I have chickens, this is generally true. However, if you have too many roosters they will gangbang the hens to death and fight each other.
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You’re welcome now where are they
Did you know? In some lemming populations, multiple males will gangbang females in a cooperative orgy. The sheer number of males often results in the female surrounded by a mass of males. In high-density conditions, males might even mate with each other in a confusing, mixed-up “mating frenzy” where everyone seems to be trying to copulate with the same female or even each other.
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Who the fuck googles “what do roosters do” lmfao
Curious city kids? 🤷
Have them stay in Oahu, Hawaii anywhere outside Honolulu and they’ll become experts on what roosters do… every morning at 4:30am.
Sure, I’ll just yeet some kids to Hawaii real quick…
I am thinking a GIANT slingshot on the coast of California…
Go on…
Whoever wrote that was spot on though. Source: not a rooster but I have been called a cock before.
Cocks are gorgeous to look at in many cases and have a lot of personality
According to the now defunct bash.org, they look like little Darth Vaders.
I have some backyard chickens. One day a chick appeared on my porch and decided to follow my hens around and never left. Turns out roosters will find hens even in the middle of a small city.
That’s very cute! Did you ever find out were it came from?
An egg.
huh, i wonder where the egg came from.
A hen.
Nope. According to all my neighbors I’m the only one with chickens
Does your rooster need an apprentice?
deleted by creator
Ain’t found a way to kill me yet…
At my brother’s house for dinner, yum, chicken casserole. Six-y-o niece: “It’s not a chicken, it’s a rooster. It bit daddy, and daddy cut its head off.” Still delicious.
Plot twist: it was written by a hen with a crush
This is too coincidental not to share. I photographed the following piece of ‘art’ about roosters that raised a lot of question marks about the person that made it. Both in subject matter and kerning.
I think it’s the same author
You haven the chicken, the rooster, and the hen. The chicken goes with the rooster. So who’s having sex with the hen?
This reads like what a rooster might hear about their outtie during their Wellness visit while employed at Lumen.