I know this is a shit post, but scribble dry erase marker over it.
Hand sanitizer works great too!
This is the answer. Shit works so well I routinely just use sharpies to write on mirrors or windows when I need to. Any surface that’s glass, metal, or in a pinch hard plastic if it’s not going to sit too long. Come in later with dry erase. Fantastic way to leave notes on the mirror. Dry erase won’t hold up to the steam in a shower if it’s something that needs to be there for a bit, like an on going list, daily affirmations or some shit, or reminders.
China markers are perfect for this. I made this move a few years ago to mark my left overs in the fridge.
China markers come off when rubbed intentionally, unlike dry erase that erase with the slightest incidental rub.
Permanent markers can “bake” on in the dishwasher (as can dry erase) where China markers rub off.
OOOH, that china. I was like what a peculiar name 😂
Aka grease pencils but I’ve always known them as China markers.
My phone keeps auto correcting to capitalize China and I just am too lazy to fix it.
I’ll check these out! Never heard of em
Uh can’t you just use the reminder app on your phone?
How would they use the reminder app on their phone to write on their mirror in permanent ink
No, you write on your reminder app in permanent ink. Duh
I have actually used sharpies to write on my phone screen, for like, super important shit that I need to make sure not to figure when I wake up. Often, notifications get ignored or forgotten about
You people are weird. Why not just like tape a note to it? That seems less destructive.
Because it’s not destructive at all. It wipes away just like dry erase, except it doesn’t wipe away until you want it to.
Learned about years ago when I worked a job packing bags for a prison commissary. Would write the inmates name on the plastic packaging in sharpie. If you made a mistake you could erase it. Works a charm.
omfg duh
Have they tried checking the App Store?
I ignore most notifications on my phone, other than like active shit, like phone calls. Most notifications are turned off, and I’m not in the habit of actually reading notifications. It’s better for my mental health not to rely on them. I use older school methods for most shit.
Any alcohol like methanol, ethanol, isopropanol
Other two much safer than methanol
Methanol and isopropanol have super similar lethal doses if you’re drinking them
I think I remember hearing methanol got most of its bad rep (over IPA) because it was commonly produced with the ethanol when moonshine was made by inexperienced people. During prohibition, people would go to these inexperienced distillers because of the low cost (or even try doing it themselves) and get sick.
It is also used to “denature” (make unfit for consumption) ethanol for industrial use to be exempt from alcohol taxes. Bittering agents are more common now though, especially when the product is consumer facing and the residue left by the agent isn’t important.
Yeah in Australia at least ethanol is denatured with denatonium and methylated spirits no longer contains methanol
You’re not going to absorb enough to be dangerous using it to clean something like this, and if you’re drinking the stuff, well…at least the methanol warns you before it kills you
Alcohol or other solvents like Acetone work, but another easy trick a lot of people aren’t aware of is to go over a permanent marker with a dry erase marker, and then wipe it off.
I shit you not, it works. We tested this across several whiteboards. First in inconspicuous spots, then on main parts of the board. Occasionally there was some residue remaining if the permanent marker stayed on for long, but the solvent they use in dry erase markers also erases permanent marker material.
YMMV on a tape measure though…
Even though this is a dick joke, I’d use isopropyl or ethanol no higher than 70%. Acetone tends to strip/degrade paint and if on a plastic substrate could degrade the plastic.
Source: I work in an analytical lab for plastics and paints and I have made many mistakes.
Acetone will work if nothing else works, but it’s just as likely to strip the underlaying paint off. You can mostly use alcohol to clean it and apply some acetone just on the actual stain with a qtip, that makes it less likely to be noticeable.
Itll work but…It’s sharpie. I can take sharpie off a smooth surface with a kimwipe and elbow grease. Acetone is overkill and likely to damage your surface if it’s paint or plastic yo. Use a less aggressive solvent. Also we’ve destroyed a whiteboard or two with acetone.
No but if you’re looking to sell it, I need to do some measuring that it would be perfect for
I’m surprised that someone isn’t selling measuring devices specifically for the penis
I recall a website from the web 1.0 days that sold rulers, soda cans, and other common everyday objects that were specially manufactured to be smaller than the actual object. The intent was to show someone your penis pic with an undersized soda can to make it look bigger.
I used to joke with a friend that we should start a business selling rulers that were inaccurate so that there was about 1/2 to 3/4 inch between the inch marks. We could have been rich
I understand it with teenage boys, but I have always been fascinated with guys being so obsessed over how big their cock is. Seems to be common knowledge that women don’t really care because it feels no different to them. You will rarely hear a women talk about one that was so big that it hit their cervix.
Or when you do, they talk about it negatively like “ouchie it was too big.” Sometimes ppl do prefer a girthier hog though.
Sounds like something someone with a little PP would say
Just write the name of your coworker in between.
Gasoline, and if that doesn’t work - Acetone
Acetone might take the other markings off too. I’d try Isopropanol.
Just go straight up brake-cleaner, take off the yellow as well
And if it still doesn’t work apply a flame (may reduce reuse potential but will definitely remove existing markings).
And if it still doesn’t work, apply a hydraulic press (may reduce reuse potential but will definitely be exciting).
Setting it on fire I see.
Pre rat penis transplant
I was uh measuring the minimum radius of soft versus hard PC water cooling tubing. Yeah that tracks…
Draw over it with a dry erase marker, then wipe it off.
If you have a whiteboard marker, you can draw over it and then erase it. Works wonders.
This is why woman can’t estimate length. They’re shown 3" and told it’s 6".
I don’t think it’s going to be very useful to anybody unfortunately…
Sometimes ethanol (i.e. rubbing alcohol) works.
If not, try acetone, same thing used to remove nail polish.
I’m certainly not impressed with the measured length at hard
That took me a while. My first thought was it was an ad hoc durometer gage for cushion foam or jello or something, but the scale was backwards…
Anyway. Isopropanol/isopropyl-alcohol/that-shit-in-the-medicine-cabinet will take care of it. I use it all the time.