
Kurdish officials warn that US aid cuts could trigger an Islamic State (IS) resurgence in north-east Syria, where thousands of suspected IS members and families are held in camps.

Blumont, a Virginia-based aid group managing the al-Hol and al-Roj IS detention camps, received a stop-work order on 24 January from the US state department, causing panic when aid workers failed to show up.

The US granted a temporary waiver, but future assistance remains uncertain.

Officials fear worsening conditions could lead to radicalization and IS sleeper cell attacks.

    1 month ago

    The camp holds the relatives of suspected IS fighters and is mostly populated by women and children. Rights groups have for years warned that detainees are held arbitrarily without charges in inhumane and substandard living conditions.

    No charges have been raised against the camp’s population. Despite this, they are unable to leave,

    Article headline is absolutely disgusting propaganda.