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  • LostXOR
    384 months ago

    I was going to, but it turns out my clipboard actually has a password in it… Think I’ll sit this one out.

  • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    284 months ago


  • @AFallingAnvil@lemmy.ca
    194 months ago


    …enjoy my marvel snap deck I guess

  • 🐝bownage [they/he]
    164 months ago

    My clipboard was empty so here’s something I have pinned

    • Draconic NEO
      4 months ago

      I pinned an array of colored hearts in the pattern of the Agender flag, annotated to the Agender wiki page on Miraheze. Since I wanted to have a way to fetch it quickly when I want to use it.

      I bet you didn’t know there were grey hearts, I didn’t know that until recently.

        • Draconic NEO
          24 months ago

          Some devices don’t render emojis or render colored ones unfortunately.

      • 🐝bownage [they/he]
        14 months ago

        Love that!!

        Time to make enby & genderqueer heart flags and pin them 🙂‍↕️

        💜🤍💚 (we ran out of violet so this will do)

        • Draconic NEO
          14 months ago

          Awesome, what I would also do is to annotate them like this:
          (I used NonBinary wiki for these pages but you could use any of the Wikis).

          That way people can hover over them to see the link to the page describing what they are and visit it to learn more.

            • Draconic NEO
              14 months ago

              Oh that’s cool, I guess it makes sense since it’s the first search result. I’m glad I could help.

      • 🐝bownage [they/he]
        24 months ago

        I use SwiftKey keyboard and it lets you pin things to clipboard. I’m sure there’s other keyboard apps that do the same though.

  • @nature_man@lemmy.world
    114 months ago


    (Was in an argument with one of those brain dead culture war idiots who genuinely thinks that the latest god of war game had ““gone woke”” with its depictions of Odin & Thor, almost anyone can tell you that GoW’s Thor depiction is mythological accurate, but right-wingers also apparently take issue with the depiction of Odin as a behind-the-scenes plotter instead of an uber-stronk war god. Odin in the mythology is repeatedly shown to plot, scheme, and lie, when I brought this up, they called me a slur and asked me to provide a single instance of Odin intentionally plotting. In Skáldskaparmál, one of the stories is how Odin stole poetry for the gods and humans, he does this by plotting and lying.)