Wasn’t this man fined a gazillion dollars? How is he still able to say things and have me hear about them?
He’s currently in the process of having all his assets auctioned off to pay a small fraction of what he owes. Unfortunately the most valuable thing he has is his audience, and he couldn’t auction them away if he wanted to.
He’ll be in enormous, inescapable debt for the rest of his life, but he’ll always have thousands of people willing to listen to him.
Dang. It’s like he’s using an asset to lessen the impact of a legal penalty. If only there were some form of legal penalty that were equally impactful on all people regardless of how well-resourced they were.
Unfortunately the most valuable thing he has is his audience, and he couldn’t auction them away if he wanted to.
Dang. They could be so useful, e.g. as landfill.
After eating ourselves into a heart condition, the nation’s favorite pastime is making stupid people famous.
I think he and his lawyers are up to shenanigans trying not to pay.
Now we know where Empty G got her “theory” from.
Why doesn’t she tell Trump to change the direction of the hurricane with his Sharpie?
Nah, this is decades old conspiracy garbage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program#Conspiracy_theories
I heard from a reliable source that “they” also have a functional gender-swap ray gun - it was actually a happy accident they stumbled upon when they were trying to develop the weather control gun.
It’s quick, effective and eliminates the need for messy surgery and hormones that magas can ban.
They have already targeted the majority of the right wing figureheads in the media and the maga party. Jones, Hannity, MTG, Shapiro, Musk and many, many more. They’ve all been gender swapped and are desperately trying to keep this hidden from their supporters.
If you see strange behavior, nonsensical ramblings or angry tirades, this is one of the side-effects as their mind struggles with the sudden gender change.
Nuh uh, because I heard that you just go to school, and then you come home with an operation. That’s totally how it works.
Well yeah.
They say those are metal detectors for guns. But really they’re gender swapping ray machines.
This is why being a teenager is so hard and confusing. Imagine getting you’re gender swapped two times a day!
If the government could control the weather, Trump would have used that power and never shut up about it. BUT…
You’ve got to be a real idiot if you think the government can control the weather…
It’s the Dems and Jews that can do that. You know, using space lasers. Get with the program.
The fact that anyone believes this bullshit makes me not want to live in this world anymore.
Right there with ya.
If we’re going to be dragged kicking and screaming back into the barbarism of the past by these people, let’s at least bring back the thing where we cut out liar’s tongues.
Oh shut up and pay up already.
Why is this guy even allowed a platform when he owes that much money? I swear, rich grifters get away with everything.
There should be repo men there taking everything from his mic to his internet modem, in order to pay back his victims
Supposedly they’ve already been to the infowars offices to make an inventory for the auction, which is happening soon. Of course he’ll continue the grift, but he’s been blatant ly running afoul of the bankruptcy court by sending his supporters to spend money at something owned in his dad’s name. Check knowledge fight for updates.
Because people are still listen to this fuckwit, even after all the shit he’s done & owes.
Every single penny he makes needs to be garnished.
“You want some proof? By my Boner Vitality Shake Mix. Each order comes with a packet of evidence. I SWEAR!!”
On the other hand, Alex Jones is not in control of his mental functions, obviously.
Just like MTG this guy deserves none of our attention.
Sick of trad media using outrage to get clicks
Why is anybody still talking about this idiot
If she had such a weapon and was ruthless enough to use it, she’d go for northern Florida, not the peninsula.
Someone needs to get this guy 5150’d. For real.