is step 3 loss?
No, but it’s a great idea!
Bold of you to assume modern day nazis know how zo draw a swastika. There so many strange ‘symbols’ where it is clear what the goal was, but the shape was too hard to draw for them… Harder to fix those this way
Those can stay up so everyone can point and laugh
Step 4 is “rest of the fucking owl” vibes
5 I’d say
Or just leave it at step 2
Found the Microsoft shill
Corporate logo graffiti sounds hilarious to me
Hah! I use Arch though
Also /s
Too obvious that it was a swastika in my opinion. But as step three you could turn it into an abstract loss, at least that would take the attention away from the original shape.
Fight swastikas with loss
So, this begs the question if it is better to leave it at a stage where it’s visible that “Le Resistance” has happened, or is it better to cover it completely so nobody is exposed to the original symbol in the first place.
Could just paint it over in all black if the latter is the goal.
I kinda like the idea of drawing a garbage can or other mockery around it, so people can see that there was a Nazi and this is what we think of them.
I also don’t think anyone will turn Nazi from seeing a swatiska. People should be exposed to and educated on what it is.
I think the reason is to replace the hakenkreuz with something more positive, and as bonus point nazis are gonna hate the evil rainbow
Yeah, this treatment is for either public graffiti where the original moron will see the new version, or maybe reformed Nazis who had a tattoo
That’s what I used to do
Also works if they screwed up and drew it mirrored! But there’s no helping some people…
Sieg fail!
im pretty sure that bottom left one is the one where they gave up and wrote the word Hitler to get the point across.
i turn em into windows logos. once someone had carved the original lines so piss poor wavy that it ended up looking almost exactly like the windows xp flag thing.
That reminds me, why was Windows XP’s logo a flag… thing?
because the future is 3d, that was the windows where all the task bars got that shiny bubble look
Hiding in plain sight
A faster method is making them into a small house (make 4 squares and put a triangle on top)
Then draw a little smiling sun and some birds. Nice!
SBurb rules!
Now people are going to use this guide to turn Love Wins into a hate symbol.
You paint over it with white paint and then put swastika in black. Very subtle
I’ve been covering them with band stickers. 6 months later, they’re all still covered.
I’ve also had success with simply turning then into a stylized flower.
Do people still draw swastikas unironically lol
Where? All I see are dumb shit posters (literally) in porta poties. But that’s just edgelords trying to be funny.
Frustration is the greatest weapon against facism.