in Welsh this translation reads “I am not in the office at the moment. Send any work to be translated”
2 sentences, similar length, No ≈ Nid
I would fall for it too
Also probably not the best idea to send the out of office reply in Welsh at a translating service :D
Fair point
aggressively smokes in Arabic
Do you smoke the cig with the lit end in your mouth?
I think it means using the cigarette as a detonator.
No he smokes it with a cup of gahwa
Also be sure to label it.
“It’s diesel fuel”
I’m wondering if it’s a weird abbreviation for liters.
Google says it might be liquid transportation system?
peanut butter is one word
Probably a placeholder that wasn’t changed, rather than someone complying in an unexpected manner.
Can a cigarette even light diesel? Doesn’t it have a quite high flaming point?
If you saw someone smoking next to a diesel tanker, would you go hang out with them?