I’m so over JD Vance
We are all above him.
Except couches, those are usually below him
Does that make him a top? Because I’m not really getting that vibe from him.
Usually, but sometimes he likes it rough.
It’s always “just a joke” when people get offended.
I’m just joking but I hope he has an accident involving his dick and a Lazy Boy recliner mechanism.
I hope I didn’t offend anyone.
I’m pretty sure that’s offensive to Lay-Z-Boy recliners.
Can confirm. I became a lay-z-boy recliner just to be offended.
This is their whole position on wokeness. I can say all the offensive shit I want and not be held accountable, but if you offend my sensibility, I am gonna clutch my pearls so hard I’ll squeeze a diamond outta my cooch.
Oh, really? You’re sick of everyone being offended?
Well you can’t expect Republicans to not be hypocritical snowflake assholes, it’s officially written into their religious and party values.
What’s Whitmer’s Dorito video?
Looks like it was a political ad that weirdly mashed up a communion parody with commentary on a bill that was supposed to boost domestic semiconductor production: https://heavy.com/entertainment/gretchen-whitmer-dorito-doritos-video/
This is the first I’m hearing about this Doritos video, and yeah, it’s a little silly and straight outta context, but it’s nowhere as wildly weird as thinking that a goof about a dommy nommy mommy feeding her pet is sacrilegious.
The paradox of intolerance.
This doesn’t fit. It’s just hypocracy. They aren’t intolerant of some things because it hurts people. They are intolerant of things they don’t like and intolerant of people disagreeing with them.
So, the couch fucker invited him. Got it.
“I’m so over people complaining about racism,” says wealthy white politician from the racist party. More news at 11.
I’d like someone to explain what the joke is in calling one of our colonies a “trash island”
Please, some big brained masculine conservative explain it to me.
“We think all non-whites are trash! Ha ha! Don’t you get it? Garbage people on an island make it a garbage island! I say it with the intent of making other white people laugh so it’s ok!”
“How come they can say it but I can’t that’s the real racism here.”
The party of fuck your feelings has a lot to say about people’s feelings.
Well, looks like many people are not “so over it”.
Also, should we really “get over” pushing back at racist shit?
Your argument is weak, you get an F. Go sit down and think about what you did.The jokes were the least-offensive thing about that fucking rally.
I’m so over people who visit and don’t pay for THEIR Stanley Steamer bill. Also he jizzed on my couch.
Monosodium glutamate held a rally?
Some call Uncle Roger! 😮
Also what I thought! Anyway it’s Maddison square garden
I’m so over people saying horrific things and getting upset at being held accountable for it
By all means, defend the “joke”. I suggest doing it especially in Pennsylvania.
So … he’s OK with being openly racist?
That’s one of the shitty quality I dislike about conservatives, especially far right and ultra conservatives. They know that the things they believe are wrong, immoral, unethical and inequitable so they have to say how they feel in secret or in coded language or to obfuscate everything they say and deny everything if they are called on it.
I dislike them because they are cowardly for being racist … I also dislike them for being cowardly in their denial that they are racist.
Look around you. Yes, they’re OK with being openly racist. It’s staggering to me that you’re just finding this out.
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