I mean, hows he going to recognize him either way? Not like he raised Luke at all.
he saw him maskless before dying
fair… but his face was all fucky so idk
is head was, but his face was still very recognizable
The dude behind the mask looked totally different
A wizardthe force did it.Young Luke kind of looks like young Anakin so maybe he saw the family resemblance?
I’m not gonna argue there weren’t some overreaches in the special editions. The creature stuff was probably too much though I did love the starfighter shots.
This though I’m pretty much fine with these days. The way I see it Vader almost never saw himself without the mask since he needed it to live outside that special chamber that had no mirrors in it I could see. So once he came back to the light and became a force ghost why wouldn’t he project the image of himself as Anakin that he knew best? Obi-wan and Yoda had many years to get used to their old bodies and so naturally would project them, but Anakin essentially stopped existing when he woke up in the suit, so of course he goes back to that when he gets rid of it.
Just be thankful they didn’t have deepfake technology back then or they absolutely would have swapped his face into the mask removal scene.
When Obiwan died his clothes fell to the ground, so shouldn’t his ghost be naked?
He also disappeared, so shouldn’t his ghost be invisible?
Turns out that Ewoks treat their guests to the finest herbs on Endor.
When Qui-Gon died, his clothes didn’t fall to the ground. Why not? Vader, Yoda, and Obi Wan all disappeared. So did Luke, iirc…I only watched the post-trilogy once. Leah when full on deus ex machina.
I know no one didn’t before Qui-Gon but wtf man?
He picked up ghost clothes
you wish he was
We’re digitally replacing Alec Guiness with Ewan Mcgregor, right?
sure sure
Luke never saw his father except in that one moment where he took the helmet off. And the “thing” behind the mask didn’t look like Sebastian Shaw as force ghost either.
Watchers from the prequel generation (like me) recognize Hayden, but I didn’t know who the fuck that old dude was when he appeared when I was 10 and when they haven’t replaced him yet.
Are the Younglings in Force heaven too?
Would they recognize Anakin? 😏
“You killed all of us as children”
“Awkward this is”
Force ghost =/= force heaven. The kids are somewhere better, while Anakin is stuck as a ghost.
Canonical heaven is the merger of soul with the origin, the universe, and everything, aka Gawwwwwwwddddd, becoming one with eternity, past, future, and present.
That is, apparently, what happens to everyone with midichlorians until Qui-Gon figured out how to maintain and project a personality from it. They are, effectively, the “angels” of Star Wars. Not necessarily separate from The Force but a personality in their own right within it, for a time. Apparently it’s harder after time passes and the personality loses direct connections with the current state of the galaxy.
The neat thing about that, beyond the typical Westernization of Eastern belief systems that is the Star Wars Force philosophy, is that that interpretation is actually pretty interesting with the revisioning of the Sith as some kind of dark and twisted pursuit of eternal life instead of an acceptance of your place in the cosmos/ as part of of Gawwwwwwddd’s/TheForces plan/self/servant/whatever. Kind of a reimagining of the Evil Necromancer.
Well then those kids are one with Anakin so they wouldn’t care about his past or something… Force angel forgiveness maybe? Idk how it works tbh
Doubtful, eh, though a humorous take. I had the notion that the reason you see yoda, anakin, and obi-wan was because they had left such an impression on the force. Super powerful jedi, lots of effects on the galaxy. What you as the viewer (through the lens of the character) are seeing is the force itself, in its ‘mysteries’ and movements, with the image of those people, rather like if you were looking at a pool of water and see a shape of a person on the surface after a person shaped rock had been dropped in.
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To be fair, this was changed so that the AUDIENCE could know who it was.
For example, the 1980s movie Firefox takes place mostly in Soviet Russia, but everyone speaks English. This was done so the audience could clearly understand what was being said and what is happening. There are instances where it is simply assumed that if that particular situation was real, the characters would actually be speaking in Russian and not English.
For Star Wars, the audience could only assume the mysterious third Force Ghost was Anakin, but could have been confused as to who it was if they were not paying close attention or if they had missed some parts of the movie. After the prequels released, it could have been more confusing to leave it that way since the original actor looks nothing like an aged Hayden, so the actor was changed. There also could have been a likeness or royalty deal that needed to be renegotiated and it may have been faster/cheaper/better to simply have Hayden instead.
Suspends disbelief to accept magical space wizards that can mind rape you if you’re not careful enough.
Different looking ghost… aww hell no!
The thing about the mind rape wizards is you can’t protect yourself from them by being careful, it’s all about being “strong willed” which sure sounds like victim blaming to me.
They shouldn’t have worn those slutty thoughts or doubted their reality for a second.
As adult Vader it shows he had turned to the light side
As Anakin before he turned evil it shows he never redeemed himself
The way i always looked at it was that the appearance didn’t really matter. Either luke just instinctively knew that it was his father because if the fact that he appeared next to yoda and obi-wan, or he knew it was his father because he could sense it in the force that it was in fact him.
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