Counterpoint: I’ll simply give up if I can’t do it perfect right away. That’ll surely fill the gaping hole in my soul.
“you have to be ok with being really bad before you can become really good.”
“…or I can just never try!”
I’m starting to think 40 years of this mindset did some permanent damage to me and my future lol
If at first you don’t succeed, hide the evidence and deny everything
Mods, I’m being personally targeted!
It never will
Ah, fuck, then I give up.
Good! Surrender to being broken and beautiful ❤
I blame Yoda for their “do or do not; there is no try” maxim.
There was a ‘courage the cowardly dog’ episode about this exact thing
I understand that being comfortable in one’s own skin means being comfortable with being average, but… Can’t I also be amazing and the best and like, so cool? Why can’t I be well adjusted and also perfection incarnate?
the solution is viewing yourself as the ultimate being that does everything perfect first try, and if ot6ger people say otherwise, then they simply don’t understand your perfection.
a god complex is what i am saying
My god, that’s perfect! Wait, no, I’m perfect!
A lot of NPD moments in these comments. Glad that social media is finally accepting discussion about narcissistic thoughts.
Your framing still centers others as well as negativity. You should aim to please yourself with your efforts, and accept them as enough.
This is the real reason the Emperor’s Children fell to Chaos
Don’t fucking come for me like that wtf