The White House has one of the best chefs and kitchens in the world, and this dumbass will be ordering McD’s and KFC for 4 years.
I hope so. Less cost to the taxpayer, and the high calorie and sodium count will send Trump to an early grave.
The taxpayer doesn’t pay for his meals, actually. Came as a surprise to the Obamas they said once.
2014 link:
Didn’t look to hard for the Obama quote, but Nancy Reagan’s reaction is in that one.
I heard about the President being billed for services in an interview with Laura Bush.
Lol Trump doesn’t pay his bills. He still owes several cities from campaign rallies he held in like 2015. He’s infamous for not paying his bills, and was so for decades before he became president.
There is no chance that Trump paid for this.
I guarantee Trump finagled the taxpayer into paying to stuff his greasy pedo face and all of his chomo friends
White House chefs who prepare the president’s meals are paid by the government.
I am confused by this. He pays his meals, but the chefs are paid by the government? So he only pays for the ingredients?
Oh the McD orders will be on top of everything. The kitchen will just throw away a lot more food.
Do you want President Vance? This is how you get President Vance.
At least that mf would be predictable.
Would he? I’m terrified of his ability to double down on obvious bullshit even when presented with facts directly countering his claims.
As bad as Trump is, I’m almost more concerned about the people who saw his first clown show and thought either “I have got to get in on this” or " I can use this to accomplish my goals. "
I’d at least be fairly confident Vance wouldn’t seriously suggest nuking a hurricane.
In 4 years, though, I can bet Vance would leave if he lost the election. He doesn’t have the spine or charisma to do any showboating and grandstanding like tRump.
There is a cockroach effect for some people when it comes to medical matters, like cancer gets them instead of the other way around.
I’m not sure Vance is any better.
Not sure he’s any worse either. Ugh.
This was the exact sentiment that crossed my mind. The amount of money these dipshits have available and they’re eating that crap? I don’t even believe it. This HAD to be a photo op to make the idiots believe “Wow they eat what I eat” before they rolled in the burnt steak with ketchup and whatever else they actually prefer.
Nah it’s probably legit. Trump is famous for eating like trash. His usual order is reported to be two Big Macs and a Filet-o-fish, but I only see one Big Mac on his tray so maybe he’s on a diet.
He already scarfed down the others.
Trump actually loves McDonald’s and eats it all the time.
Hopefully the ecoli gets them all.
Trump probably hates vegetables. Probably takes out the pickles and then cries about it like a little kid when Ivanka forgets to order a burger without any vegetables. So he won’t eat those tainted onions and carrots.
Remember, this is the guy, who tried to sell steaks under his name, because “he knows steaks”, and also admitted to liking them well done with ketchup.
also admitted to liking them well done with ketchup
Oh. Oh god. What the fuck. And rural Americans voted for that? That’s Iike if Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel, and the pope thanked him while personally repainting the entire thing in an awful vomit-green color.
They are insulated from almost all facts about the fuckhead in chief.
The White House has one of the best chefs and kitchens in the world,
And that’s why they are not going to eat any fast food, they are making ads
When 45 was in office, the WH kitchen staff complained that they were very under-utilized compared to other presidents.
the better to clog his arteries with.
Oh I’m sure he’ll have a nice well-done steak with ketchup every now and then.
(I died inside a little bit just typing that)
Wait. Why would you think that? It’s a mildly prestigious post. Sure, it’s honorable, but it’s certainly not something that anybody with any type of creative flair would ever aspire to. It’s a labor of 24/8 type love.
Because I know that Andre Rush is a passionate chef. He’s well-known. Look him up!
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Hate to say it, but the US isn’t the only country that is fucked. The impact is going to be felt worldwide and in a harsh way.
We’ll see how long places like Ukraine and Taiwan will last.
Ugh, the more I think about it the more I realize how bad it’s going to be.
There could be (rare) upsides. If they go through with 50% or higher tarrifs, electronics prices in EU might come down due to dumping.
oh, you guys are definitely getting dumped on.
I’m not sure if I want to put my hopes for affordable electronics in manufacturer’s accidentally oversupplying due to the US tariffs!
Yeah, climate change is global.
We’ll see how long places like Ukraine and Taiwan will last.
Last before what?
Annexation in whole or part by Russia and China respectively.
Going from an authoritatian police state to another doesn’t sound like much of a difference
Which one are you calling authoritarian police state? Ukraine, Taiwan, or both?
they are both authoritarian police states same as usa or russia
This reminds me of so many comments from Americans saying how embarrassing Biden is as a president and that no one takes 🇺🇸’Murica🦅 seriously anymore under the Democrats. It was weird to read as a foreigner because I loosely remember what Trump was like. And now here we are again. Hope Americans are proud.
Nahhh… we’re pretty fucking disappointed… Least everyone I know with half a brain.
I wish I knew someone who was disappointed. The only two people in my life that aren’t Trumpers are my daughter and her fiance. Everyone else thinks that gas will get back to $1/gallon and food prices will return to pre Covid levels on Jan 21.
Sheeeesh, sorry to hear you’re living deep in the red. Proud of my state for being a spot of blue in a sea of red, but hot damn that election map was bleak.
It’s so wild how absolutely bonkers the political climate has become just in my lifetime. There was some real optimism when I got to vote for Obama as an 18 year old. Would’ve never seen all this coming…
There was some real optimism when I got to vote for Obama as an 18 year old. Would’ve never seen all this coming…
Unfortunately, all this is pretty much a backlash to that event.
Yup. We elected the black guy (twice), and people lost their fucking minds.
Dude was a moderate, center-right, President, but none of that mattered. They spent 8 years fantasizing about lynching him.
And now this is our retribution.
Here’s an alternate theory:
Back then both parties tended to use the “slimy posh salesman” kind of deceit (half lies, misleading statements, promises left unfulfilled with twisted excuses given for it) and what happened was that Republicans, almost against their will (Trump was an outsider) stumbled upon the “strongman saying what people want to hear using straight talking language” technique of deceit.
It was a massive success because people had been fed the same kind of posh-saleman deceit (with pretty much all the media having gone along with it and turning into de facto propaganda outlets) for decades, found the new sort of discourse refreshing and comparatively trustworthy (even though it was still bullshit, just delivered differently, because it did not sound at all like the usual bullshit it seemed trustworthier to many and all the media that had chosen sides and gone along unquestionigly with the old style of deceit wasn’t trusted anymore so all their denouncing of the “other side’s lies” was ignored)
Whilst the Republicans did adjust to that unexpected success quickly, the Democrats did not and just kept using with their usual deceit techniques spread via the media-outlets to which lots of the electorate had built a resistance to, and acting to favour the usual people when in government.
So here we are today with a lying populist getting power for a second time in the American Two-Party system.
The thing is we had Obama and dem control of the legislature and we still didn’t get universal healthcare, or even basic shit like minimum wage indexed to inflation. It’s no wonder low-information voters think democrats suck at “the economy”.
I still think musk had something to do with it and not in a strictly legal way. Would explain how he has managed to stay close to the orange for so long unchecked.
I think it’s revealing that apparently as long as gas and eggs are okay, the country falling completely apart is secondary (to the voting majority).
Gas is the big one. I don’t hear as much complaining about food where I am.
The whole thing is going to look fucking stupid once EVs take off. Although I bet Trump will do everything to slow that once elected (even with Musk in his ear).
You know that they can just stop EVs from taking off, right? We elected an autocrat.
They can also stop infrastructure for it from being built, and perhaps even tear down existing infrastructure. Well, aside from the ones Tesla owns of course. At least until he and Elon have their falling out
My theory is that they will institute a tax on old products so that buying new items is the same or cheaper than buying new.
What will they think when those things don’t happen? Some conspiracy shit?
Cognitive dissonance - They’ll find some way to blame it on Biden/Harris/Newsom/Pelosi.
“Thanks, Obama!”
Biden will be taking the blame for all the problems over the next couple of years.
And Trump will take credit for the good policies that Biden implemented, if he manages to not fuck it up.
It’s those brown people in Iran! We better start another 20 year invasion!
Time to start beating your wife, she’s actively asking for it. If she’s your ex make sure to remind her that project 2025 wants to make her existence illegal.
It’s always projection with conservatives.
What is actually embarrassing is that the US elected Reagan, twice, then G.W Bush, twice, and now Donald Trump, twice.
As the great scholar Bush once said:
There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again
Fool me one time, shame on you
Fool me twice, can’t put the blame on you
Fool me three times, fuck the peace sign
Load the chopper, let it rain on you
The first time I flew out of the US after Trump became president I was so embarrassed of being American because of all the questions about his crazy ass. When I landed back in the US and saw his portrait on the wall in the airport, I stared at it perplexingly trying to understand what the fuck his stupid face was doing there….then it hit me that it’s there cause he was the president. Trump is a laughing stock and him at the helm of the US makes all Americans laughing stock for allowing this country to elect an orange makeup-caked, lying, shyster.
So glad we get to do it again!!
Honestly, in my social circle we’re all kinda treating it like this… strange, self-inflicted, natural disaster. Like we can’t even really joke about it, still. It’s like we all know it’s gonna be bad, the only question is how bad it’s going to be. There’s a lot I’m hoping is over-reaction, but honestly that’s a pretty shitty thing to hope for and a hard hope to maintain all things considered.
They are fucking wild honestly.
Those were probably fake accounts
Musk being best buds with the President of the USA is legit friggin’ scary, speaking as a foreigner.
Then you remember that Trump, and it becomes terrifying.
Then you remember that Trump, and it becomes terrifying.
then I remember that trump… what? I’m also “a foreigner” (meaning I don’t live in the shithole known as the US), but that’s an incomplete sentence
Probably meant that’s, or at least I read it that way
Nope, ‘that Trump.’ That Trump still exists, that he is president again, that he’s doing what he’s doing, or everything at once, so I just remember that Trump. To me, that’s enough.
I just love how this has become the most controversial thing I’ve ever posted on the internet =))
Have you ever heard someone say “I can’t even” as a complete statement? Seems like the same sentiment/vibe.
I hope they all have strokes.
Given the average age (and diet), there’s hope yet
Are those quarter pounders? Listeria is on the table…
make escherichia coli great again
Trump will be dead in a year and you guys will have president Vance to care for you 😆
Where is Yagami-Light when we need him?
Never has more divorce been captured in a single photograph
I wonder if Mike had to text his son when Trump brought the hookers out immediately after this photo was taken.
I wonder if Mike had to text his son when Trump brought the trafficked teens
hookersout immediately after this photo was taken.There, I fixed it for you
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what, are you saying that a douchebag isn’t allowed to be proud of his fries? I’m sorry, I thought this was America
You gotta emphasize how normal and approachable you are. A true one of the people
McDonald’s is normal.
Eating it sitting facing each other on a private jet is not normal.
Got to show off the sponsors, it is in the contract.
Brought to you by Carl’s Junior
HAH! That got me 👍
Come on! Let the kiddo feel proud!!!111
‘McDonald’s has the biggest fries, the best fries. I helped them put the fries in the box, yes, me. McDonald’s has been with me every step of the way, even when all the wrong lesbians were being mean to me… Like, comment and vote if you want to see more of this wholesome Christian content… Elon here… Elon brought his own ketchup… It has bananas in it… I don’t know about that… Bananas in the ketchup… But he knows what he’s doing… And I trust his banana ketchup… I’m not going to eat it… The banana ketchup… But I trust him and his cars.’
Because daddy famously loves McDonald’s and he’s hoping that if he shows sufficient brand loyalty that eventually daddy will love him.
The sheer amount of untreated generational trauma in this photo is astounding. I can only imagine how much less fucked up the world would be if more rich fathers could be bothered to actually raise and love their kids.
Almost certainly because he knows it’ll “trigger the libs” and he’s a massive cunt.
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this is how you choose to spend the limited time you have
My guess is that these guys saw someone like Bernie coming down the line at some point, a populist left wing politician who would have basically ended the billionaires free-for-all in america, and they said ‘well we gotta take over the entire government to stop this’, and people fell for it.
Pretty much, I hope that by doing so they’ve escalated the end of Corporate America…
You think his children would want to hang out with him?
They want to hang for sure. Maybe him.
Not a single sauce opened, no bites taken, nothing removed from an annoying tray lip and placed on the table like a real person. No sign whatsoever that they are actually eating this junk. The half eaten fries are staged as eating without the ketchup that is right there on the tray is quite unlikely.
This is a staged ad. It is meant to be a message to others in corporate America, and for marketing to convenient idiots to quote the Russian term.
It’ both. The before eating pics are always more PR friendly. Trump loves McDonald’s because he has no taste
Apparently he eats so much McDonald’s because he’s paranoid about being poisoned and thinks sending someone there to get his food anonymously makes him more safe somehow. It makes you wonder where that paranoia came from once you also learn that this was first reported seven years ago.
Paranoia of some non-existent foe and right-wingers
Name a more iconic duo
Apparently like Warren buffet he will eat it.
Not sure about the rest of them
There’s no way these people are eating “peasants” food. This looks more like an ad
Yeah, I honesty call bullshit on a 78 year old constantly eating McDonald’s.
Kennedy spoke openly the other day that the food they eat on the plane is absolute crap that is either big macs or KFC. So this could be a staged photo, but also it would mean another member of the photo was bitching about it being real and is lying.
Fun fact: RFK jr plans to ban most of the ingredients of the junk food he is currently eating
That’s because most places don’t serve raw milk… yet.
Isn’t there a huge outbreak of salmonella or something because the maga sheep all dutifully followed RFKs raw milk nonsense?
“The stuff that he eats is really, like, bad,” he said on [a] podcast, in an episode that aired Tuesday. “Campaign food is always bad, but the food that goes onto that airplane is like just poison. You have a choice between—you don’t have the choice, you’re either given KFC or Big Macs. That’s when you’re lucky and then the rest of the stuff I consider kind of inedible.”
– RFK Jr. a few days ago
Edit: to be fair, his expression in this picture does make him look more than a little disgusted
Oh my god for a second there I almost felt empathy for him. The feeling passed quickly though.
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So he’s proposing banning seed oils and similar?
Yes he is, he wants to ban high fructose corn syrup and a lot of other things too
We’re going to see how that plays in Congress. Way too many special interests.
Why does the guy with the good idea also have all the worst ideas…gahhhh!!
Something something broken clock
I’d be okay with HFCS restrictions tbh. I wish I could get that without his other insane shit though
Republicans: We want to get rid of the elite in power.
i’m comforted by the fact that everyone in this picture despises everyone else in this picture. the thought that trump probably hates elmo because of his giant hands makes me happy
He’s totally hiding his tiny hands under the table. What’s he hiding under there? Very rude to not keep your hands visible while eating.
I love that the genesis of that was an article calling him a “short fingered vulgarian” aka a common thief but he was too uneducated to realize that and instead thought they were making fun of his small hands. He would send the author pictures of himself with his hands circled in gold sharpie trying to prove that his hands were actually of normal size. The internet then picked up the small hands thing and ran with it.
Do they a) have a McDonalds Kitchen on the plane b) eat warmed up Burgers and Frys c) eat lukewarm Burgers and Frys
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Trump loves McDonald’s. Remember the time he served it at the Whitehouse for some event?
or, possibly: d) all of the above
Who’s the red dress? Don’t recognize her?
As far as I can tell, this is a character from The Handmaid’s Tale series.
Based on a respective book, it tells about a dystopian society in which women are put to serve as nothing but baby machines, against their will.
It’s from The Handmaid’s Tale. Great TV show based on an amazing book that is all too relevant.
If you haven’t read or seen it, you should. Like right now. Before January 20th at least. Margaret Atwood made sure that everything that happens in the story is something that has happened (to women) at some point in history. Because she knew there would be men saying that it’s sensationalist, and would never happen… turns out all of it has happened.
Beware: it is harrowing. Very very very bad stuff. But sometimes it’s necessary to not turn away from these horrifying things. Especially when they’re happening again.
It’s like the authors of Project 2025 read it and used it as an instruction manual, rather than a warning.
I knew Grimace wasn’t too be trusted.
Nightmare blunt rotation
I mean, at least there’s a bunch of fries available.
Kennedy is not looking forward to the cabinet mushroom trip.
Kennedy did a shit ton of acid when he was young. I assume mushrooms as well. He would be the happiest of all of them to trip at the White House.
Set - interesting, kinda austere, bright.
Setting - Trump’s 2nd Cabinet plotting a facist rewrite of the Constitution your dad and uncle died trying to protect.
I love it, but just a quibble. I’ve always understood the “set” in “set and setting” to be the set of people you’re with. Couldn’t be much worse of a set. But an experienced pyschonaut like Kennedy should be about to power through.