
Progressives criticized House Democrats for choosing Rep. Gerry Connolly over Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for the top Democratic seat on the House Oversight Committee.

The 131-84 vote, reportedly influenced by former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, sparked backlash against the party’s “gerontocracy,” with critics like MSNBC’s Joy Reid and others arguing it prioritizes seniority over fresh ideas.

Connolly defended the decision, citing his experience, but progressives argued it reflects the Democratic Party’s resistance to change, hindering its ability to address future challenges and energize younger voters.

    533 months ago

    The ol battle axe was in hospital recovering from hip replacement surgery, but Pelosi still has the heart of a true leader, and managed to get a “young 74 year old” the seat. Way to go Democrats! You fucking idiots are why we have trump part deux.

      133 months ago

      It’s been far less reported but they did almost the exact same thing to Katie Porter in California. She was another rising star that got snuffed out by the DNC machine. They redistrict her seat and then they locked her out of the Senate election and pushed one of their elites in her place.

      It was almost an exact repeat of what happened to Nina Turner in Ohio in 2021. Everywhere they can the Democrats lock out progressives. The Democratic party does not give one single shit. All they care about is the money and power they get as politicians. Everything they say is lip service.

    473 months ago

    Democrats don’t deserve anymore support. We’ve got to get a party for the working class. It’s just corporate whores in the GOP and DNC.

      123 months ago

      The problem with a winner-take-all system like the Electoral College is that if you do not vote for the Democratic Party, you’re just underpinning the Republican Party. The unfortunate truth is that every progressive who sat out the November election for various reasons helped put Trump back in the WH. The Electoral College has to go for a third party to be viable.

        3 months ago

        Or you punish the party by removing its political support, until it properly represents your interests and if it is reluctant to do so, you keep organizing for a third party until it takes over.

        The claim that the people not voting Dems helped Trump has to be put equally towards everyone that kept voting them no matter what, until they alienated so many people that a candidate like Trump could win. And Trump didnt win once. Hew won twice. The Dems chose to give Trump the victory over reforming themselves to address working class issues. And with all the talk about he would be the end to Democracy they made a point of showing that donors get their way, not normal voters. So their priorities have been made clear.

        You can only keep drinking so much, until the hangover comes. But the longer you delay it, the harder it will hit

        43 months ago

        Sure on the national level that’s true, but on the local level third parties can definitely make big gains in areas that are safe democrat seats traditionally. Then from there you fight to implement those kinds of systems at the local level and work up from there.

      53 months ago

      If you’re interested in that you can always check out the DSA and see if they have a local chapter in your area. They’re not a political party right now but imo if anything is gonna form a true labor third party in the US it will most likely come from there.

      • DSA won’t ever work because of branding and propaganda. The general populance sees the word socialism and they reject it - morons. It would have to be rebranded as like the American labor party or something that fuckwits won’t associate with fascism.

          13 months ago

          That’s definitely a problem but that hasn’t stopped DSA members/endorsed candidates from winning elections at the local level. Which I think is really the only way a party can build momentum, starting from the bottom and working up. And I mean a labor party would have the same issue because as soon as any kind of left of Democrats party gains momentum the media will immediately start attacking them as socialist. So that’s just a problem that needs to be challenged by showing the popular things we would want to do and fighting back against the stigma associated with that cause no matter what that stigma is gonna be there.

    433 months ago

    The progress wing should leave the party. Force the dems to come crawling or show their hands as sleeper Republicans

    403 months ago

    why are the fucking boomers so resistant of letting go of power? pelosi is 84 years old, she belongs in a nursing house, not politics

      163 months ago

      As with most people in that position, they’ve been fucking over people for so long that they’re terrified of someone turning the tables on them. Hence gathering ungodly amounts of wealth and insulating themselves from the world.

    • Optional
      53 months ago

      It’s sad but true - and a very old story.

      Just like, hey here’s 100,000 no strings attached oh can you be at our vote on Thursday? - is a very old story.

      43 months ago

      They’re like cats with claws stuck in something. They don’t even understand that letting go is a thing they could do

    263 months ago

    Yeah fuck the Democrats. I’m not giving the DNC or any mainstream PACs any more money. It’ll all go through AOC and Bernie from here on out. (Not that my meager contributions mean much to the DNC Corporate whores.)

  • TheLowestStone
    253 months ago

    I’ll believe they are “up in arms” as soon as they actually do anything.

    233 months ago

    I’m not actually that surprised a vote by a bunch of politicians was decided based on politics and not which candidate was a better fit.

    183 months ago

    There is NO TIME to do something about the Democratic party better than NOW.

    Nothing much going on, no major elections, let’s just get ourselves in shape for 2028. Or 2032 of it takes that long, but DAMNIT, let’s get started!

    They want a leadership power struggle? They want to play games, like everything’s ok, “This is fine?” Let’s not. Instead of expressing disgust, wringing our hands, shaking our heads, let’s start something new. RIGHT NOW.

    Because even a year from now would be too late.