I think he should sue the EU customers! It’s unfair their political beliefs are hurting his business.
Good idea. Then, this entitled, out-of-touch crybaby can sue the kid that took his juice in Kindergarten!
I hate that becoming a certain level of rich can guarantee that you will never not be rich even if you’re the dumbest motherfucker that ever tried to do business.
Maybe it doesn’t reach your criteria of a “certain level”, but there’s definitely stories of people winning significant amounts of money in the lottery and being broke years later because they are morons.
It doesn’t, Cris Rock explained it very well:
Kobe Bryant is rich, he gets a paycheck of 100 mil per year.
Now, wealthy is the guy that signs that check.
Chris Rock is a pretty smart motherfucker.
We should make sure he gets the big piece of chicken
You need to reach the level and get the nepotism engine to collect you. A lotto winner could probably attend an event and sieg heil in front of Peter Thiel. That’s like calling a taxi into nepotism. Typical lotto winners just spend it all frivolously instead.
You’re not seriously comparing a lotto winner to someone with global oligarch levels of wealth right now, are you? I have more respect for your intelligence than that my man.
Right. You do have to still be smart enough in some way to retain the money/power. Or lucky/connected enough (daddy is watching out that dumb-as-rocks junior doesn’t blow all of his $100m, etc)
Depends on how you count it. Would you consider Steve Jobs to be rich? Seems to me that he managed to find a way to graduate from his status as a rich person with his stupidity.
I mean he was rich, wasn’t he? Did he die poor somehow? I don’t know enough about him.
No no, I’m just saying sometimes they are dumb enough to kill themselves (he rejected proper cancer treatment, in favour of pseudo bullshit). That’s one way they sometimes manage to get out being rich 😂
I mean that was just hubris
Yes. Terminal hubris, society needs better options than relying on it to take care of our inequality problem though.
Eat the rich.
I’m target demo for a Tesla. Upper middle class techie. My next car will be an EV and I actually like Teslas. I like a lot of things about them but I will absolutely not buy one while Elon is in charge of the company. Fuck that guy. He’s not getting any of my money.
Ditto. I have 3 requirements above the current cars though:
- Better range
- more physical controls, everything that isn’t media or GPs needs physical buttons
- Elon must not profit
Add “real steering wheel” to that cause that futuristic airliner yoke shit would absolutely kill me the first time I try to cross over to turn.
I won’t buy Tesla but to be fair, the yoke in the cybertruck is one of the few things that every reviewer says works great. There’s no crossover turn, the wheel maxes out well before then so you keep your grip as it is. Instead, the turn input is progressive depending on how much you turn the yoke and dynamic depending on how fast you’re going. They say in practice, it quickly feels very natural.
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The physical control is a big one. I’m not using software capable of driving a vehicle that’s made and controlled by a Nazi.
Same here, even with all the BS around Twitter and his political views… I WAS still considering a Tesla, but with the pro-Trump PAC and the deep fakes on Xitter it’s just another level of bullshit.
Hoping he gets forced out in the next year because I also don’t want to buy from a dealership, which doesn’t leave me a lot of options for an EV.
The tesla shareholders just approved a 55 billion dollar bonus that a court had previously struck down.
Hes not getting voted out. This is what they want.
Presumably it’s “… worth in stock”, and might even have vesting periods. He doesn’t get that much unless the stock price stays high
Same demographic, but sadly I already bought a model Y cause I wanted a 7 seater with a 5 star crash safety rating…
Needless to say the car isn’t good enough to compromise on my morals moving forward and the next car will probably be that VW Buzz. That thing looks so fun.
Bought one too. I have a model 3 which I really enjoy and would probably have bought another Tesla next if it wasn’t for Elon going mad.
So sadly no more Tesla for me. Buzz is nice, as is the beemer i4.
Same here, some friends of mine really got into car hacking with Teslas in particular and I was looking forward to sharing more hobbies with them. But at this point, I’d be embarrassed as hell to tell anyone I intentionally bought a Tesla, even a used one. And besides, if I really want the “sleek futuristic electric car by the dedicated electric car company”, Rivian exists (unless their CEO is somehow worse than Elon 😬😩)
If he is worse than Elon, he at least has the decency to hide it.
Rivian needs a Y/3 competitor. It’s over 100k for a Rivian in Canada. A Y is 54k, a 3 is just under 50k to qualify for federal and provincial incentives.
Yeah, I said that without looking up the prices for a Rivian and remembered why I’m not actually considering getting one 😭. The world just still isn’t ready for an all electric car manufacturer that is both affordable and not run by a manchild smdh
Well lucky for us they have the R2/R3(X) in the pipeline. Can’t come soon enough though, 2026 for the R2 seems like a lifetime away.
BYD has its PHEV Shark truck starting at $54k. Its something like 500+ mile mixed range, with a 60 mile electric only range.
Not exactly the same, but still a lot of truck for much less. They will be making them in Mexico, so tariffs shouldn’t apply.
That’s good, because people really do conflate the drivers with Elon’s fans, and also with Trump. I’m one of them. Fuck Elon, and fuck every Tesla driver.
I got a Cadillac lyric instead and I love it
Watch him try to sue potential buyers.
Germany’s satire newspaper Der Postillon already has an article about that. Amazing article, really.
“The fact that billions of people still haven’t bought a Cybertruck and that Tesla’s stock market value is rapidly declining is a conspiracy of left-wing woke elites and a major threat to freedom of speech,” Musk continued, while handing hush money to a newly pregnant employee. “To everyone who doesn’t have a Cybertruck yet: Fuck You!”
Gold. Pure Gold.
Has any car ever sold a billion unit in the entire history?
Nope. Most sold car ever is the Toyota Corolla. 50,000,000 sold since 1966.
The most successful car in history sold 50 million units, and he expects billions of people bought his shiny dumpster on wheels?
I’d love an EV that is fast and affordable like a tesla. I wanted a tesla but couldn’t afford it. Now I can afford it but there is no way in hell I’m buying one. Fuck him, he should fuck off to Mars or the sun, either is a big W for the world.
I only like the part where you can just order from the website instead of going to a dealership where after one hour of talking and giving you a plethora of personal data that is guaranteed to inundate you with spam they tell you that due to high demand the car sells for 3k over MSRP
For the rest, while I really like the clean design, for me a car must have
- A stalk for the indicator lights
- Gear selector on physical buttons
- Climate on physical buttons
- If it comes with automatic windshield, a $1 wet sensor that works in any visibility instead of trying to do it in software with computer vision
- If it comes with parking sensors, an array of $2 ultrasonic sensors that always work instead of trying to do it in software with computer vision
- Android auto/carplay. I want to be able to choose which app is used with navigation or use different ways to send messages besides sms. If the car operating system doesn’t allow me to send messages using signal or to use offline openstreetmaps, then for me it’s limited
He doesn’t deserve to go to Mars before NASA
He’s not. He’s a bloviating idiot with no idea about what he’s talking about. He’s been able to look smart by throwing money at problems, but going to Mars is going to be a money pit for him.
I have no idea why NASA still contracts with him. We can’t talk about Jack Parsons, because he was besties with Crowley and did sex rituals to summon the AntiChrist (which just makes him cooler IMHO) - but Muskrat can do whatever he wants.
I’m banking on him not making it there, and if he does, it was a one way trip.
The mission to mars will be well after he builds the hyper loop across California, US, and Tesla implements full self driving. In other words, it’s something he told investors to secure their investment for something shorter term, while making it sound like he’s thinking far into the future.
And if he ever does sacrifice some suckers to keep up appearances, I don’t think he’d put up his hand to be one of them!
I kinda expect a lot of people will come to regret going, seeing as it’s a dead nearly-airless rock too far from Earth for synchronous communication, so he can go first, that’s fine.
I actively don’t want a fast EV. Maybe a quick one but I don’t want a fast one.
I like having more horsepower than minimum viable but who needs it to go from 0 to 90 in 2.1 femptoseconds? If it can keep up with or slightly outgun my Buick Century we’ll be okay.
Why would I want my EV to carry around the weight of the motors necessary to perform like a supercar?
Well said. Gradual acceleration is far more energy efficient, safest, and less damaging to the vehicle so driving like a grandpa is definitely the smartest way to drive.
I want to go 0 to 60 2.1 femptoseconds. I drive a car now that does it in 3.9, I can’t go back to slow. Like I said, I’m a car guy. There’s nothing else like feeling the G’s when you smash the accelerator.
I just lost all interest in performance cars after aerobatics training. Barrel roll a Pitts S2B and let me know if you give a shit about cars anymore.
I don’t give a shit about flying, I’ll stick to four wheels on the ground. That’s the beauty of being an individual, not everything is for everyone.
That’s what I felt about motorcycles after flying planes. Motorcycles are freeing… But planes can move in another direction.
Why not buy from one of the other car brands?
I’m a car guy. It has to be fast. Nobody else has that fast at that price.
TIL there is actually one legit selling point.
If you don’t mind used, plenty of cheap fast EVs. I got mine for more than half off that was 2 years old and has 13k miles
Mach-E GT’s are a steal right now
Taycans aren’t that much more expensive than a Model S, each starts ballpark 100k Euro.
True, but here I can get a used dual motor long range 3 for 20k. Can get a little older fast S for 17k. The Mach E GT is pretty on par with that but they’re 10-15k more and half a second slower in the quarter mile. I know it shouldn’t matter, but it does to me, it’s my thing.
Does the Tesla have the ignition on the left side of the steering wheel? Those are the things that really matter.
(Ok it’s a power button not an ignition but it’s still on the left).
Why not get a frame from a scrap yard and have one built, mind ya this only works if ya have the liquad cash but imagine a 1995 Toyota 4runner but its all electric.
Illegal in Norway. So many people would be building their own, but when the laws make them illegal, they’re not built. It’s bullshit.
Why is it illegal? I there are hundred year old car frames out there doing great, so why outlaw frame and interior reuse.
No idea. Just remember reading about it years ago. https://www-nrk-no.translate.goog/dokumentar/xl/hvorfor-lonner-det-seg-a-kaste-bilen_-1.15232892?_x_tr_sl=no&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp link to translated article.
Maybe I didnt go far enough (that site makes my phone want to die) but it seems that the article is about modern electric cars being scrapped. Which is somewhat reasonable, the battery is more or less part of the frame on a lot of them. Thusly when they get into a wreck if the frame is compromised then the batt is as well, which given how lithium doesnt play nice with oxygen is a safety matter. The same would not apply to say a 1960s VW bug, which would probably have its batts in the frunk.
I’ve looked into it. It’s still pretty pricey. I’m sure at some point in the near future swap parts will become more available and less expensive. When that happens, I’ll make a neat sleeper.
Used market is full of teslas. Just don’t buy new. Few weeks ago you could get long range Tesla 2021 model (the one with heated battery) for £16k.
That isn’t bad advice. If you remove the Tesla emblems from it then that also makes it clear that you don’t identify with Musk’s neo-nazi views.
Don’t worry, my comment will be removed shortly anyway. Because it doesn’t align with the accepted view.
Because everyone is out there buying new cars… News and world news are becoming awful places to be.
Yep… People use Tesla as an example of EVs failing
It’s not falling because of EVs, it’s falling because the guy running it is so dodgy that consumers can’t be sure they’re not going to fuck things up in the future.
It also doesn’t help that Elon lies about things he doesn’t need to (even stupid things like calling the cave diver a pedo) and that makes potential consumers wonder what else he’s lying about.
I’d rather buy from a company ran buy someone who’s main job is running the company rather than being a social media MAGA influencer
Pretty much. It wouldn’t surprise me if long term Elon tries to run for office too as a right wing candidate now that Trump has shown to him that you can abuse the office for unethical reasons.
As his business drops, it will increasingly become profitable for him to push for no workers rights and increasingly worse consumer rights
I love that he managed to help push EVs mainstream, but he’s now a detriment
It’s actually an example of having 1 leader at the top being a failure versus a democratic company that has workers vote on decisions and press releases etc
Also in America. Here in California I know several people that sold their Tesla because of lonE skuM and many more who wouldn’t buy because of him. I myself have told Tesla recruiters in two occasions that I’d never work for that piece of shit
Why in the world would he possibly need to recruit people:
- To come live in abject fear of his every whim?
- To be expected to work 24 hours a day seven days a week?
- To not be able to have a family?
All the best talent will be lining up for some of that!!!
At this point having Tesla on your résumé means you couldn’t do better.
“yes, i would like to relocate and dedicate my life to a company that might fire the entire team just because one day the CEO snorted too much ketamine”
I was in the market for an EV shortly after he took over twitter. I ruled Tesla out because I do not want to be seen to support that douche in any way.
I actually bought my Tesla about a year before he took over Twitter. The supercharger network has proven itself on a few long trips, which is the main reason I’m holding onto it for now.
I can pretty much guarantee that my next car will be an EV but definitely not a Tesla. Since virtually all EV manufacturers have announced support for J3400 in the next few years I figure there will be a handful of decent options for me to choose from in 5-10 years.
They’re certainly massively ahead of the competition with their charging network, I won’t argue with that. I’m fortunate enough that I can charge at home and that’s pretty much all I have ever done. I have not needed to do a cross-country road trip.
I’m one. When he moved Tesla engineers to work on Twitter and then went on an unhinged anti-Trans rant in the middle of an earnings call, I shopped around and traded in my model 3. I always assumed the major selling point of a Tesla was the software, but he keeps fucking with the people who make it.
I think a lot of it was the charging network. What happened with that again? Oh yeah. He fired that whole team.
Enough about this douche canoe, can he disappear from social sphere? I don’t want to hear about this guy rant every day for the next 50 years !
Which one?
You hit it right!
There is literally an avenue in which we can put him on a rocket and send him to Mars. I am all for it.
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I think we’d all love that. I genuinely wish the asshole would take a trip to see the titanic.
Tesla would be right to dump this clown, but he ain’t leaving without killing Tesla first.
72% of stakeholder vote favored giving him a stupid huge bonus, even stupid by rich billionaire standards. This was after TSLA took a hit and their sales were down and their unit prices were way down.
Tesla’s all in on Musk. Probably easier to accept as someone who never did like their particular cars and if anything is a bit annoyed that the traditional car companies felt compelled to copy the stupid parts of Tesla when making their EVs. I can see if someone liked Tesla how they could hope to evict Musk… Just not going to happen.
The problem is that Tesla is a meme stock. It’s stupidly overpriced for a car company with such little production.
They could get rid of musk and try to turn it into a normal company with solid fundamentals but this would remove its meme status and crash the share price anyway.
There’s no way to fix Tesla without burning it’s stock price to the ground, so anyone involved is just going to try to ride the crazy train as long as possible.
Come on Elon, make the Cybertruck 2 and really fuck everything up.
Exactly. What I don’t understand is how everyone knows this, but somehow the stock is still high. Somehow Elon is singlehandedly keeping the stock up while doing literally nothing to help the company, make it make sense.
After that vote I will enjoy seeing the shareholders should get exactly what they voted for.
That’s mostly institutional investors. I suspect it was actually a reward for ruining Twitter.
That just means their stakeholders deserve the financial ruin that’s coming to them.
It’s hurting it in the USA too. All the lefties I know who own Teslas are pretty much ashamed of them now. None of the maga are suddenly going to start buying electric cars.
Maybe they should buy EVs to own the libs.
That would… make me angry. So angry. Noooo…. Don’t!
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It’s hurting them in America, too. I used to own a Model 3 and I liked the car a lot, but I would never buy a Tesla again now and it’s all because of this douchebag.
Yeah, same. I’m in the market for an EV over the next few years, and Tesla went from the top of the list to the bottom in remarkably short order.
Elon Musk
’s backing of Donald Trumpis hurting Tesla’s struggling EV business in EuropeElon Musk
’s backing of Donald Trumpis hurting Tesla’s struggling EV business in Europe
It’s hurting in the US too. I am not a hard partisan but I would never buy a Tesla anymore because I’d be worried of being seen as making a political statement. I’m probably in the market for an electric vehicle in the next few years.
When I first started seeing Tesla cars on the road, I would think, “Must be nice. I can’t wait for the price of Teslas to go down.”
Now when I see them, I wonder if the driver regrets owning one.
Guy who owned the company I used to work for owned one when it was considered prestigious, and last year traded it in for a Genesis.
I’ve owned two Teslas and have previously raved about them to colleagues. My current Y is my last Tesla.
I’ve heard the Kia EV6 is amazing, so you might want to consider checking it out
I really want a VW ID Buzz as an all purpose vehicle.
I only want one if it comes in a Westfalia trim
It’s weird that as a liberal, driving a Tesla is frowned upon.
Like, I get it, Musk is way more weird. But that there’s an electric car that I can’t buy for fear of being viewed as a conservative. That’s kinda weird.
buying that electric car is basically proclaiming to the world that you support a white supremacist/facist so yeah lmao not that weird