Brazil’s government decried the US after dozens of deportees arrived on a plane in handcuffs. The Brazilian justice minister called it a “blatant disrespect” of their rights.
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Don’t worry Brazil we also decry the US and we live here.
Don’t worry
Actually, do worry!
“blatant disrespect” of their rights… Yeah, that’s the subtext of this administration.
Trump II: blatant disrespect of their rights.
Coming to an everywhere near you!
This is going to have such long lasting impact
All that influence and goodwill the US accumulated after WWII is going to dust
As Putin planned.
Not to forget Xi. This doesnt happen without Pooh bear. They have played US for absolute fools.
Don’t worry too much over it. Many of us understand it’s only your president deciding on your behalf. Bridges can be rebuilt when you get a decent person in office. We depend too much on each other to let one single man with a stupid agenda break us apart. Funnily enough, it seems Trump is uniting everyone below the border. I don’t think he projected that far into the consequences.
But then every 4 years there’s basically the risk of shit hitting the fan again. Any agreement or treaty or deal can be just dropped if the next guy doesn’t like it. Very little incentive for anyone to agree to anything in that case.
Yes. Very little reason to trust the United States now. Countries will tend to get very transactional with the US, and shift their allegiances to China or EU
Bridges can be rebuilt when you get a decent person in office.
This the major defect of US governance that is being laid bare now. American presidentialism puts too much power on the hands of the president, which can result in schizophrenic foreign policy
It’s not just the president. Biden deported more people than trump did in his first term, Obama deported more than any president before him. The US empire continues regardless of who is in power. The only thing that changes is whether the fox smiles before he kills you or the wolf bares its teeth.
The children in cages at the border from the first time come to mind.
Honestly, I think that the kid cages is much worse. The kids didn’t make any of the decisions that put them in that position. They should be treated far better.
I was in a similar situation once and I sincerely appreciate your sympathy. The hostility is not worth it and I wish everyone crossing the border would have that vividly in mind going in. It’s easy to prioritize higher wages and a slightly more stable future for your children with complete disregard of your treatment. To a kid, that leaves a big mark. I have mine.
Always a good idea to separate trump supporters from the normal americans who hate this stuff as much as the people it happens to.
Even with fascism having an uptick, most people hate this shit.
Even with fascism having an uptick, most people hate this shit.
Plenty to hate it, but still not enough to act to keep it from happening, please continue to roast us until these fuckwhits can’t win an election…assuming we get more of those that are real
Just saying, it actually happened under Biden too:
And Obama, and would’ve happened under Harris. Democrats are not pro-immigration and I don’t think they’ve ever been in my working memory. I had family deported under Obama and the treatment was awfully degrading on so many levels. And yet this level of anti-immigration coming from Trumplethinskin is somehow worse. Fuck the dude.
It sucks because it’s performative.
“Look at me being mean to these poor people”.
The more terrible was more terrible than the less terrible. But at least I get to claim the moral high ground… Dumbass
Their first mistake was thinking Donnie Shitbag’s admin thinks they’re human. Their second mistake was thinking they care.
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Source? While they may have some corruption, they also have functioning judiciaries and laws in place to protect civil rights. It’s not like they just execute people for minor violations
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I uh, think they were talking about Brazil… Also it’s not exactly novel that governments care more about how other countries treat their citizens than they do about how they treat their citizens.
no you see “not USA” is this amorphous “other” where you get to pick and choose parts from different countries and jerk yourself off about how great USA is.
Frankly I’m impressed this guy knew so many countries.
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Weird how the population is fleeing in masse from such a utopia.
Undocumented immigration is not a felony, not even a misdemeanor. It’s a civil infraction, equivalent in severity to a traffic ticket.
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