Republican increasingly support for the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
According to a new Gallup poll, 19% of Republicans approve of Obamacare, the highest approval number since the poll began in 2012.
Additionally, 32% of Republicans believe the government has a responsibility to ensure health care coverage for all Americans, a significant jump from the 22% who said the same in 2020.
Funny that they voted against it.
I forget which Behind the Bastards episode first put me on to this but man, there’s such a long history of people in the US killing or trying to kill good projects because it helps the “wrong” people
🎵it’s the American waaaaay🎵
tbf i would expect a progressive party to vote against a policy that 81% of their constituents didn’t agree with
They’ve had their one shot to try and make “something better” but they’ve failed miserably. I doubt going into the next 4 years, that they’ve got anything better either.
They have the concept of a plan of something better.
If Trump actually made a better plan, I’d support it. A good bill is a good bill, no matter who presents it.
That being said I don’t think it’s likely.
I will eat a microwaved dog turd on a livestream if this happens.
They’re going to spend the next four years breaking things and stuffing money into any place that will hold it. They don’t know how to build jack shit.
What’s ironic is that stable governments protect rich people’s money. Unstable governments let rich people get killed by mobs and then seize their assets
They had multiple shots. They could easily have bill that replaces or worth something else, but they instead opted to remove it without alternative.
They have concepts of a plan. The real plan will be out in 2 weeks, give or take. If you ask about it, the timer starts over.
Some people believe “Trump fixed it,” because he said that.
(He didn’t. He actually made it harder to enroll.)
He made it harder to enroll for those people. Less people on the Obamacare, more for the right people
Likely the main reason this is rising is because it’s no longer a propaganda talking point. Because Trump has so many other that are more attention-grabbing.
I believe that we’ve flipped and propaganda now has greater weight on public opinion than factual reporting. And I think this rebound shows some data of the effect of propaganda, evidenced by factual reality (people like having healthcare more than not, shockingly) creeping to fill the space left by receding propaganda.
We’ll never have a scientifically-sound study that clearly measures the poll effects of propaganda because of definitional and exposure unreliability. So inferential data like this is fascinating.
Why can’t we have some benign entity propagandize objective reality and data-backed solutions for the common good?? Is that not the obvious solution?
Alt-right brain rot is terminal now.
That’s the only practical solution. Education would have been the answer, but that ship has sailed.
These people don’t know what’s good for them. Listen to terrible sources. And so we all suffer. I wish I could separate from them.
keep obama’s name out of it and it would poll higher.
They’re the ones who gave it that name.
so they know what they’re supposed to hate.
a poll asking about ‘affordable care act’ only, with no mention of ‘obamacare’ will get significantly different responses than one that does reference president obama.
That really shows just how childish the Republican base is. Liberals aren’t lying when they say these people only listen to buzzwords.
But it would still be a shitty Republican substitute for M4A
A lot of polling found support for the ACA jumped when it was referred to by its actual name and not OBamacare
So, Romneycare?
As they vote for repealing Obamacare.
Well, it’s still only 19 percent approval. This country is so messed up.
Thanks Obama, for real though I’m on board with repeal and replace, cause this aint shit.
But I’m not aboard with “Repeal and bring back pre-existing conditions!”, but that seems to be all the Greedy Old Pricks have got up their sleeves.
People forget what the originally Obamacare was supposed to be. Republicans are the ones who watered it down. If they replace it, it will be with nothing.
It’s gonna be gone right? Are there any senators expected to want to keep it?
It was originally a Republican plan and they lack object permanence so I’m not surprised
We’re so lucky Trump saved it from…
At least 12 year high**********