Last Saturday, Adrián Simancas was kayaking with his father, Dell, in Bahía El Águila near the San Isidro Lighthouse in the Strait of Magellan when a humpback whale surfaced, engulfing Adrián and his yellow kayak for a few seconds before letting him go.
Dell, just meters (yards) away, captured the moment on video while encouraging his son to stay calm.
“Stay calm, stay calm,” he can be heard saying after his son was released from the whale’s mouth.
“I thought I was dead,” Adrián told The Associated Press. “I thought it had eaten me, that it had swallowed me.”
Unlikely you’ll ever be in this situation but fun fact: Whales have enormous mouths but itty bitty throats. They can’t swallow anything larger than a grapefruit so unless it hauls in your infant? You’ll probably be fine if you stay calm. Just maybe a little traumatized.
Unless it dives with you in its mouth.
Maybe, but it also depends on how long you can keep your breath. I doubt you will be fine if it dives.
Do they always spit out stuff that’s too big? I put stuff that’s bigger than my throat in my mouth all the time. That’s what chewing is for.
Humpback whales don’t have teeth to chew with. They have baleen that acts like a sieve … the whale takes a mouthful of water, then pushes out the water out through the baleen, leaving krill (small fish) inside.
Can I subscribe to more whale facts?
Whales-R-Us always has great sails.
Yeah, this is less of an eat and more of a mouthwash.
I think I have a different definition of the word “swallowed”.
That’s what she said.
Help me out, best I can come up with is “gargled”, and man does that really change the meaning of the headline for me.
Chewed? Masticated? Nibbled? Tasted?
Something something Jonah?
A whale ain’t no “big fish.”
Imagine adding, “briefly swallowed by a whale” to your CV…
I don’t know if you’re joking, but I absolutely, 100% would.
As a porn actor.
Damn, that pancho hoodie on point
“Sorry dude! My bad! We good?”
“From a distance, you looked like krill.”
That was my first thought when it resurfaced that second time, lol
Woops! My bad. Let me just check for a sec on ya.
“Wait, you’re not plankton.”
I’ll stick to kayaking fresh water. All I gotta worry about are gators and Florida Man.
I dunno. Imo Florida man and gators kill way more people than humpback whales do. I mean the whale just spits you out alive, albeit with big brown stains on your pants.
The whale shits your pants!
Just like Florida Man.
I think it was a few years ago a diver was swallowed and instead of just letting him go, he was spat out 15ft into the air. Way more terrifying.
Swallow can also mean envelope.
The video is wild to watch!
I have never felt more justified in being afraid of the ocean. I even used to be a keen kayaker
He survived just fine…