What an imbecile. Mercury is a planet. It is too large to be hidden anywhere on a chess board
Wrong. Mercury is a god. He’s much too powerful to do the biddings of a puny mortal.
You’re both wrong, it’s a car. I’m pretty crazy about one though.
You all were close but, still wrong. Marie Curie was a scientist.
You’re also wrong. He’s a singer known as Freddie. And I don’t know what kind of necromancy was used to get him on a chess board.
what kind of necromancy
This whole thread is a clue about that.
The necromancers used myrrh & curry.
Your wrong about that
She used mer-curry which she got from mer-people
It’s a mer-people specialty
Is mer-curry really worth all the murmaider?
(Prob yes)
And that scientists name? Albert Einstein.
Marc Anthony is a singer/songwriter, pfffff.
I hear it’s in Gatorade
Gators are too big to fit in the bottles, can’t be that
This comment is an underrated gem.
Bravo sir.
not in microwave?
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Is it a first?
Or is it the first time they got caught?
this type of stuff I will never get. why are you in a competition if you don’t want to do the thing you competing in to win. join an assasin competition.
they HAVE those???
in Russia, they call them “democracies”
Or “defenestracies”.
Lmao that’s pretty a solid one, nice
Boeing sponsors a whole team.
When they win, they get a stranding ovation.
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Poor choice of heavy metal.
I think sometimes competition breeds contempt and she hated this person enough to want to kill her, in addition to wanting to remove her as a challenge.
Actually that’s allowed, google en poissant.
Holy nightshade!
Actual Russian.
Googling “en poissant” yields “en passant” as a suggested term.
En poissant = in sticking En passant = in passing En poissant = in fish
Je suis hereux d’apprendre quelques psuedo-homonymes en francais ce jour!
Merci à vous! I do not know French, and my comment was a pun on “en passant” using the word “poison”, but I appreciate the free lesson!
Vous etes remerci. “You’re welcome” is literally “you are rewelcome”. :)
Is the sound the pun made as it just whizzed by you.
Between this, the antisemitism of Bobby Fischer, and the guy cheating with the power of teledildonics, I have to wonder what the hell is up with chess players.
The only murder in Antarctica was a Russian killing somrone with an ice ax over a game of chess.
The Russians did it again in 2018, apparently. This time either over a rude comment or a book spoiler.
Hell hath no fury like a competitive nerd being put on a pedestal.
I think this happens a lot anytime someone who perceives themselves as being shunned by society gets too much positive feedback and an iota of power over people.
I think its the same reason why every nerdy twitch streamer ends up being outed as an abusive child predator.
Nice to see an instance of my favorite word in the wild.
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Good guess.
Should I be scared to google it?
You might like what you find.
This sounds like a mini threat
Edit: holy macaroni the future is now
What a bizarre way to try to murder someone. And over a chess game? I know Russians take their chess seriously, but this is insane.
wait till you hear about their approach to roulette!
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Oh boy, just wait until you read up on Russian politics/polonium toxicity!
Poisoning people, pushing people out of windows, and shooting people twice in the back of the head. The holy trinity of Russian assassinations.
Russian suicides you mean? Russian has never once in its history killed anyone, they died of their own accord.
They also started a misinformation campaign about a female boxer’s gender.
This wasn’t assassination though, the headline is just deceptive. It was just a lone psycho in Russia trying to kill another Russian. Not an international competition, like was implied in the headline. (Or at least that’s the impression I got from the headline.
‘traditional russian values’ on display for all to see
You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is “Never get involved in a land war in Ukraine.” But only slightly less well known is this: “Never go in against a Russian when death is on the line!”
Oliver Carroll, a Ukraine war correspondent for The Economist, summed up the situation with some social media snark: “I know that on the standards of Russian doping it’s perhaps only a 7 out of 10. But still…”
I’m surprised it actually worked. Liquid mercury isn’t really that harmful, it’s the vapors that get you. I’d be concerned about it affecting me too, since I’d also be sitting at the board.
Filters shoved deep in the nostrils maybe?
I’m no chemist but understand the liquid mercury is safe to handle for short periods provided you wash your hands well. It can absorb through your skin over time though.
Kamikaze poisoning… people at both sides will be suspects, seems like a good plan.
ever watched the princess bride?
Probably not pure mercury but one of the extremely nasty mercury compounds that is easily absorbed through the skin. The victim was very sick.
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If chess players do this, what do you think Russian secret service it’s capable of?
It’s a product of the state of a country that calls Gary Kasparov a terrorist. https://www.chess.com/news/view/russia-issues-arrest-warrant-for-kasparov-on-terrorist-charges
Sounds pretty Russian
Once again, 105 comments and nothing about the actual article and it’s information. Plenty of xenophobic comments against a population of a country (like the U.S. government is that great, so therefor I must be exactly like my political leaders). The Chess players had already competed against each other and the other player who was poisoned won by a default with a tie. There’s some other reporting about a confrontation between the two and they’ve known each other for years apparently.
Chessbase said the dispute was over a recent match between the two in which “both chess players scored the same number of points, but the victory was awarded to Osmanova, based on additional factors.”
Another Telegram channel says that the issue was about negative statements made by Osmanova about Abakarova and her family members.
One Russian news outlet said that the two had known each other for years but had recently fought. In this version of the story, Abakarova showed up to one recent match with a phone, which is against the rules. Osmanova was upset but did not tell the judges. “She should have been grateful to me that I didn’t make a fuss and forgave her,” Osmanova said. “Instead, Amina refused to shake my hand during the competition last week.”
Definitely not ok either way and I hope that they get a sentencing that matches the crime. This is just a bitter crazy person it seems and has nothing to do about poisoning to win a match. Love the disconnect on the sports world and rampant cheating like it doesn’t exist everywhere lol.
edit: some grammar
…guy fucking lemms.