If we just don’t talk about genocide, perhaps it will go away?
This is a rally, not a town hall. PLUS she did meet with them, before the rally, then mentioned that when they first interrupted her rally, then she finally told them to shut up because they kept interrupting in a completely nonproductive way
She met with some of the leaders of the uncommitted movment right before this very rally. Her strategy is not to completely ignore it
A poor choice of words made in the spur of the moment doesn’t necessarily reflect how she’s been acting about it
The good old ‘shut up or we’ll give you a proto-fascist’ vibe. Very reminiscent of Hillary in 2016.
It still is far more important that she win this election.
Then she should not be dismissing real concerns as Trump support.
Have you heard about AIPAC spending loads of money to take out pro-Palenstinian incumbents in the primaries? They can probably cause Harris more trouble in the election than the pro-Palestinian protesters.
Election interference is only when it comes from Russia. Otherwise it’s sparkling grassroots.
She really screwed up with that response. Ugh.
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The point is, Harris fucked up by saying this. IN MICHIGAN! SMH… liberalism at work.
No, she didn’t. You just think that’s the case. What she subtly said was something different. The pro-gaza population in the US isn’t going to sway the election. If you think so, you’re 1000% wrong.
Harris will win, with or without the small amount of the pro-gaza voters. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here.
As the campaign heats up and campuses re-open for the fall it is crucial that Harris’s campaign figures out how to talk to and about people who are horrified by US policy in Gaza.
This could be her “covid kryptonite” if she doesn’t figure it out quickly.
Remember that if she loses and you feel the urge to start blaming people.
Please, please litigate this issue AFTER she wins. Everyone is far worse off for all sorts of other reasons if she doesn’t.
Please, please litigate this issue AFTER she wins.
When it can be ignored.
When voters no longer have any power.
Like we did with Biden, and were called Russian bots, ChatGPT accounts, and other thought terminating cliches?
“You know what? If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I’m speaking,” Harris said
Maybe if you don’t want Donald Trump to win you should show some backbone and stand up to your fascist Israeli masters.
Yes! Absolutely this! The best way to win is to alienate the largest group of people possible and turn them towards your opponent. This is such a masterful political strategy. It’s a wonder more people with this view don’t hold office./s
It would be wonderful to see pro-democracy and pro peace groups holding as much resources and influence as groups like aipac does. Being able to offer candidates that sort of security. The sad truth is we can’t. And that we have to work within and compromise with groups we very often despise in order to get anything positive done. The honest truth is that we represent nothing more than a slightly more secure margin of winning. But only when added on to all the rest not by ourselves.
It would be wonderful to see pro-democracy and pro peace groups holding as much resources and influence as groups like aipac does. Being able to offer candidates that sort of security. The sad truth is we can’t.
We really can’t. AIPAC has the money if a country that gets unending support. Americans can barely afford rent. Americans are paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford sudden expenses, like medical care and bills.
This is intentional at this point. If the people who need to vote for you don’t have the money, but the corporate and international lobbyists can fund and sway the politicians more than the general public, it’s a win/win. They get elected, pay back the companies who got them into office, and the people who got them in feel accomplished, when neither the companies or candidates care about any of the voters.
Trump won because the poor and rural people who saw some dude talking what they wanted to hear, and he wasn’t bound to them, he was bound to thr corps and Russians donating to him.
To stop this would stop the income of Politicians across every step of government, local, state, and federal. Super PACs outweigh any of the members of Lemmy or the Fediverse. What we want doesn’t matter.
If we want to stop AIPAC, we would have to stop the same things that enable Russia to fund candidates. Republicans would keepto any money flowing, Democrats would want to keep any money flowing for them. Sensible people want less money in politics. Politicians don’t.
Lobbying is good for them, and bad for us. Lobbying defunds welfare, education, healthcare, and puts that money into the pockets of the wealthy.
And that’s not to say “both sides”, one party often has members who want to stop this. One party has a progressive wing, one party has a fascist majority. But both together will probably prohibit overturning Citizens United.
She needs to be hounded at every rally on this issue. Trying to silence protest is is how blueMAGA rolls
Imagine if Trump had done that, Liberals would be in an uproar about how authoritarian he is and needs to get beat. Shes as condescending as Hillary and maybe she will suffer the same fate,
I don’t think you need to imagine too hard since he instructed his fans to “knock the crap out of them” in response to any protestors at one of his rallies.
Case in point. Coming from Trump its authoritarian, coming from a democrat its “Yas queen”
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Like protestors throwing paint on priceless works of art to get attention to their cause, I think this kind of protest is short-sighted and counterproductive.
Interrupting destructive speech to protest is always welcome and positive. Trump for example is 99% of the time destructive, fascist speech. Interrupt away. But interrupting productive speech to protest is itself destructive even if you draw attention to your issue. It not only subjugates other peoples’ valid choices to hear and be heard about productive things, taking away momentum and agency, but also is an egotistical act that harms other positive outcomes.
To me, it makes pro-Palestine protestors less sympathetic. I support action that will actually lead to specific outcomes eliminating Israeli oppression and genocide, but this ain’t it.
Here’s the clip: https://x.com/DrewPavlou/status/1821344905278394400
She handled this in the worst way. I’m not going to get mad at protesters who want to see an end to genocide. Even Biden had a more humbling response.
Well, nice things don’t last forever
This same news article posted in News got me another ban from there hah
Reporting actual news is actually heavily biased fake news, just like when NBC reports when Trump is being horrid according to Republicans.
Factual statements? Biased, nitpicking. Please ignore that I too am biased, and that all media is biased.
Reporting on polling? Polls suck, never believe them.
Reporting that people want Biden gone? Biden is never going to leave! …I mean, he always was going to!
Funny that my first ban from there was because I kept saying Biden needed to drop out and be replaced.
Now that same crowd that said I was a Trumper is doing the “YAAAS KAMALA! SO GLAD JOE DROPPED OUT!”. Oh well lol
There is a million different references to books and media I could make here. The easiest and kinda laziest is: “We have always been at war with Eastasia.”
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