No wonder billionaire Bruce Wayne fought against her so much.
because shes a mass murderer? she didnt even care about the earth until the 1990s
and even then, bruce wayne would expose the ceo and ruin his life without killing him (as seen in batman the animated series)
she didnt even care about the earth until the 1990s
People change!
Ivy didn’t change for the better. For example, Poison Ivy hates vegans for eating plants. The problem with that line of thinking is that cows are made of grass and corn, so eating a kilo of beef ends up using a lot more plants than a kilo. But Ivy hasn’t thought about that fact, because she doesn’t have a plan. She’s just angry.
She’s just angry
Considering the state of the world, I can’t blame her.
I get how she could be upset about eating leaves or roots, but fruits are made to be eaten!
Poison Angry. Maybe she should be killing the cows for eating the grass. What does she eat btw?
Maybe she photosynthesizes?
According to my “research” mostly Catwomen and Harley Quinn.
If you can’t handle her on her worst day…
Did any of Batman’s villains have characterization before the 90s? I thought they were just gimmicky villains-of-the-week.
Joker, Killer crock, and Penguin kinda had it. Batman the Animated series did a good job reinventing a lot of characters, a prome example is Mr. Freeze.
Exposing CEOs doesn’t do anything because the rich have the government in their pocket. Remember the Panama papers? Yeah, that accomplished nothing.
i didnt realise batman was a real guy in real life. huh.
at first I thought this was “out of context comics” but everybody knows the context
Spitting facts
The save the bees people need to fire their marketing dept. All it literally took was me finding out that wasps and Hornets can pick up the slack and will gladly do so - in order to get me donating to some local keepers
Imagine a world where hornets are kept to pollinate our food crops. Not a world I wanna live in.
so that’s what all the buzz is about
This, but for the lot of them.
One down…