You can’t control the face-eating tiger you helped create, you say? Oh look, it’s the consequences of your own actions, you absolute doorknob. :/
Lol you thinks he gives a shit? He’ll be dead and buried in ten years on a very comfortable mountain estate well insulated from the rest of the collapse.
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Oh look, the fucking devil has something to say. Tell us, Mitch, was this a realization that suddenly came upon you or was it absolutely crystal clear to you already when you were confirming his fucking nominees for the SC? When you refused to vote for his impeachment conviction, twice? I’d put you up on the wall right next to him.
If I were locked in a room with Trump, McConnell, and a gun with two bullets, I’d shoot Trump twice so that I could bludgeon McConnell to death slowly. Amazing that people are already forgetting how badly he fucked over America and the entire world as senate leader.
Just eat some lettuce in front of him and bad mouth his handlers while he starves. Moscow Mitch the turtle bitch would suffer so much just from that.
Go fuck yourself, Mitch. He could have done more about this but he chose to actively make it worse.
The GOP internal polling must be showing disaster, if all the swamp monsters keep saying these things. Prove those polls correct, vote.
Vote, volunteer, get involved
The corpse of that turtle is still going to vote for Trump.
Fuck you, there’s a straight fucking line from Reagan to Trump and you’re in the middle of that path, pushing the fucking line forward
“The house I built out of shit smells like shit and it’s disgusting what they did to me.”
…as he votes for Trump. Virtue signaling don’t mean shit, droopy.
You know… I’m rather proud to be in the only state that never voted for Reagan.
McConnell is full of shit.
Reagan was a massive piece of shit. Maybe he wouldn’t have liked Trump as a person, but he was as much a conservative as Trump.
The more I learn about Reagan the more he sounds like a smarter version of Trump.
The difference between the two is really their wives. Nancy was the real power behind the presidency.
Mitch still won’t vote against the orange doofus.
In case anyone was wondering, this article makes abundantly clear that McConnell is (still) nearly as big a bag of shit as Trump is. He is a loathsome, worthless human being who deserves nothing but contempt. If I got to be president and had a congressional majority the first fucking thing I would do is put two new members on the SC to nullify the two illegitimate members that were put on the bench thanks to this fucking turd.
I remember hearing him ramble on about how he couldn’t stand that a Democratic representative went over their time (allowed by whoever was leading) by THREE MINUTES in 1987 and he held a grudge over it for thirty years to the point that it was the subject in 2019.
He’s always been a sack of festering horrors.
Reagan? The D list actor who betrayed the country and the hostages in iran by making a deal with iran before his election? The jackass who cut taxes for his rich buddies under a ridiculous promise that the money would trickle down to us poors? Reagan and trump are the two worst presidents since I was born and I was alive when Nixon was president.
Reagan was a bag of shit, no doubt, but Trump is several orders of magnitude worse.
I dunno. At least Trump is too fuckin stupid to hide it.
Reagan sold America for parts and committed acts of mass murder (debatably genocide, but it’s a definition question) by inaction. Trump wants to round up the undesirables. One is very evil, but the other manages to be much worse
The Kentucky Republican, who has previously said he is most proud of his legacy in shaping the Supreme Court and leading the efforts to confirm three new conservative justices during Trump’s presidency, acknowledged that Justice Clarence Thomas “exercised pretty questionable judgment,” when he chose to accept trips from a major GOP donor. “But then again, I’m not sure what the rules are,” he added.
Sure thing, bub.