With all these Republicans ADMITTING they Lied to their Supporters it’s a GOOD THING that LYING ISNT Against the Bible and that their Supporters are KNOWN for Doing Their Own Research!
It probably doesn’t matter to their supporters, if anything it makes their supporters trust them more. Many Republicans are of the belief that all politicians lie, so they can rationalize this as “at least my guys are coming clean about it, the other guys are lying and not confessing.” And other people probably just don’t care that much, they believe in the policies of the Republican party and “at least they’re lying for what I believe in.”
First JDV admits to lying, now MTG. Did they suddenly got struck by lightning, or what?
It’s the next step in the narcissist prayer.
Next week they’ll blame it on someone else, but you need bear with them; they’re a little slow.
Couch Vance is already on the “you deserved it” part. What achiever!
Wait did MGT, just have a moment of self-awareness seeing Loomer?
or she’s trying to get back with trump.
“See I can make shit up too! mines more believable shit!”
Howler Monkey #2 is… not exactly the smartest person.
New PR team
You wouldn’t know the whistleblower, they go to a different school. In Canada.
It feels like someone recently has leverage over the republicans and they are being forced to humiliate themselves publicly, one by one. Almost like they each woke up in compromising positions one morning, disoriented and frightened, looked at their TV and a video started playing giving them instructions on some horrible thing they had to do to themselves, or else face more severe consequences…
Some sort of sick, twisted… game?
Deep down, I’m hoping that she turns out to be Sasha Baron Cohen’s most elaborate character yet.
“I’m cheating on… MY WIFE!!!”
Oh my god that would be so fucking funny
I agree with everything you typed, but not so much the picture. I really think that body/looks-shaming Loomer is not a good look for us. There’s plenty to attack her on without attacking her looks.
Those aren’t her looks. They were purchased by Russian people and cemented to her face. I’ve never said anything bad about her actual looks.
It’s a joke comparing her to the character jigsaw from the saw movies. Has nothing to do with her looks.
Perjury Traitor Greed: Lies
Fucking rawstory for fuck’s sake: “Shared false information”
I think the new GOP tactic is to admit guilt to seem more relatable and to excuse their past craziness. MTG is trying to clean herself up for a presidential run
I had a similar impression she’s been keeping a lower profile for awhile. I don’t keep up with her apart from headlines, but until last week she’d seemed quieter.
You’re probably right, but damn I wish she’d just go back to heckling bartenders.
I thought she was waiting to be tapped for VP honestly.
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