I used to be one of those “serial Monogamists”, which is just a pretty way of saying “severely codependent”.
After my first serious relationship in high school, I never went more than 6 months between relationships, of which there were a total of three between the ages of 18 and 30. The last one lasted 8 years and after getting away I realized I was happy for about 4 of them.
I’ve been single for almost two years now and for the first time in my life, I feel like I truly understand what it means to live for myself and not have my #1 focus and priority be another person.
Feels good.
I eventually realized there’s no one that’s made me consistently happier than I was just being single. All my relationships have come with so much extra baggage that just wasn’t worth the trouble.
My man!
You can start by not using this font ever again
Why? Is it hard to read? I thought it was pretty legible
A bit, but I’m joking lol
That is an enormous electrical receptacle.
It’s a bug-sized bug, so seems to be a normal sized outlet haha
If anything, it’s either a small outlet or a huge fucking bug
Looks like a normal sized palmetto bug to me.
Yeah, don’t take the table, barrel or burger as reference for the size. It’s one of the jokes in that Spongebob episode that Spongebob prepares a tiny burger for this bug.
Code violation too…what restaurant in the 21st century doesn’t use grounded outlets? I don’t even think it’s polarized. And it’s only like two inches off the ground.
But then again we are dealing with Mr. Krabs here.
I mean it is kind of true. If you’re not going to be good to others you might as well be good to yourself. On the flip side of things, you should be good to yourself regardless because you need to look out for yourself first because after all there’s not very many people at all you can count on to have your best interests in mind.
We can all date ourselves by realizing that this episode is old enough to drink