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Lawmakers across the country (United States) are trying to protect kids by age-gating parts of the internet.
These laws aren’t about children, that’s just a talking point to sell laws that tame the potential anonymity of the internet for private profit.
If American society gave the slightest shit at all about our children, we wouldn’t have literally starved our K-12 system into utter ruin for over half a century to cut the taxes of the corporations and already rich assholes killing the planet and those children’s future on it for private profit. We wouldn’t then say selling public education to for profit industry in the form of charter schools is a solution.
The United States doesn’t give a shit about its children. Not one tiny bit. Now our beloved economy? We’d throw all our (non-wealthy) kids into a fucking volcano if Wall Street told us it would protect that.
Not to mention, do people really believe that people shouldn’t be allowed to see sexual content until they’re 18? I started looking up titties when I was eleven, and as I understood it, the generation before mine either inherited or stole porn mags and tapes from older brothers/dads or got somebody to buy some for them. Given how useless sex ed was on the actual sex aspect of things, how are teenagers supposed to figure out anything besides anatomical structures?
The fundamental premise just seems weird to me, why are we trying to hide away pornography like it’s this shameful corruptive thing? I maybe knew a handful of weird kids that listened to the 18 year old restriction (all on extremely religious grounds), so the idea of actually trying to enforce it seems kinda crazy. I don’t know, it just reeks of the idea that masturbation is a sin, but everyone’s so uncomfortable with the notion of teenagers + anything sexual that nobody wants to touch it.
I just feel like the next couple generations are gonna be weird with the tug of war between book bannings, LGBTQ+ bannings, religion in schools/out of them, and all the other proxy wars being fought using schools as the battle ground. Not to mention all the shootings.
These laws are dangerous, kids are going to sneak a peek at adult things and when they do going to pornhub is far safer than having to avoid strong filters by joining a private discord group full of creepy old guys.
Honestly these laws are a groomers dream, keeping kids naive and then funnelling them in to poorly moderated or purposely immoral porn sharing communities creates actual dangers which aren’t present when a teenager sees some videos from the front page of pornhub.
What we actually need to do it have real conversations about things
For that to happen people would have to agree with the basic fact that “teenagers wanting to watch porn is normal”, which generally doesn’t go well. But ultimately it’s such a touchy topic that the people honestly wishing to protect their children cannot even do it effectively. Some don’t know how to handle it, many just ignore the matter altogether.
Then we end up with these moral panic-driven measures that at best help no one, or, more cynically, enable the erosion of people’s rights and unjustified persecution.
I’m a parent and have plenty control over what my kids can access. Most devices have parental controls, and for everything else there is Pi-hole. I don’t need anyone else to do my parenting for me, especially when it means that I, the parent, get treated like a child.
“Oh please, daddy gubment, can I see this website?”
No. Not gonna fly.
What nooo you’re supposed to hate trans people enough to sacrifice personal freedoms and liberty!
I love how this “sticking it to big tech” is also funded by big tech. The general goal of someone like Facebook with this legislation is pass a bunch of rules that only large companies like them can comply with, and watch mastodon instances and other attempts to detrown them end in FBI raids and more regulations.
Not to mention none of this will actually protect children. When I was 14 I told an adult online about my life and they helped me make it through some rougher periods until I got to 18. I know the internet is highly imperfect but I think gate keeping kids out of it will just lead to more underground abuse and abuse that they don’t find was abuse until they are adults.
The people who wrote this bill want people like you to suffer
Exactly, they don’t view children as people, they view them as objects and extensions of their parents/guardians.
and that’s really the root of the issue, isn’t it?
Yes, I remember how it went when I was a kid. Internet probably is the only reason why I’m not joining army of warmongerers or died in Ukraine.
To be fair it seems some adults need to be protected from some kids, but it is their adult problem.
Think of all the extra info we can sell if we card everyone!
There is no Porn Big Tech big enough to be able to afford this legislation. From the article:
As recently as May, only a quarter of people trying to access Ford’s site even clicked the link to verify their age and only 9 percent of those users completed the process. Ford said it costs his company around $1.50 per person to verify their age, and there’s no promise that those who follow through will buy anything. Pornhub’s response has been far more aggressive, blocking all traffic from some of these restrictive states rather than paying the extra cost.
Remember it is part of the GOP’s published plan for 2024 and beyond to ban pornography.
Bourgeois governments gonna bourgeois
These laws are made by bad parents or those that want to control someone else’s children. It’s so easy to just talk to your kids about the dangers of the internet and to put on parental controls on all devices.
Honestly, I don’t think that’s the case. I think it’s more by people who want to virtue signal. They get to talk about how they’re “protecting the children” and their opponents (if they dare to oppose it) “don’t want to protect the children.” I don’t believe many of them are doing it out of an actual desire to protect children, even a misguided one.
Oh that’s definitely part of it. I also think this is an attempt to scrub the internet of any mention of women freedoms, contraception, abortion, LGBTQ+, etc.
And the UK
Fucking idiotic, thick as two short planks bunch of pricks, the lot of them. Cunts.
…politicians I mean, not the children. They’re cool.
Also, it’s never ACTUALLY about parental rights and protecting children. Plenty of parents want their kids to grow up believing that there is nothing inherently sexual about a naked body, or about women, but their perspective and rights never seem to be considered.
Think about how the reactionaries in control of many US states banned Drag Queen story hours and the like from libraries and schools, saying that it should be up to parents if they want their kids to go to them, only to then classify all drag shows as obscene and restricted to 18+.
UK “children” are just future UK “people” so how can they be cool?
The Scots and Welsh are included and theyre pretty cool.
Honestly man as a dad of 3, this applies to the children too.
I love them, but they are indeed
Fucking idiotic, thick as two short planks bunch of pricks, the lot of them. Cunts.
sounds like some fascist culture war garbage that was never meant to protect children from anything because it doesn’t
This starts with some ambiguous “protecting the children” from porn argument to eventually requiring everyone to be “verified” with a digital ID before they can set foot on a highly controlled internet (or worse). We’re already seeing increasing glimpses of this and it’s in the government’s and big tech’s interest.
I’m so tired of the constant barrage of shit from all directions. This isn’t the beautiful future of humanity I imagined as a kid. No one will look out for us except for us, the actual people that these out of touch rich and powerful high society clowns try to control and keep occupied with stupid culture wars amongst each other, or placate with bread and circus. Enough already ffs.
Pretty sure that’s already the case in South Korea, having to use your real identity online in certain cases. We can’t let it expand worldwide.
China too. Everything is tied to your phone number
Spoiler Alert: It’s not about protecting children, it’s about the GOP keeping the gays off of the internet
I haven’t read the article but I assume it’s an invasion af privacy under the guise of “protecting the children” as usual
It’s part of the GOP trying to ban porn. They know they can’t ban it due to the 1st amendment, so they’re making porn unprofitable for distributors.
Google has recently started telling me that they don’t know if I am >18. But I have been using Google for way more than 20 years.
So, Google is incapable of counting to 18? :-)
Maybe they think your parents made this account for you before you were born
If they did that should still be allowed. Despite the fact that I know it’s not allowed and against their TOS.
It will be interesting to see the politicians responses when their porn accounts are hacked and they all have to explain why their ID is associated with profiles that frequent tranny incest porn
Please don’t use the t word, it’s generally considered a slur.
What is the current PC word?
Humanity never changes. Teenage me found the entire idea that I might need “protection from harmful content on the Internet” ridiculous. Now I have been an adult for more than ten years, I still find it ridiculous that people younger than me might need that.
I just think that people should be given access to comprehensive sex ed early enough in life that it’s before they end up viewing something like pornography through their own actions.
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That’s the point, they don’t give two shits about the children.