Something something Hillary E-Mails something something lock her up. Does this mean we can lock up Trump now?
Hahaha consequences, like most big scary 4-syllable words, roll off Dumpty Trumpy like water on a duck’s back.
Honestly? We really should be chanting to Lock Him Up by now. Seemed to work pretty well for them
Does anyone know? Is it people just emailing
Certainly seems that way, and I can only think of 3 reasons for that.
- Incompetence, whoever set it up doesn’t know how to limit the email group to only authorized or even just internal-only emails.
- An oversight, same scenario as the first, but just a step missed in the setup process as opposed to incompetence.
- Whoever set it up purposely didn’t set it up correctly so this exact scenario would occur.
Wait can anyone email this or just internal addresses? Asking for a friend…
Seems like anyone can based on what I read online
The level of stupidity here is reaching levels I didn’t think possible. There may yet be hope for America.
Cool. Now when (if) he leaves office well now have back doors all over the place within our national tech systems.
You say exploit I say feature.
Idk, sounds empathetic to me
This is bloody beautiful.
I love it, however it also applies to pretty much every job I’ve ever had and I’ve never had a government job.