When two parties agree that an action is OK to preform.
In the case of the French, the consent to kiss others comes from their culture / societal norms that make kissing as a greeting ok. The same cannot be said about Spain and especially the situation they were in.
“Certain people in France do this too, so this should be universally accepted behaviour. I am really smart”
Well, let’s see how exactly it is that you feel when a man in a position of authority over you grabs you by the head and kisses you against your will. And I will have you know that neither of my children have ever been made to accept affection that they did not want because I learned from my upbringing, I didn’t just parrot it.
I was a Catholic altar boy. I assure you, I know the feeling.
Again, it’s gross and inappropriate, not sexual assault.
Except is exactly fits the legal definition of sexual assault.
legal definition
For what jurisdiction? There’s not one legal definition. Every country, and every state in the US, has their own definitions.
My state, for example, defines it as (paraphrasing) unwanted contact with intimate areas for the purpose of sexual gratification or humiliation, or to intentionally harm. It’s a bit subjective and open to interpretation, but there’s no way anyone would get convicted under this statute for a short, closed-mouth celebratory kiss.
Again, it’s assault, and it’s gross and inappropriate, but it doesn’t meet all the elements of sexual assault.
Then your state has shitty laws. It’s sexual assault everywhere normal.
Why are you bringing up the US? This happened in Spain so that’s the only jurisdiction that matters
And guess what the Spanish criminal codes definition of sexual assault is? Unwanted sexual contact.
A kiss is not inherently sexual. Wtf do you people not understand.
Sexual assault takes many forms including attacks such as rape or attempted rape, as well as any unwanted sexual contact or threats. Usually a sexual assault occurs when someone touches any part of another person’s body in a sexual way, even through clothes, without that person’s consent.
The only person I ever kiss with both hands on their head is my wife, when I am being intimate with her.
in a sexual way,
Did you skip over this?
A kiss is not inherently sexual. Is a mother’s kiss incest? I have a picture of my nephews kissing, is that CP? Hell, dudes in some parts of the world kiss their friends, on the lips, as a greeting.
Gross and inappropriate conduct isn’t automatically sexual.
For what jurisdiction?
For one, the Spanish jurisdiction, that is the one that applies to this case. Arguing that other countries have backwards laws is irrelevant to the matter at hand.
Right, show me where the Spanish criminal code explicitly defines a kiss as sexual contact.
Yes it is.
Fire the guy, ban him from football for life, but does he need to be arrested?
It is not up to you to decide. The Spanish law is pretty clear in this respect, and a non-consensual kiss is explicitly defined as sexual assault, period. And this is a very recent law that has been widely discussed and reported in media, so there is no chance that he didn’t know the legal consequences of his acts. He simply believed that his position of power would be enough to evade the legal consequences.
Please show me where Spanish criminal code defines what constitutes a kiss.
The law doesn’t even define sexual assault beyond “unwanted sexual conduct”. And again, a kiss is not inherently sexual.
Calling this sexual assault doesn’t help anyone, and actively harms victims of actual sexual violence.
You should join Luis Rubiales’ defense 🤷♂️
Calling this sexual assault doesn’t help anyone, and actively harms victims of actual sexual violence.
How so? This kind of argument doesn’t make sense to me - robbing a house is robbery, robbing a bank is still robbery. Unaliving an individual with a knife is murder, and unaliving an invididual by dangerous driving is still murder.
Each crime is looked at on a case by case basis in an ideal scenario - having the definition of one thing the same as another can not inherently harm victims affected by a higher severity of an identically named crime IMO
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I’ll take the bait because why not 🤭
Sexual assault is not just rape, that kind of thinking is really narrow minded in my opinion. The definition varies depending on where you live - this can include groping, slapping another’s bottom, ogling, catcalling, rape, and more.
Being excited isn’t a valid reason to cross someone’s personal boundaries IMO. There is never a valid reason to cross someone’s boundaries unless you’re exempt, on those kind of friendly terms with them
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I actually don’t let anybody kiss my kids without permission, even relatives. Your body belongs to you alone and you don’t owe anyone a kiss. It shouldn’t be normal IMO.
Basically every child ever is kissed against their will by older relatives and nobody bats an eye.
That is also assault, and the attitude that it’s ok because the victims are too young to understand bodily autonomy is disgusting regardless of how widespread it is.
Did I say it was ok? That’s gross and inappropriate in my opinion, too. But it still happens and nobody cares. And yeah, it could be considered assault. But it’s not sexual.
He did not only kiss her - he also made remarks that he was gonna marry her next year in Ibiza and if I remember right something about a wedding night…
It was a sexual assault.
And btw: Kids should never be kissed against their will and it is not okay when older relatives do that. AT ALL
This happened in my country and would be absolutely considered sexual assault by state laws. So whatever your feelings are on the matter, the fact of reality is that it’s sexual assault.
I bat an eye. I think it’s creepy as fuck when adults don’t respect children’s personal space
As you might reasonably have guessed, there is a long and sleazy history with Rubiales and Vilda. This is not blowing up out of nowhere.
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What the actual fuck is your damage?
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Sounds like a “you” problem. I recommend growing the fuck up.
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Sounds like generic bollocks from someone who can’t make a coherent argument.
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This guy being a selfproclaimed ‘victim of feminism’, gtfo.
selfproclaimed ‘victim of feminism’
the only kind there is…
If you are a victim of a progressive movement to get people more rights and respect then you are admitting you are an oppressor that’s been overthrown.
At the same time, he’s also calling it “fake feminism”… I don’t think he actually know what those words means, including “fake”
I’ve been elated a few times in life but never felt the need to grab a man or woman and kiss on the lips.
Such a weak excuse.
Would the Australian (NSW) laws apply here because that’s where it happened? They updated their sexual consent laws not long ago and their easy reader is pretty clear that a kiss is considered part of that. Not sure how it would be charged under the criminal code:
I was thinking about this as well. It technically happened in a workplace so I’m also wondering if Australian workplace laws apply here.
I thought that as well. She should have been encouraged to report him to the coppers -would have been funny if they did prevent him from leaving as they do for much smaller infractions sometimes.
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El Fifa menos acosador. Lol
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Sure because I changed my baby sister’s diaper this one time when she was 3 months old so it’s totally okay to pull down my coworkers pants and run a wet wipe down their asscrack in front of everybody. I normally don’t like butts, let alone wiping them down but you see she just landed a major contract for our company and I was overcome with joy.
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I was trying to point out how an act can be innocent in one context like your example of kissing your brother’s newborn on the forehead can be sexual in another context. Like kissing your female subordinate on the lips while holding her head with both hands. I’m baffled that you’re consistently missing the point here.
This fuckhead rapist-wannabe is all throughout here with his shit takes. Downvote, block, and pity anyone he ever has contact with in real life. Eventually he’ll be removed by admins.
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What’s the big deal?
Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the sexual assault? Come on.
This is a self-evidently dumb take, but also
I thought Europeans all kiss each other constantly.
Hermoso was the only one he kissed on the lips
You’re all insane.
Alright fine. I’m in. Shall we just kill him?