Not saying it was a bad game, I’ve beaten it, but it was originally not a Mario game, hence the joke
Interestingly enough, originally it WAS a Mario game, during initial development! Doki Doki Panic started as an engine test for a new Mario game with vertical scrolling in addition to horizontal scrolling. It was swapped to Fuji TV characters shortly after, mid development… and then ironically switched BACK to Mario for the US release!
Donkey Donkey Picnic will always be my SMB2!
I’ve always hated the American SMB2. I was surprised when I got older and found that it has a lot of passionate fans. To each their own!
Don King Kong.
Every obscure gaming secrets video back in the day.
It will forever be the real Mario 2 to me, though. Let’s be for real, Lost Levels is like Super Mario 1.5.