Oh no I don’t have any of those but you can visit me on Lemmy Mastadon and Nostr!
(Proceeds to explain further only to confuse them more)
Yeah this happened to me when i only used Reddit. Now they get even more confused because it is (almost) only lemmy. Because most people have at least heard the name reddit, but not lemmy.
I had someone stop talking to me because I don’t have an Instagram. Kind of weird if you ask me.
I’ve been told I must be a serial killer multiple times because I don’t have instagram.
I have killed several people but it’s not because I don’t have instagram.
Shit i use Instagram to find my victims.
And Snapchat makes it even easier!
Oh dang, I’ve been using it for the wrong reasons
Same. Whatsapp. The market has become so fragmented that it’s all about social clout and what you can compel others to install just to talk to your sorry ass.
I actually use WA a lot. Most of my family doesn’t live in the same country I do and I have quite a few friends in different countries. Texting is not an option for us.
But Instagram, as far as I know, is just a platform to post pictures. I don’t care about my own pictures or pictures of others.
Believe it or not, kids these days are using Instagram dms over Whatsapp
Good riddance if you ask me. Imagine what else comes with that sort of real estate
Sounds like an efficient way for that person to self-filter outta your life.
Posted right into social media 👍
Aren’t your friends meant to also use Lemmy for it to count as social media?
No one I know knows what Lemmy is.
it’s more of a forum than social media if you ask me
Interaction through a medium is social media i guess. But i wouldn’t call ist that. Lemmy, WhatsApp and YouTube aren’t really social media for me. I don’t throw personal stuff into the void of people i more or less don’t know in hope to get likes.
I would argue that a forum is a type of social media. It’s very different in that it’s as anonymous as you want it to be. But it is still a place where people visit for the purpose of socializing
forums existed long before what we call social media was even invented
it’s Social Media once there are ads and blatant anti-user changes
*I* don’t even know what Lemmy is, and I’ve been using it daily for months!
I can explain it to you: it’s a social media
Hmmm… I want to believe you, but that sounds like a made-up term…
This is hardly social media. None of y’all exist
antisocial media
I read the meme in the way that it feels like telling people you’re not on social media since you’re on none they know.
Also: is Facebook really still a thing?
It can be surprising because lemmy’s demographic is like the opposite of facebook’s but, yeah, it really still is a thing.
A tip I often hear given to new start ups is to not underestimate how many people are only on facebook.
Where I live, Facebook is used by baby boomers, so yes it’s still used. But that’s the cliche. When I log in, I still see some millennials being at least online and some even posting unironically. But it’s mainly dead for millennials
Can’t say for OP but it still very much is where I live. People use groups for all sorts of things (neighborhood chats, classes, hobbies) and Messenger is the go-to way to contact everyone (which I admit has one advantage over all other mainstream means of contact, which is not requiring to share one’s phone number, only name)
Not on Instagram/Facebook/Snap/Tiktok. Trying to avoid all conspiracy videos/rage-bait videos on YouTube. It’s done wonders for my mental health.
Agreed. Left tiktoc because of how stupid it was.
I removed myself from Facebook because everytime I was at a get together with friends or family it was going like:
Have you heard about this? Yes, I’ve read it on Facebook.
To almost all questions. With most people ending up looking at their phones because there was nothing left to talk about…
Exactly! It’s so much more engaging to learn all of these things organically as you catch up with someone. I still have Insta but am using it less and instead, sharing photos with my friends directly.
I don’t understand these memes… you are literally posting on a social media platform right now… this here is social media. Lemmy is social media. We are socializing, with media, you can comment, you can post image and links, this is social media…
Why do people somehow mental gymnastic themselves into thinking they are above social media while still actively posting on social media. I see memes like this here on lemmy all the time, saw them on reddit too, it makes absolutely no sense.
I’d say one big difference between those platforms and Reddit/Lemmy is that we can downvote shit until they have negative score and disappear into oblivion.
A lot of lemmy instances do not have downvote.
Why tho?
Number go down :(
Normies are like: if you’re not a regular in Zuck’s Casino, you may was well be a weird hermit living in a shack in the woods, like Ted “Bon Iver” Kaczynski or something
Ted died a few months ago of suicide, but he was deathly ill with cancer. So he would have died shortly after anyways.
I quit a few years ago. Super liberating, but after 2 years of practically nobody jumping on Signal with me, and being left out of friend group chats, I settled on “Facebook lite” for my phone. I dont post, or scroll the feed. Just available for chats.
so relatable
I think you can be available on Messenger without anything else.
Why is whatsapp exempt, its from the same data hoarding company
I’d say mostly practical reasons. It’s hard to get everyone in your contacts list to switch to Signal or other options. WhatsApp is so widely used that it’s hard to eliminate it completely without losing touch with friends or family. We’re trying, and hopefully with time enough people will switch that WhatsApp can fall to the wayside
if id have to use whatsapp I’d very reluctantly do it but never Facebook messager
But Facebook owns WhatsApp?
ETA: sorry for the triple comment, I guess my internet was stuttering for a sec and then they all went through at once
yes i know but Facebook can’t access the message you sent via whatsapp but they can still access the metadata so i still don’t use it
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
I’m banned from Facebook.
What did you do to enrage the Roman Emperor?
The bots thought I was one of them.
I definitely would unfriend most of my friends if I would see their Instagram or facebook stories. Good for them, I don’t watch their garbage.
I have Facebook, but rarely ever use it, but it stays there in case it’s someone’s first port of call to contact me that may not have any other means to do so.
Thank you. There is definitely a middle ground between full blown scrolling addict and deleting all social media lol.
I use Instagram because there’s art on Instagram. I can have direct conversations with artists and musicians I follow. I’m Internet friends with an alternative country music singer I showed up as a fan of. I’ve gotten personal advice from an artist I consider incredibly wise. And I suppose I’m networking. I have a bunch 0f regional cannabis industry companies and professionals on there. I can’t get any of that from Lemmy, which has already been called social media in this discussion. From the moment I had the opportunity, I’ve always done most of my socializing online. I’ve just grown to the point where I can’t get all my social needs met by pseudonymous conversations with strangers, as important as that still is to me.
I unfortunately have them but not in my real name cause I am gangster like that